O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    November 28, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

The Sims Online & "Open Source" Gaming Models

    One of my old friends sent me a recent story from Business2 that talks
    about [0]online gaming, combined with The Sims Online and community
    involvement in a game. It's not a very substantive piece, but a good
    discussion starter. 
    0. http://www.business2.com/articles/web/0,1653,45665,FF.html

Relativity Finally Meets Quantum Theory?

    prion86 writes "Physisist Fotini Markopoulou Kalamara (try saying that
    3 times fast) believes she has found a way to blend relativity with
    quantum theory. The [0]article can be found on the [1]Scientific
    American site." 
    1. http://www.sciam.com

Amnesty Calls Shenannigans on MS, Sun, Cisco

    [0]ZurichPrague writes "[1]Amnesty International is claiming Microsoft,
    Sun, Nortel and Cisco, among others, have broken the law by selling
    filtering technology to China, helping that country implement its
    censorship. Is Amnesty right? Making the technology is fine, but if we
    know that it could be used for ill, aren't we bound to not sell to some
    countries and companies? [2]C/Net has the story [3]here." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.amnesty.org/
    2. http://news.com/
    3. http://news.com.com/2100-1023-975517.html

Firefly Likely to be Cancelled

    [0]rscrawford writes "[1]Zap2It is [2]reporting that Firefly, one of
    the best science fiction shows to make it on to network television in
    recent years, is going on hiatus: read, getting canceled. Well, it was
    an interesting, well-written, provocative and intelligent show on Fox;
    is anyone therefore surprised that they're doing away with it? It
    lasted a lot longer than I thought it would. At least they're going to
    show the original 2-hour pilot in December. (And yet, somehow, Just
    Shoot Me continues...)" 
    0. mailto:rscrawford.mossroot@com
    1. http://tv.zap2it.com/
    2. http://tv.zap2it.com/news/tvnewsdaily.html?29147

Broadband's Unintended Consequences

    [0]Makarand writes "[1]BBC News is reporting on the result of a long
    term study conducted to find how ordinary people and small businesses
    in and around London and Leeds used broadband. They [2]found that
    broadband was actually slowing down user interaction with the Net as
    they are no longer afraid of spending too much time online anymore.
    People did not really care about the speed at which they could download
    from the Net. Broadband's selling points- like speed and the capacity
    to be always-on, were something that the average person did not care
    0. mailto:{theJunt-a(@)HotMail.}
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/
    2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2504257.stm

Slashback: Panama, Leeches, Comeuppance

    Slashback tonight with more on "anti-leech" anti-browser technology,
    Panamanian VoIP blocking, the Magic Box fraud, and LotR battle scene
    creation, fighting back against PanIP, and more. Read on below for the
    details, and (if applicable) have a good holiday. 

Will Open Source Ever Become Mainstream?

    [0]Prabhu Ramachandran asks: "I am a graduate student at the University
    of California at Berkeley and as part of a course project I am trying
    to gather comments on the following question: Will the Open Source and
    Free Software communities develop software that will find widespread
    adoption amongst the mainstream, or is such software, by its nature,
    suitable only for sophisticated users? As part of my literature survey
    I found an academic perspective that seemed to indicate that open
    source projects do not reach the mainstream because the developers tend
    to listen only to their smartest customers. There also seems to be a
    lack of detailed documentation and an easy-to-use interface which
    normally attract the not-so-sophisticated users. I would like to hear
    the thoughts of Open Source developers and others on this issue. If you
    would like to view my references or the comments posted on a website
    hosted for this purpose, please visit [1]my website." There have
    already been some interesting comments posted on his website. What is
    your take on this issue? 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://lma.berkeley.edu/~prabhu/opensource.htm

Linux Spurs MS Price Cuts

    jimb writes "Yahoo! [0] reports: 'What's happening is that Microsoft
    sales reps have been instructed to be on the lookout for any businesses
    that are migrating some of their machines to the Lindows OS,' Yankee
    Group analyst Laura DiDio told NewsFactor. 'If [the sales reps] think
    there's a real threat of some pretty large numbers of defections to
    open source, they can request authorization from Microsoft higher-ups
    to offer steeply discounted pricing."' I wonder how many businesses
    will now start pondering aloud the possibility ... I'm sure OS X is on
    MS's mind as well. 
    0. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nf/20021127/bs_nf/20105

All Source Code Should Be Open, Revisited

    [0]cconnell writes "In my [1]last article, I presented the idea that
    all commercial source code should be open. In other words, part of the
    delivery package for any software purchase should be a copy of the
    source files. If everyone saw software vendors' design and coding, the
    vendors might stop shipping us such lousy programs. The article
    generated a fair amount of controversy. My [2]latest piece follows up
    on this idea and includes a few adjustments that respond to reader
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.developer.com/article.php/1452091
    2. http://www.developer.com/article.php/1548611

Optical Cellphones

    [0]foondog writes "Here is a [1]story over at News.com about optical
    cellphones. It seems that the Department of Defense has given a grant
    to the University of California to develop optical cellphones that are
    faster and more secure. This sounds a little strange to me since you
    would need a line of site with no obstacles in the way to use this. The
    article doesn't explain how this might work." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1033-975513.html?tag=fd_nbs_comm

AdaSockets 1.4.1 

    AdaSockets is a library that lets you use sockets in Ada 95. It
    supports unicast and multicast sockets, and uses object oriented
    structures to ease sockets manipulation. 

AFPL Ghostscript 8.00 

    Ghostscript is a processor for PostScript and PDF files. It can
    rasterize these files to a wide variety of printers, devices for screen
    preview, and image file formats. Since applications tend to prepare
    pages for printing in a high-level format such as PostScript, most Unix
    users with low-level bitmap printers, such as inkjets, use GhostScript
    as part of the printing process. In addition, Ghostscript is capable of
    converting PostScript files, functionality comparable to Adobe Acrobat
    Distiller, but on the command line. In addition, Ghostscript is used
    for file import and viewing by a great many other applications,
    including xv, ImageMagick, gimp, and xdvi. Several GUI wrappers for
    viewing PostScript and PDF files exist, including GSview, ghostview,
    gv, ggv, and kghostview. This is far from a comprehensive list. 

Agent Farms 0.2.0 

    Agent Farms is a system for modeling and simulation of complex,
    multi-agent based systems. The system can be used for creating models
    of multi-agent systems, interactive and distributed simulation,
    observation and visualisation of the simulation, and population
    modification and migration. On those models one can learn about the
    evolution of strategies in the populations of agents. 

AJ's Internet Cafe for LTSP 0.1 

    AJ's Internet cafe is a full featured and complete open-source internet
    cafe system for use with the LTSP thin client solution. 

aldap 0.09-1 

    aldap is designed as a groupware, Web-based, central contact manager.
    It can supplement end-users' personal address books or stand alone. It
    includes Perl scripts to create an empty LDAP tree ready for data
    entry, or if you have an existing Outlook contact database, import them
    easily. Its features include Add Organizational Units, Add entry,
    Search, View, Print, Modify, Delete, VCard export, Outlook conversion
    tools, plenty of end user help, and more. 

ALE 0.1.0 

    ALE aligns and merges several similar images from a digitizing device
    (such as a digital camera or scanner) into a single image. This may
    have the effect of producing a relatively alias-free image (sometimes
    called "anti-aliasing"). 

AppWrap 0.07 

    AppWrap is a self-organizing Content Management System using a Web GUI
    and an SQL table as its fundamental building blocks. The site
    administrator creates a table in SQL, then runs a script to store
    information about the table. Users can then add and edit data stored in
    the table, as well as sort and filter it, chart it, calendar it, and
    track changes. Reports also are easily created and displayed onscreen.
    Data can be downloaded in a spreadsheet-friendly format. AppWrap is
    intended for companies wanting to manage mildly dynamic data without
    the labor of hand-coding and managing multiple CGI forms and templates,
    or the expense of CRM systems. 

Archi´s Homepagehoster Admintool 0.4c (Development)

    Archi´s Homepagehoster Admintool (!aha!) is a HTML based tool
    which Web hosting providers can run on their servers. !aha! allows the
    customers to administer various features of their hosting accounts. At
    the moment, only the email administration is implemented. 

Avoid The Roid 3D 0.1.1 

    Avoid The Roid 3D is a 3D asteroids-like multiplayer game. The player
    flies around in a three dimensional space, shooting asteroids and other
    ships while trying to avoid running into any of them or being shot. 

bigloo 2.5c 

    Bigloo is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It
    relies on an optimizing compiler from Scheme to C. Bigloo enables
    connections between Scheme code and C code. It proposes many extensions
    to Scheme such as a regular parser compiler, an lalr parser compiler,
    pattern matching, an object layer, etc. 

Biomolecule Toolkit 0.2 

    The Biomolecule Toolkit is an Open Source library for the structural
    modeling of biological macromolecules. The toolkit provides a C++
    interface for common tasks in computational structural biology, to
    facilitate the development of molecular modeling, design, and analysis

Borges Documents Management System 0.7.6 

    Borges is an open-source project aimed at XML-aware documentation
    projects which care about internationalisation, reusable contents,
    teamwork, etc. The system currently support the DocBook DTD. 

Coriander 0.27.1 (Stable)

    Coriander is a GUI that let you control your 1394 digital video camera
    interactively. It features SDL display, FTP image posting, file saving,
    and Real streaming. It is for IIDC cameras, not for consumer grade DV

course 0_5b 

    course is a program for sports events (in French). It is divided into
    two parts, a server and a client written with GTK+ 2. Runners are
    sorted by their position and by a unique ID. 

CRM114 Filter 2002-11-26 

    CRM114 is a generalized filter. It is useful for spam filtering, syslog
    monitoring, and other common tasks. CRM114 is a mutating filter based
    on regex matching, and it can call and be called by shell scripts and
    commands. When used as a spam filter, it can achieve over 99.9%

CyberNeko HTML Parser 0.7 

    NekoHTML is a simple HTML scanner and tag balancer that enables Java
    application programmers to parse HTML documents and access the
    information using standard XML interfaces. The parser can scan HTML
    files and "fix up" many common mistakes that human (and
    computer) authors make in writing HTML documents. NekoHTML is written
    using the Xerces Native Interface (XNI) that is the foundation of the
    Xerces2 implementation. This enables application programmers to use the
    NekoHTML parser with existing XNI tools without modification or
    rewriting code. 

Cygwin 1.3.17-1 

    Cygwin is a DLL which provides a Unix emulation environment for
    Windows. The Cygwin environment provides a complete port of such
    development utilities as gcc, binutils, gdb, make, etc., as well as a
    number of useful utilities. 

DansGuardian Anti-Virus Scanner 1.0 

    The DansGuardian Anti-Virus Scanner gives you the ability to virus-scan
    all content that passes through DansGuardian. It uses the scanning code
    from the MailScanner project to do the actual virus scanning, so it
    supports all the virus engines that the MailScanner project supports.
    The scanning is done as the file is being downloaded, so your current
    network apps don't have to be modified, etc. They just have to support
    using a proxy. 

DOM Tooltip 0.2.3 

    DOM Tooltip allows developers to have dynamic and configurable tooltips
    on HTML pages. This library supports Mozilla/Netscape6+, IE 5+,
    Konqueror, and Opera 7. The tooltips are configured through three class
    definitions in a stylesheet, and consist of two parts, the caption and
    the content, where the caption is optional. Tooltips can be either
    greasy or sticky, where sticky tips stick around after mouseout and
    require a click to close. Sticky tips are also draggable. The key to
    this project is that it is powerful, yet simple. "Tooltips"
    can also mean dynamic embedded windows (using iframes, hidden HTML, or
    even hidden forms) or custom context menus for mouse click events. The
    infamous select box z-index bug in IE/Mozilla is also handled by this
    library automatically. 

DrJava 20021127 

    DrJava is an integrated Java development environment that supports
    interactive evaluation of expressions. It is under active development
    by the JavaPLT research group at Rice University, but it is also stable
    and is currently being used by students, teachers and other developers.
    A Java 2 v1.3-compliant Java virtual machine is required. 

Expresso Framework 5.02 

    Expresso Framework is an open standards-based J2EE architectural
    framework that allows the developer to concentrate on application
    logic. It is a library of extensible Java Server application framework
    components for creating database-driven Web applications based on open
    standards. Expresso integrates with Apache Jakarta Struts, which
    emphasizes presentation and application configuration, and bringing a
    powerful tag library to Expresso. Expresso adds capabilities for
    security, robust object-relational mapping, background job handling and
    scheduling, self-tests, logging integration, automated table
    manipulation, database connection pooling, email connectivity, event
    notification, error handling, caching, internationalization, XML
    automation, testing, registration objects, configuration management,
    workflow, automatic database maintenance, and a JSP tag library. 

FXvt 0.0.5 

    FXvt is a virtual terminal FOX widget. As such, it can be embedded in
    any application developed with the FOX GUI toolkit. It is a derivative
    work from the well-known rxvt virtual terminal. 

GForge 3 

    GForge is a fork of the 2.61 SourceForge code, which was only available
    via anonymous CVS from VA Software. 

gGo 0.3 

    gGo is a Go board and SGF editor and client for the Internet Go Server.
    Go is an ancient board game, very common in Japan, China, and Korea.
    gGo was formerly named qGo for Java. 

GKrellM 2.1.1 (GTK 2.0)

    GKrellM is a GTK and Imlib-based stacked monitor program that charts
    SMP CPUs, disk, load, active net interfaces, and internet connections.
    There are also monitors for memory and swap, file system with
    mount/umount feature, mailbox checking including POP3 and IMAP,
    clock/calendar, APM laptop battery, CPU temperatures, and uptime. It
    has LEDs for the net monitors and an on/off button and online timer for
    PPP. There is a GUI popup for configuration, plugin extensions can be
    installed, and many themes are available. 

GNOME Crontab Editor 0.0.1 

    The GNOME Crontab Editor is a graphical interface to the crontab
    program. You can use it to create, delete, and edit scheduled tasks
    using a simple point-and-click interface. 

hdup (Stable)

    hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of
    the archive (via mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none),
    the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host (via scp/rsync),
    and no obscure archive format (it is a normal compressed tar file). 

HighBeam 1.0 

    HighBeam is a set of APIs that allows you to publish real-time updates
    on your Web pages. It is lightweight and features seamless operation. 

Html2Wml 0.4.10 

    Html2Wml converts HTML pages to WML pages, suitable for being viewed on
    a Wap device. The conversion can be done either on the command line to
    create static WML pages or on-the-fly by calling this program as a CGI.
    Html2Wml's most interesting features are: automatic deck splitting,
    links reconstruction, and WML compilation (using WML Tools). 

IP Sentinel 0.3 

    IP Sentinel is a tool that tries to prevent unauthorized usage of IP
    addresses within an ethernet broadcast domain by answering ARP
    requests. After receiving faked replies, requesting parties store the
    MAC in their ARP tables and will send future packets to this invalid
    MAC, rendering the IP unreachable. 

ivtools 1.0.7 

    ivtools is a collection of drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and Web
    graphics with both direct-manipulation and scriptable user interfaces. 

JBidwatcher 0.9pre4 

    JBidwatcher is a powerful eBay-user tool implemented in Java. Its
    features include tracking of auctions, bidding, sniping (automated
    bidding in the last moments of an auction), and a unique multisniping
    feature that allows you to snipe on a group of auctions, but stop the
    sniping as soon as you win one. It also includes remote Web-based
    management, XML-formatted save files, drag and drop support, some
    support for auction sellers, and dozens of other useful auction

JCSC 0.93 

    JCSC (Java Coding Standard Checker) is a highly-configurable checking
    tool for your Java source code. It checks the compliance to a
    defineable coding standard like naming conventions and code structure.
    Signs of bad coding and potential bugs are also found. JCSC is inspired
    by lint. 

JZlib 0.0.9 

    JZlib is a re-implementation of zlib in pure Java. The first and final
    aim for hacking this was to add packet compression support to pure Java
    SSH systems. 

KickPIM 0.4.0 

    KickPIM is an applet for KDE's Kicker panel which displays your
    KAddressbook entries in a popup menu. You can view and edit address
    data and send email messages very easily. It will also remind you about

Krename 2.4.2 (Stable)

    Krename is a very powerful batch file renamer for KDE3 which can rename
    a list of files based on a set of expressions. It can copy/move the
    files to another directory or simply rename the input files. Krename
    supports many conversion operations, including conversion of a filename
    to lowercase or to uppercase, conversion of the first letter of every
    word to uppercase, adding numbers to filenames, finding and replacing
    parts of the filename, and many more. It can also change access and
    modification dates, permissions, and file ownership. 

KXParse 1.2 

    KXParse is a PHP-based, lightweight, easy-to-use XML parser, with no
    need of installation because it's just an include file that's loaded on
    the fly. 

Launch.app 0.9.0 

    Launch.app is a small program for executing applications, based on the
    WINGs library (a part of WindowMaker). It features a command history,
    executing applications as different users (e.g. root), and tab

libRational 0.1.9 

    libRational provides a C++ class interface around the rational numbers
    (mpq_t) of GNU MP. It adds special value support and a mechanism to
    reduce useless copying of temporary objects. 

Libxml 2.4.28 

    Libxml is the XML C library developed for the Gnome project. The
    library code is portable (to Linux, Unix, Windows, embedded systems,
    etc.) and modular; most of the extensions can be compiled out. Libxml
    implements a number of existing standards related to markup languages,
    including the XML standard, Namespaces in XML, XML Base, RFC 2396,
    XPath, XPointer, HTML4, XInclude, SGML Catalogs, and XML Catalogs. In
    most cases, libxml tries to implement the specifications in a
    relatively strict way. To some extent, it provides support for the
    following specifications, but doesn't claim to implement them: DOM, FTP
    client, HTTP client, SAX, and DocBook SGML. Support for W3C XML Schemas
    is in progress. 

LinkChecker 1.8.0 (Stable)

    With LinkChecker, you can check HTML documents for broken links. It
    features recursion, robots.txt exclusion protocol support, HTTP proxy
    support, i18n support, multithreading, regular expression filtering
    rules for links, and user/password checking for authorized pages.
    Output can be colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV, or a sitemap
    graph in GML or XML format. Supported link types are HTTP/1.1 and 1.0,
    HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Gopher, Telnet, and local files. 

MakeMake.pl 20021127 

    MakeMake.pl is a Perl-based makefile generator for C/C++ programs. 

Monolith 1.0.16 

    Monolith is an application framework for Web applications. It provides
    basic widgets for labels, buttons, images, input fields, and so on. The
    programmer uses these to construct whole applications or reusable
    "super-widgets" which can be embedded in other applications,
    distributed, or even sold. Writing Monolith widgets and applications
    strongly resembles tools like Java/Swing, Windows MFC, Motif, GTK,
    Tcl/Tk, etc. There are comprehensive manual pages for every widget and
    method, and a set of example programs. 


    MyPhpMoney is a tool written in PHP to manage bank accounts through a
    Web interface. It uses MySQL to store data and relies on the PHPLIB
    (template, session, and database abstraction). 

naim 0.11.5-2002-11-24-0455 (Development)

    naim is the original ncurses (console) AIM client. It uses the TOC
    protocol, and includes many commonly- requested features found nowhere
    else, while still preserving naim's classic look and feel. 

ObjectBox o:XML Compiler 0.9.3 

    ObjectBox is an o:XML compiler and interpretor written in Java. o:XML
    is a complete object oriented programming language, with features such
    as multiple inheritance, function overloading, recursive procedures,
    and much more. The syntax is straight-forward, intuitive XML. It also
    features an extensible expression language modelled on XPath. The
    ObjectBox is a complete implementation of the language and adds
    comprehensive Java Language Extensions and Servlets support. 

Open Remote Collaboration Tool 1.2.0 

    OpenRCT is a multidisciplinary effort to enhance collaboration between
    people who are not co-located in time and space. It is a platform
    independent multimedia tool that supports synchronous and/or
    asynchronous communication. 

Open WebMail 1.81 (Stable)

    Open WebMail is a webmail system written with Perl. It is designed to
    manage very large mail folder files in a memory efficient way. It also
    provides a range of features to help users migrate smoothly from
    Microsoft Outlook to Open WebMail. Open WebMail has the following
    features: multiple languages, multiple iconset/styles, strong MIME
    support, SMTP relaying, virtual hosting, user aliases, per user based
    capability, multiple authentication modules, PAM support,
    folder/message management, draft folder, confirm reading support, full
    content search, spellchecking, auto reply, mail filter, calendar, event
    reminder, POP3 support, online password changing, message count
    preview, and user history. 

partysip 0.5.1 

    partysip is a modular SIP proxy server. It can be used as a registrar
    and a stateless and stateful SIP server. New capabilities, such as
    instant messaging and answering machines, can be added by plugins. 

php-residence 0.3 

    php-residence is designed to manage weekly or daily rental of house
    apartments or small hotel rooms. It uses a PostgreSQL or MySQL database
    as a backend. Reservations can be assigned to an apartment
    automatically with user-defined rules. 

phpHtmlLib 2.1.3 

    phpHtmllib is a set of PHP classes and library functions that build,
    debug, and render XML, HTML, XHTML, and WAP/WML documents, as well as
    SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images and complex HTML 'widgets'. 

phpwebtools 0.3.0 

    phpwebtools is a full-featured Web toolkit, containing classes to aid
    in the development of Web-based applications using standard windowing
    conventions (such as the GTK notebook) and wrappers and tools for other
    commonly-used PHP functions. 

picKLE 0.2.2 

    picKLE is an image gallery system created in PHP. It generates
    thumbnails and resampled images on the fly and caches them, displays
    descriptions, and has an extremely clean layout. It is made to be very
    simple to install/configure, and you don't have to have admin access to
    the server to run it (unlike a lot of galleries). 

Pro/ENGINEER 20021118 

    Pro/ENGINEER is a high-end CAD and CAM solid modeler for designers and

ProjectButler 0.4 

    ProjectButler is a distributed multi-user project management software,
    especially designed for project-oriented companies. Users can log on
    from everywhere over the Web or an intranet, manage projects,
    appointments, tasks, effort lists, customers, customer contacts,
    project advances, and more. 

PsychopathX 0.1 

    PsychopathX is a graphical IRC client written in C++ with the Qt
    library. It can be compiled with both Qt xfree and Qt embedded.
    Multiple servers and basic IRC commands are supported. 

Quantum GIS 0.0.6a (Development)

    Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) for
    Linux/Unix. It will offer support for vector and raster formats. It
    currently supports spatially enabled tables in PostgreSQL using PostGIS
    and common GIS vector formats such as Shapefiles. Due to the complexity
    of creating a feature-rich GIS application, support for various data
    stores will be added in a phased approach. Ultimately, QGIS will be
    able to edit shapefiles and display geo-referenced rasters (TIFF, PNG,
    and GEOTIFF), create map output, and support database tables. A plugin
    feature to dynamically add new functionality is planned. 

Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port 0.6.7 

    The Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port is a port of some nifty OpenGL
    screensavers that were originally written for Windows to GLX. It is
    intended for use with an existing screensaver daemon like xscreensaver. 

Really Slick XScreenSavers 0.4 

    Really Slick XScreenSavers is a GLX port of the Really Slick
    Screensavers collection by Terry Walsh. The screensavers can be
    installed as standalone programs or as XScreenSaver hacks. 

Refactorit 1.2.2 

    RefactorIT is a powerful tool for Java developers who expect more from
    their standard IDE. With RefactorIT, a developer can take source code
    of any size and complexity, and rework it into well-designed code by
    means of automated refactorings such as Rename
    Field/Method/Variable/Class/Package, Extract Method, Extract
    Superclass/Interface, Move Class, Encapsulate Field, and Create Factory
    Method. In addition, Refactorit provides a comprehensive set of smart
    query functions that make it possible to analyze and track large
    volumes of code. RefactorIT may be used as standalone tool or installed
    as an add-in to following IDEs: NetBeans, Sun ONE Studio, Forte,
    JDeveloper, and JBuilder. 

RUNT 0.92 

    RUNT (ResNet USB Network Tester) is Slackware Linux designed to run off
    of a 128 MB USB pen drive. It consists of a boot floppy image and a zip
    file, similar to zipslack. It is intended to be a fairly complete Linux
    installation for use as a testing tool capable of booting on any x86
    computer with a USB port and a bootable floppy drive. 

RxLinux 1.1.0 

    Rxlinux is a modular system. The base system fits in 25M of RAMdisk.
    Extra packages (software) can be installed on demand in RAMdisk. The
    /var partition which contains the application data can reside either on
    a hard disk or in RAMdisk. Rxlinux can be configure as a Web server, an
    X11 terminal, a database server, an openmosix cluster node, etc. It is
    distributed as a 10M bootable ISO file. You can configure it to include
    more packages in the ISO if you don’t want to download extra software
    at boot time. 

Salsa Beta 1 

    Salsa is a collection of Swing add-ons. It includes new widgets such as
    auto-complete textboxes or tree tables, new data models such as XML
    tree models, UI tree models, or Java Bean table models, new common
    dialogs such as a font chooser, new convenience methods such as center
    frame on screen, and much more. 

sbcd 0.4 

    sbcd is a curses CD player for Linux/Unix based on the Creative Labs
    'play' utility that was included with Sound Blasters for DOS. 

Scalable Test Platform 2.00 

    The Scalable Test Platform provides a test framework in which to
    exercise Linux kernel builds. Patches can be created and built through
    the Patch Lifecycle Manager (PLM), and then run through your choice of
    performance and scalability tests. Kernel patches are loaded and built
    against stock kernels, and tests are executed on your selected hardware

sed 4.0.3 (GNU Stable)

    Sed, the GNU Stream Editor, copies the named files (standard input
    default) to the standard output, edited according to a script of

Silva Web Authoring System 0.8.6 

    Silva is a Zope-based Web application designed for the creation and
    management of structured, textual content. It allows users to enter new
    documents as well as edit existing documents using a Web interface. It
    stores the content in a structured format (XML) and keeps a strict
    separation between the way the content is used and the way it is

skinny-proxy 1.46 

    skinny-proxy is a Perl script that is designed to overcome the troubles
    a skinny-compliant telephone (Cisco/Selsius) creates in a NAT
    enviroment. Skinny is a protocol such as SIP or H.323 but is
    Cisco/Selsius Proprietary. 

SlakbootIBS 8.1.1 

    SlakbootIBS is a replacement set of run command scripts and utilities
    for starting and dynamically configuring Slackware Linux installations.
    It facilitates server configuration at facilities with multiple Linux
    servers deployed, and suits many different uses. 

SMELT 0.2.10a 

    SMELT (Simple Monitoring Evaluating and Logging Tool) is a tool created
    to monitor the disks in a single host or an entire network. It's
    totally written in BASH script. This way this tool can be installed and
    used normally in every distribution of Linux or Solaris operating
    systems. When a single host is monitored, the results can be sent via
    e-mail to the host's administrator. When an entire network is
    monitored, SMELT can work in client/server model. The results can be
    sent to the server via FP and, using a Web server, be published in a
    frame-based HTML page, as well via email. 

SpecialValue 0.1.3 

    SpecialValue is a C++ library that allows special numeric values to be
    represented accurately. This is useful for fractions that would
    normally be approximated as floating point, or numbers that are
    normally impossible to store, such as sqrt(-2). 

SQUID User Management System 1.01 

    The SQUID User Management System provides limiting of the traffic usage
    of each user and blocking if usage is too great. 

Steel Icons 1.1 

    Steel Icons is an icon set for KDE comprised of Steel/Silver icons with
    shadows. It is based on the "Digital Reality" icons (mostly
    the same, but with shadows and not green). 

Taglibtools 0.1 

    Taglibtools aims to be a suite of programs and utility tools for custom
    tag library developers and JSP coders. The focus of this package is in
    generating Java code and documentation straight from the original .tld

TCDR 2.1 

    TCDR is a dialog-based console frontend for mkisofs, cdrecord, cdrdao,
    mkzftree, cdparanoia, cdda2wav, bladeenc, lame, oggenc, ogg123, mpg123,
    and sox written in bash. 

TCMS2 1.99 

    TCMS2 stands for Trivial Content Management System. It is a
    user-oriented database editing tool aimed at small-to-medium-sized
    sites on which a full-fledged CMS is not a viable solution. TCMS by
    itself only handles editing of data in a SQL database, but can be
    extended through plugins. 

Teddy 1.80.2 

    Teddy is an OpenGL-based 3D graphics library written in C++. Its main
    features are simple scene graph and windowing system-enabling multiple
    cameras, camera windows, and scenes. It focuses on easy and flexible
    manipulation of models and model materials in the scene graph. It
    contains a number of primitive objects like sphere, box, and cone, and
    it can load LightWave object and scene files. 

Term::VT102 0.77 

    Term::VT102 emulates most of the functions of a DEC VT102 terminal.
    Once initialised, data passed to a VT102 object is processed and the
    in-memory "screen" modified accordingly, enabling programs to
    interact with full-screen terminal applications. 

The Demo Effects Collection 0.1 

    The Demo Effects Collection is a collection of demo effects from the
    early days of the demo scene (e.g., the Amiga demo scene). 

The Gallery 1.3.2 (1.0)

    Gallery is a slick Web-based photo album written using PHP. It is easy
    to install, includes a config wizard, and provides users with the
    ability to create and maintain their own albums in the album collection
    via an intuitive Web interface. Photo management includes automatic
    thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning and
    more. Albums can have read, write, and caption permissions per
    individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy. 

The GNU oSIP Stack 0.9.1 

    oSIP implements the Session Initiation Protocol (published by IETF as
    RFC 3161). It can provide signalling capabilities for multimedia
    applications (IP phones, etc.). It provides a fully usable parser for
    the SIP syntax and implements the "transaction layer" as
    defined in the draft. It also provides an SDP parser and extra features
    for the User Agent. It can be used to build both proxy and IP phones. 

The Puto Amo Window Manager 1.8.2 (Stable)

    The Puto Amo Window Manager is a full featured window manager, but
    without useless bells and whistles. It is small, fast, etc. 

The Virtual School 0.3 

    The Virtual School is a PHP software suite offering a full online
    learning facility with teacher-submitted lessons, interactive
    questions, a news portal for schools, and themes. It was initially
    designed for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) but can be used
    eventually for any type of online teaching. 

ThinkSQL RDBMS 0.4.09 beta (Beta)

    ThinkSQL is a multi-threaded relational database management system. The
    aim is to bring it as close as possible to full compliance with the ISO
    SQL standard. It already supports transactions, sub-selects, views,
    stored procedures, functions, comprehensive constraints, multi-version
    concurrency control, and a statistical optimiser that uses constraints
    and relationships to improve plans. The SQL server runs under Windows
    and Linux and includes native ODBC, dbExpress (Delphi/Kylix), and JDBC

tXtFL 0.1.3 

    tXtFL is a text-based football simulator. Teams can be coached from the
    command-line, built through unique plays, and then tested on the field.
    It does not require 3D or even 2D accelerated graphics. 

VFU File Manager 4.00 

    VFU is console (text mode) file manager for UNIX. It includes all
    standard file handling features as well as filename completion, tree
    views, regexp selection, archive support, and much more. See the
    homepage for a full feature list. 

Visage Information Organizer 0.1 (Stable)

    Visage is a program you can use to rapidly organize and visualize
    information. You can use it to organize your thoughts or any sort of
    information that needs to be thoroughly cross-referenced. 

X Application Server System 0.50 (Development)

    X Application Server System (XASS) allows for the creation of
    'application servers' and clients which request that applications be
    run on a server but displayed locally. Servers can be queried for an
    application or services can be broadcasted. Authentication is provided,
    and applications are run as the user who requested them, although this
    is configurable. It allows applications to be served in heterogeneous,
    load-balanced, or distributed environments. 

xine 0.9.15 (xine-ui)

    xine is a free video player which plays MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 video, DVDs
    (unlocked/unencrypted only), video CDs, SVCDs, and AVI files (using
    Win32 codecs) with synchronized audio and video, and optionally
    fullscreen using the Xv extensions in Xfree86 4.x. 

xine 1-alpha2 (xine-lib)

    xine is a free video player which plays MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 video, DVDs
    (unlocked/unencrypted only), video CDs, SVCDs, and AVI files (using
    Win32 codecs) with synchronized audio and video, and optionally
    fullscreen using the Xv extensions in Xfree86 4.x. 

yEnc PHP Class 1.0.0 

    The yEnc PHP Class is an implementation of yEnc, an informal standard
    for efficiently encoding binary files for transmission over Usenet,
    email, and other similar mediums. It includes an encoder and decoder
    that conform to version 1.3 of the yEnc working draft specification. 

ZShellScripts 0.3 

    ZShellScripts extends Zope scripting by allowing developers to
    interface with other language interpreters. It currently supports
    Python, Unix, which allows Unix shell scripts to be stored in the ZODB
    and executed from Zope, and Zope, for scripts written in the Zope
    ZShell language, similar to the standalone ZShell Zope product. It is
    designed to encourage people to invent new ways to deal with Zope and
    its object database by providing a common base infrastructure. 

CTDATA.com Publishes Its 1,000th Story

    I'm pretty proud of the fact that CTDATA.com published its 1,000th
    article at 10:56am this morning. Not bad for a site that's still
    running some pretty ancient code. We've done some interesting stuff
    with Slash in the past year, but most of it is hidden from the casual
    visitor to our three Slash-based sites. Hopefully, we'll get on the
    main branch of the project in the next few months-- we can't be relics

What exactly is isolation mode for?

    Each section has an isolation mode property, that determines (I think)
    wether or not sories from that section will be displayed on the front
    page or not. In addition, each story has it's own DisplayMode property,
    that, in effect, does the same thing. Which takes precedence? If Slash
    always uses the individual story's displaymode to determine whether to
    display the story, what's the point of the section-level isolation

Restricting Article Access?

    I've just started up a new slash site, however one feature that I would
    like, which doesn't seem to exist, is the ability to restrict users
    from reading certain stories. I know this seems counter-productive,
    however I have a valid reason. Namely that I have a subset of users who
    have more privileges, and thus stuff applies to them that wouldn't
    apply to regular users. It seems like the concept of a "security
    level", which users have, might be an ideal way to restrict Article
    viewing. I'm sure I can kludge something myself, but if there's already
    a supported/good way to do this, then that would be great. 

How to kickstart meta-moderation?

    I have a small slash site with a small number of users (by design) with
    a few dozen stories and probably fewer than 200 comments posted so far.
    The slash engine is handing out moderation points, perhaps because I
    reset some of the configuration variables. But meta-moderation is not
    operating.I recall that this has something to do with the number of
    moderations (I'd look in the archives but the search function on
    slashcode has been down for a while...). Unfortunately, I have one user
    who could stand some meta-moderation NOW, before he drives other users
    away with his down-mods. Yet I don't see any configuration variables or
    anything else I can tweak to make meta-moderation start up. I would
    rather the enforcement of community standards come from the community
    rather than some heavy-handed act by the site administration. Any way
    to force meta-moderation on? 

Show Domains: Explain, please.

    On the user comments options page, an option exists to "Show the links
    domain only in recommended situations". What are the "recommended
    situations", exactly? How does this differ from the option to "Always
    show link domains"? 

Upgrading to MySQL 4?

    In order to support some other projects I need to roll out on my
    server, I need to upgrade to a real ACID database, which supports
    transactions. Has anybody yet tried using Slash running on MySQL 4.0,
    which now supports transactions? Are there any caevats or tricks to
    doing the switchover, beyond the general upgrade notes for MySQL? 

Slash plugins and version 2.3

    I've been looking at a lot of modules (specifically email.pm and
    Galleria), and it appears that they all require Slash version 2.3. Is
    upgrading from 2.2.6 to one of the 2.3 versions dangerous? Is it as
    simple as compiling and installing? Are there places to get these
    plugins written for the release version of Slash? Or am I being a

How to Make Users Authors?

    What is the proper way to turn users into authors? I'm interested in
    this because I would like to use Slash as something my group uses to
    communicate with each other and the world. I would like the people in
    the group to function as the authors since it is their site. I've been
    looking around in documentation and FAQs but can't find this documented

SubnetID is masked using what?

    When Slash stores the SubnetID in the database, what Subnet mask is it
    using? I was hoping to find this in the vars table, but no luck. Any


    It's still in development for other things, but vorlonspace.org is now
    up and running (for the most part). Thanks to the guys on the irc
    channel that helped me with some of the configuration issues I had.
    This site is going to be a nexus of Babylon 5 information stemming from
    the television show to the out of print customizable card game. 

Price Compare
128MB Sony Memory Stick (Lexar Media)

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128MB SecureDigital (SD) Card (SanDisk)

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256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

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128MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $42.95 

MSA-128A 128MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $63.95 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

Angelina Ballerina Book and Doll Set by Katharine Holabird (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $10.00 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $17.47 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $19.75 

Chronicles of Narnia Box Set by C. S. Lewis (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $5.98 

Insider's Guide Instant Win Tickets by Don D. Basina (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $8.37 

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