O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    January 07, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Goodies: The Binary Clock

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Electronics: Hitman 2 for PS2

Computing: Sylvania SF170 17" LCD

Electronics: Splinter Cell for Xbox

Bossogg 0.9.1 release

    A client/server for creating an ogg vorbis player in your entertainment
    center. First client is done in SDL with Truetype fonts so it's easy to
    read. Uses PostgreSQL for lookups. Release 0.9.1 added XML
    configuration files and reduced memory usage 60+%. Autoconf issues in
    Debian and several bugs in the import scripts have also been fixed. 

doxymacs 1.4.0 released

    Version 1.4.0 of doxymacs, the lisp package for {X}Emacs that makes
    creating/using Doxygen documentation easy, has been released. This is a
    major feature enhancement release. New features include: - Now uses
    autoconf for building. - Multiple tag files may be used. - User defined
    "void" types. - Better function argument parsing for inserting function
    comments. As well several bugs have been fixed. 

Usermanager 0.60 released

    Usermanager is a LDAP User Management System that uses PHP to create an
    easy to use interface. Release 0.60 includes configuration system

Hibernate 1.2.2 released

    Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational
    persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop
    persistent objects following common Java idiom, including association,
    inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections
    framework. To support a rapid build procedure, Hibernate rejects the
    use of code generation or bytecode processing. Instead runtime
    reflection is used and SQL generation occurs at system startup time.
    Hibernate supports Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, SAP DB,
    HypersonicSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Progress, Mckoi SQL, Pointbase and
    Interbase. Hibernate supports an ODMG 3 interface alongside a more
    expressive custom API. Of course, Hibernate integrates elegantly with
    J2EE application servers and with other popular open source solutions
    like XDoclet. Version 1.2.2 fixes a minor bug introduced in 1.2.1. 

JGraph Valencia (v1.0.7) released

    JGraph is the most powerful, lightweight, feature-rich, and thoroughly
    documented open-source graph component available for Java. It is
    accompanied by JGraphpad, the first free diagram editor for Java that
    offers XML, Drag and Drop and much more. This release has a complete
    new website and contains bug fixes. Bug fixes include:
    DefaultGraphSelectionModel.CellPlaceHolder is now a protected inner
    class with public accessors, DefaultGraphCell's getChildren method
    never returns null, SizeHandle/RootHandle double buffer members are now
    protected, Dependency between isMoveable, isAutosize and isSizeable was
    removed, Focus argument and childrenSelected are handled separately by
    renderer, Focused cell's highlight color is different from other
    selected cells. 

Rexx/Wrapper 2.1 released

    Rexx/Wrapper is a pseudo compiler for Rexx programs. It generates a SAA
    API application with the Rexx program embedded. The application is then
    compiled and linked allowing the user to distribute their Rexx program
    as a stand-alone executable. This principal change in this release is
    the ability to build Win32 executables of your Rexx programs with the
    lcc-win32 compiler. 

Gimp-Print 4.3.7 (unstable development)

    Gimp-Print 4.3.7, released January 4, 2003, is a development release of
    this package. Gimp-Print is a suite of printer drivers that may be used
    with most common UNIX print spooling systems, including CUPS, lpr,
    LPRng, or others. These drivers provide high quality printing for UNIX
    (including Macintosh OS X 10.2 and newer) and Linux systems in many
    cases equal to or better than proprietary vendor-supplied drivers, and
    can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks. This
    software includes the Print plug-in for the Gimp, and Ghostscript and
    CUPS drivers, including Foomatic data. The print plugin for the Gimp
    requires the Gimp 1.2 (later versions of the Gimp are not supported).
    The CUPS driver requires CUPS 1.1.9 or higher. 1.1.14 or above is
    highly recommended, as certain translation-related bugs are fixed and
    it is possible to print true CMYK. The IJS-based GhostScript plugin
    driver requires GNU Ghostscript 6.53 or later, ESP Ghostscript 7.05 or
    later, or APFL GhostScript 7.04 or later. Users of Macintosh OS X 10.2
    and above can use this package, as the printing system is based on
    CUPS, which is supported by Gimp-print. Note that Macintosh OS X 10.0
    and 10.1 (including 10.1.5) cannot use this package. Please read the
    README file for full instructions on installing this package.
    Gimp-Print 4.3.7 is considered to be an unstable release, as more
    significant API changes have been introduced with relatively limited
    testing. While most of the changes improve the clarity of the code, the
    limited testing and extensive nature of the changes suggests that this
    release is likely to be quite unstable. We recommend that only people
    who want access to these new API features for development use this
    release. There are very significant user-visible changes over earlier
    4.3 releases, and few changes over the 4.2 stable line. Gimp-Print
    4.3.7 contains the following major changes over Gimp-Print 4.3.6: 1)
    Further internal API changes. Please see
    include/gimp-print/gimp-print.h, and the various header files in
    src/main, for details. There will be significant further changes,
    particularly in the color code. The API is considerably more consistent
    than before. 2) Parameters are now stored as variables within
    stp_vars_t, rather than as fixed fields. This change is largely
    transparent at the API level, but it marks an important advance. 3) The
    Gimp Print plugin has been split into a GTK-based library
    (libgimpprintui) and the actual Print plugin. The libgimpprintui code
    permits creating print panels for other applications, or standalone
    graphical print utilities, all using the same user interface. In
    addition, the thumbnail preview mechanism has been changed to use the
    stp_image_t API rather than to make direct calls to the color
    machinery. This was done by creating a new family driver (print-raw.c)
    and by creating a new stp_image_t implementation for thumbnail
    creation. This removed the only reason to export the color API, and
    will permit us to simplify the very complex color API. This work is
    currently in progress. To simplify coding while avoiding an unnecessary
    dependency, some widgets have been borrowed from libgimp. The two files
    comprising the Gimp plugin proper total less than 900 lines of code,
    out of about 60,000 lines total in the core library, UI library, and
    Print plugin. This work is not complete; support for multiple pages
    still needs to be added, for example. However, there should be a
    sufficient base to permit interested developers to experiment. A very
    desirable project that someone may wish to undertake is to write a
    ghostscript front end (or extension to ghostview or gv) that uses this
    UI library. This would create a full-featured graphical printing
    application. 4) Many parameters for Epson printer control, dither
    matrix control, and HSL adjustment have been exported as settable
    parameters. While currently no Gimp-print applications provide access
    to these controls, they are available for developer use. Please read
    the code to see where they are made available. This is a work in
    progress; expect major changes in the future. 5) A new header file,
    gimp-print-version.h, has been created to store the autogen-time
    versioning information. 6) The Gimp Print plugin now uses g_message to
    deliver error messages to pop-ups rather than to stderr. 

WebMacro 1.1final released

    WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source servlet framework that enables
    programmers and designers to work together while promoting the
    ModelViewController pattern. WebMacro is a viable (and proven!)
    alternative to JavaServerPages, PHP, and ASP. WebMacro 1.1final
    --------------- This is WebMacro 1.1. WM 1.1 includes new features such
    as #macro, #count, $functions(), and numerous bugfixes. WebMacro is
    alive, and this production quality release is proof! The best place for
    information about WebMacro is our website: http://www.webmacro.org/ In
    addition, WebMacro has relocated the management aspects of the project
    to SourceForge (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/webmacro/). We hope
    this will prove to give the WebMacro community continued support. We
    also hope it will make our lives a bit easier! Note that because of the
    move to SourceForge our mailing list address has changed. Please visit
    http://www.webmacro.org/MailingList for details. Changes in this
    Release ----------------------- - Fix for Tomcat and template loading
    from .jar files (Sebastian) - Fix NPE's when calling methods using the
    'null' keyword - Add .tmpl as a recognized template file extension for
    #parse and #include 

P.E.T. 1.3 released

    P.E.T. (PHP Processor Engine for Templates) class is released in
    version 1.3. P.E.T. cleans up your PHP scripts by using templates for
    output. It is quick to learn and easy to use but still powerful. With
    very few lines of code you display your output, use Server Side
    Includes, dump the result to disk and more. The new method
    "$pet->get_content" returns all content added by $pet->add_content
    until this moment for the reason of debugging. 

Perl Shell 1.0 "Dithyramb" released

    The Perl Shell (psh) combines aspects of bash and other shells with the
    power of Perl scripting. It aspires to be your primary login shell.
    After a long period of time with no releases (and two or more promises
    of "OK, I'll release it", I have bundled the latest code in CVS into
    the newly released version 1.0. I believe that Markus Peter is
    responsible for most of the code in this release ($Markus++), although
    I think there were some patches or clues from other folks ($folks{$_}++
    foreach @contributor). I have dubbed this the "Dithyramb" release
    (http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/wow/2001-09-29.html). Here are
    some notes about what is new (you can find more in the CHANGES file on
    the web page noted below): * New 'if' builtin * New 'forfile' builtin:
    "forfile *.txt less $_" is equivalent to bash's "for i in #.txt; do
    less $i; done" * New redirection and piping syntax (incompatible with
    old sh- like syntax): "ls >[=FILEHANDLE]" * Backticks work * A strategy
    for finding and running Darwin/Mac OS X Appbunlde programs. * Support
    for && and || with simple commands * Themes * Major startup time
    reduction NOTE: You may need to modify your startup scripts / rc files
    with this version. Please see README.upgrade in the distribution for
    more information. You can find out more at The Perl Shell (psh) at:
    http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/psh/ Please note that Windows
    functionality in this release has not seen much testing, so it may not
    work correctly in that environment. Please post experience reports to
    the mailing list. We are looking for folks interested in helping keep
    future releases working under Windows environments. If you are so
    inclined, then please so indicate. The next wave of changes being
    contemplated for psh will take things in a new direction. First, where
    the desire for shellish and perlish behaviors get in each other's way,
    we will be moving toward shellish behavior. This will very likely
    entail some modifications to the syntax required to advise the shell
    "here be perl". Second, we are considering some changes which will make
    psh more generic. So, while it will remain The Perl Shell (from an
    implemenatation perspective), it may become The Poly Shell (from a
    user's perspective). There is room for discussion on the psh-dev list
    for those with comments, concerns, ideas, queries, curses, etc. as we
    flesh out the details. Enjoy, -- Gregor 

'DVD Jon' Acquitted On All Counts in DeCSS Case

    [0]benh57 writes "Jon Johansen, the author of DeCSS, has been acquitted
    on all charges by the Norwegian Supreme Court.'Johansen and his defense
    attorney Halvor Manshaus won on all counts, with the Oslo court ruling
    that Johansen did nothing wrong when he helped cracked the code on a
    DVD that was his own personal property.'" Here's [1]Aftenposten's
    story, in English. Read on below for some more links, and please post
    others in the comments. 
    0. http://bhines AT alumni DOT ucsd DOT edu
    1. http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article.jhtml?articleID=466519

Lord of the Rings, as Written By Everyone Else

    sn0rt writes "A thread on Straight Dope asks what would happen if
    [0]someone else had written the Lord of the Rings. Reader submissions
    include Ernest Hemingway, Douglas Adams, Mark Twain, HP Lovecraft, ee
    cumings, Milton, Mickey Spillane, Danielle Steele, Ayn Rand(!!), Ray
    Bradbury, Gilbert and Sullivan and Tom Clancy. My favourite is Dr.
    Suess: 'Gandalf, Gandalf! Take the ring! I am too small to carry this
    thing!' 'I can not, will not hold the One. You have a slim chance, but
    I have none. I will not take it on a boat, I will not take it across a
    moat. I cannot take it under Moria, that's one thing I can't do for ya.
    I would not bring it into Mordor, I would not make it to the border.'" 

California Supremes To Decide If Domains Are Property

    [0]Richard W.M. Jones writes "Are domain names property like plots of
    land? The California Supreme Court has been [1]asked to rule in the
    case of [2]sex.com which was transferred using a forged letter to
    Network Solutions. [3]Wired news also has the story." 
    0. http://www.annexia.org/
    1. http://www.metnews.com/articles/krem010603.htm
    2. http://sex.com/
    3. http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,57065,00.html

Network Associates Aquires Deersoft Inc.

    [0]Duncan Findlay writes "[1]Network Associates Inc. has just [2]
    acquired [3]Deersoft, Inc., which is known by many as the creator of
    SpamAssassin Pro, the proprietary (Windows) version of the GPL/PAL
    licensed [4]SpamAssassin (Mirrors: [5]Eastern US, [6]Europe). It seems
    that we may see parts of SpamAssassin under the McAfee name within 6
    months. You can also read the story [7]at Yahoo or [8]at Reuters.
    Unfortunately, the SpamAssassin [9]trademark was owned by Deersoft, so
    hypothetically, NAI could force us to call the Open Source project
    something else!" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.nai.com/
    2. http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/other/jump/deersoft.asp
    3. http://www.deersoft.com/
    4. http://www.spamassassin.org/
    5. http://useast.spamassassin.org/
    6. http://eu.spamassassin.org/
    7. http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030106/sfm029_1.html
    8. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=1997874
    9. http://www.spamassassin.org/dist/TRADEMARK

Cleveland Public Library Readies E-book Downloads

    rtphokie writes "C|Net is reporting that the [0]Cleveland Public
    Library is [1]making ebooks available. Sounds like the 1000 books in
    the system initially will feature more than just public domain titles
    including 'the latest from authors such as Michael Crichton, Clive
    Barker and Joyce Carol Oates.'" The article also mentions that "only a
    limited number of each eBook will be available, and after a preset
    number of days, the eBook will lock out the current reader so another
    patron can check it out." A good time to re-read [2]The Right to Read. 
    0. http://www.cpl.org/
    2. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html

Linux Security: Reflections on 2002, Eye on 2003

    [0]Mirko Zorz writes "Here are the reflections on Linux security in
    2002 and predictions for 2003 by Bob Toxen, one of the 162 recognized
    developers of Berkeley UNIX and author of the acclaimed book "[1]Real
    World Linux Security" already in its 2nd edition. [2]Read more at Help
    Net Security." 
    0. http://www.net-security.org
    1. http://books.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/17/0234224&tid=172
    2. http://www.net-security.org/article.php?id=332

Lessig Wagers His Job On Anti-Spam Theory

    kien writes "Lawrence Lessig is [0]betting his position at Stanford on
    his anti-spam legislative recommendations. From his blog:'First the
    analysis: Philip Jacob has a great piece about spam and RBLs. The essay
    not only identifies the many problems with RBLs, but it nicely maps a
    mix of strategies that could be considered in their place. But, alas,
    missing from the list is one I've pushed: A law requiring simple
    labeling, and a bounty for anyone who tracks down spammers violating
    the law. Here goes: So (a) if a law like the one I propose is passed on
    a national level, and (b) it does not substantially reduce the level of
    spam, then (c) I will resign my job. I get to decide whether (a) is
    true; Declan can decide whether (b) is true. If (a) and (b) are both
    true, then I'll do (c) at the end of the following academic year.' The
    Declan referred to in point (b) is [1]Declan McCullagh." Update: 01/07
    02:45 GMT by [2]T: Speaking of whom, here is Declan's [3]acceptance of
    Larry's bet. 
    0. http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/lessig/blog/#000787
    1. http://www.politechbot.com/
    2. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/

Slashback: Disputes, Clones, Audio

    Slashback this fine 23:59 GMT brings you a response to MS GPL FUD, an
    update on Lessig's challenge, a followup question regarding domain
    disputes, a reminder that clone claims aren't new, and more. Read on
    for the details. 

Still Hope for Farscape

    An anonymous reader wrote in to say that the [0]"Save Farscape"
    campaign thinks there is still hope. If the next 11 episodes (starting
    Friday, January 10 on the [1]SciFi Channel) pull the right numbers ).
    According to [2]this interview with David Kemper:"If we were to do 2s,
    straight across the boards for these eleven eps, I would be expecting
    to have phone conversations with people immediately..." Of course that
    is pretty unlikely- but my household won't miss an episode. To bad the
    cats don't count in the nielsons ;) 
    0. http://www.watchfarscape.com/
    1. http://www.scifi.com/farscape
    2. http://www.shriftweb.org/sf/DK-long.zip

Ring Of Stars Found Around Milky Way

    [0]LoPingHo writes "Scientists have found [1]a ring of stars around our
    galaxy that has previously been undetected due to the faintness of the
    stars. The article says that it only amounts to 1% of the galaxies
    mass, but if they are just now finding those, that means there could be
    even fainter ones there too. Could this be part of the elusive 'dark
    matter' talked about so much lately?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/milkyway_ring_030106.html

Abuse-SDL 0.7.0 

    Abuse-SDL is a port of Abuse, the classic Crack-Dot-Com game, to the
    SDL library. It can run at any color depth, in a window or fullscreen,
    and it has stereo sound with sound panning. 

adama's TV episode database 0.0.2 

    adama's TV episode database is a Web-based database designed for
    cataloging a TV episode collection composed of XviD/MPEG/DivX files.
    The database was inspired by Wuff's movieDB, but is more suited to
    dealing with episodes and series than single movies. 

aEGiS nanoweb 2.0.0 

    Nanoweb is a modular HTTP server written in PHP. It is designed to be
    small, secure, and extensible. It has decent performance, an HTTP/1.1
    implementation, CGI and FastCGI support, a nice configuration system,
    name-based virtual hosts, server side includes, authentication, gzip
    content encoding support, Apache combined format and MySQL logging, and
    many advanced features. 

Apache Toolbox 1.5.64 

    Apache Toolbox provides a means to easily compile Apache (IPv4/6) SSL,
    PHP(v3/v4), MySQL, Jakarta, a large number of modules (61 3rd party
    modules and 36 default Apache modules, static or as DSOs), and GD
    libraries with PNG+JPEG+Freetype2+zlib support. It is fully
    customizable and menu-driven. Everything is compiled from source, and
    wget is used to download any missing modules. It can also check for
    RPMs that might cause problems and create an RPM with your selections. 

AutoPKG 0.5.2 (Stable)

    AutoPKG lets you keep your Slackware system up to date. It functions
    similarly to apt-get, the Debian package manager. 

Bacula 1.28b 

    Bacula is a set of programs that allow you to manage the backup,
    recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of
    different computers. It is based on a client/server architecture and is
    efficient and relatively easy to use, while offering many advanced
    storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost
    or damaged files. 

BHL 1.0 

    BHL is an Emacs mode which enables you to convert plain text files into
    HTML, LaTeX, and SGML (Linuxdoc) files. The BHL mode handles common
    font-styles, three levels of sections, any kind of lists, tables, URLs
    and horizontal rules. BHL handles a table of contents: you can browse
    the toc, insert the toc where you want, and update the sections'
    numbers with one keystroke. 

Binary diff utility 1.0.2 

    bdiff is a simple and small program to do what the very common
    utilities "diff" and "patch" do with text files,
    but also works with binary files. 

Boss Ogg 0.9.1 (Development)

    Boss Ogg is a Postgres-based client/server ogg player, targeted at
    entertainment centers, and people that want to use their spare computer
    for full-time music. The idea is to have other people develop all sorts
    of different clients for it, but the author is also developing an SDL
    client simultaneously, which is perfect for a TV-out card. 

CD Detect & Execute 0.0.7 

    CDDE is a program that detects when a CDROM drive has a disc inserted.
    When it finds a disc inserted in the drive it will attempt to determine
    the type of disc, and execute a specified command. This means a DVD can
    be inserted and your favorite DVD software will start, or a data CD can
    be automatically mounted. 

CleanIce 1.2.1 

    CleanIce is a simplistic, semi-flat theme engine for GTK+ 2.x, based on
    the ThinIce and Clean engines of old. The GTK+ 2.x engine has many
    benefits over the original theme. The arrows are more consistent, the
    colors are slightly revised to be more usable, etc. 

CLIP 0.99.8 

    CLIP is a Clipper/XBase compatible compiler with initial support for
    FoxPro, Flagship, and CAVO syntax. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
    and Win32 (via Cygwin). It features support for international languages
    and character sets, including two-bytes character sets like Chinese and
    Japanese. It also features OOP, a multiplatform GUI based on
    GTK/GTKextra, all SIX/Comix features (including hypertext indexing),
    SQL, a C-API for third-party developers, a few wrappers for popular
    libraries (such as BZIP, GZIP, GD, Crypto, and Fcgi), multitasking,
    mouse events, and more. 

course 1_1 

    course is a program for sports events (in French). It is divided into
    two parts, a server and a client written with GTK+ 2. Runners are
    sorted by their position and by a unique ID. 

EasyTAG 0.26 (Stable)

    EasyTAG is an utility for viewing and editing tags for MP3, MP2, FLAC
    and Ogg files. It features a simple and attractive GTK+ interface. 

ego file manager 0.7.0 

    The ego file manager is a GTK+2 file manager that uses libferris for
    its VFS and provides evas2 and GTK tree views. 

execline 0.15 

    execline is a very light, non-interactive scripting language, which is
    similar to a shell. Simple shell scripts can be easily rewritten in the
    execline language, improving performance and memory usage. execline was
    designed for use in embedded systems, but works on most Unix flavors. 

flyspell.el 1.7a 

    Flyspell is a Emacs minor mode which performs on-the-fly spelling

FSlint 1.21 

    FSlint is a toolkit to find various forms of lint on a filesystem. At
    the moment it reports duplicate files, bad symbolic links, troublesome
    file names, empty directories, non stripped executables, temporary
    files, duplicate/conflicting (binary) names, and unused ext2 directory

GNet 1.1.8 

    GNet is a simple network library. It is object-oriented, written in C,
    and built upon GLib. It is intended to be small, fast, easy to use and
    easy to port. GNet supports abstract Internet addresses, TCP, UDP, IP
    Multicast, asynchronous DNS lookup, TCP connections, and SOCKS. It
    comes with documentation and examples. 

GnoTime 2.1.3 

    GnoTime is a to-do list tracker and project timer with a built-in
    invoice generator. It allows users to keep track of how much time they
    have spent working on particular tasks, maintain a diary of that work,
    and create invoices with task-specific billing fees and rates. 

GnuCash 1.7.7 RC 2 (Development)

    GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income, and
    expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is
    based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books
    and accurate reports. It is backed by an active development community
    and is blossoming into a full-fledged accounting system. 

Guco 0.50 (Beta)

    Guco is a basic commandline accounting system for small or medium
    enterprises, written in Catalan and adapted to Spanish law. 

Hackbot 2.17 (Stable)

    Hackbot is a host exploration tool and bannergrabber. It scans numerous
    services and vulnerabilities. 

Hibernate 1.2.2 

    Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence
    and query service for Java. It lets you develop persistent objects
    following common Java idiom, including composition, association,
    inheritance, polymorphism, and the Java collections framework. To allow
    a rapid build procedure, Hibernate rejects the use of code generation
    or bytecode processing. Instead, runtime reflection is used and SQL
    generation occurs at system startup time. It supports Oracle, DB2,
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server, Mckoi SQL,
    Progress, SAP DB, and HypersonicSQL. 

IRC for .NET 0.1.0 (Development)

    IRC for .NET is an event driven framework for connecting .NET
    applications to an IRC network. 

Java SOS 3.20 

    Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building,
    including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc. 

Jay's Iptables Firewall 0.8.2 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a script with support for multiple
    (external/internal) interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP control, masquerading,
    synflood control, spoofing control, port forwarding, upload limits
    (experimental), VPNs, ToS, denying hosts, ZorbIPTraffic, Spyware list
    IP, log options and more. It doesn't flush all your existing iptables

JGraph 1.0.7 (For Java 1.3)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 

jMax 4.0.0 

    jMax allows one to interactively design dataflow circuits. The basic
    data types that can go through are integers, symbols, lists, etc. It is
    an event-driven system and has been used for MIDI processing. A second
    part of the system (DSP) allows a continuous signal to flow through a
    circuit, which is most useful for PCM sound (ie. microphone, sound
    files, etc). The system is extensible by using shared libraries, you
    may add data processor types, data types, GUI elements, device types,
    and more. Data processors may also be designed as circuits and reused. 

Jpedal 1.82 (Development)

    Jpedal (Java PDF Extraction and Decoding Library) is a pure Java
    library to extract content from Adobe's PDF file format and provide a
    rasterizer. Text fragments are extracted as XML elements with font and
    location information. Images are extracted in both their raw formats
    and their clipped and scaled formats as TIFF, PNG, or JPEG files.
    Jpedal is used in both commerical and open source projects and
    continues to be actively enhanced. 

JSch 0.0.10 

    JSch is a pure Java implementation of SSH2. It allows you to connect to
    an sshd server and use port forwarding, X11 forwarding, file transfer,
    etc. You can integrate its functionality into your own Java programs. 

Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway 1.3.0 

    Kannel is a WAP gateway. It attempts to provide this essential part of
    the WAP infrastructure freely to everyone so the market potential for
    WAP services, both from wireless operators and specialized service
    providers, will be realized as efficiently as possible. It also works
    as an SMS gateway for GSM networks. Almost all GSM phones can use it to
    send and receive SMS messages, so this is a way to serve many more
    clients than just those using a WAP phone. Kannel was among the first
    WAP gateways to be certified as WAP 1.1 compliant by the Open Group,
    responsible for certifications of WAP Forum specifications. 

KVIrc 3.0.0-beta2 

    KVirc is a Visual Internet Relay Chat Client based on the Qt library.
    Features include a MDI user interface, drag & drop, built-in
    scripting language (aliases, popups and events), customizable
    backgrounds and colours, DCC (chat, send with resume, voice), CTCP
    functions, mIRC colour support with preview, notify list, online help
    and configurable logging. 

Lepton's Crack 1.1 (Stable)

    Lepton's Crack is a generic password cracker. It is easily-customizable
    with a simple plugin system and allows system administrators to review
    the quality of the passwords being used on their systems. It can
    perform a dictionary-based (wordlist) attack as well as a brute force
    (incremental) password scan. It supports standard MD4 hash, standard
    MD5 hash, NT MD4/Unicode, Lotus Domino HTTP password (R4), and SHA-1
    hash formats. 

lesspipe.sh 1.35 

    lesspipe.sh is an input filter for the pager less as described in
    less's man page. The script runs under a ksh-compatible shell (ksh,
    bash, zsh) and allows you to use less to view compressed files,
    archives, and files contained in archives. Viewing files by accessing a
    device file is implemented to some extent (DOS filesystems and tar
    files). It supports the following formats (both as plain and compressed
    files using compress, gzip, bzip2, or zip): tar, nroff, (sh)ar, HTML,
    executables, directories, RPM and Debian (.deb) archives, MS-Word, ps,
    DVI, and PDF. 

libferris 0.9.91 

    libferris is a virtual filesystem that exposes hierarchical data of all
    kinds through a common C++ interface. Access to data is performed using
    C++ IOStreams and Extended Attributes (EA) can be attached to each
    datum to present metadata. Ferris uses a plugin API to read various
    data sources and expose them as contexts and to generate interesting
    EA. Current implementations include Native (kernel disk IO with event
    updates using fam), xml (mount an xml file as a filesystem), edb (mount
    a berkeley database), ffilter (mount an LDAP filter string) and mbox
    (mount your mailbox). EA generators include image, audio, and animation

libSigC++ Extras 0.5.7 

    libSigC++ Extras is a library consisting of new features built on top
    of libSigC++ and features that formerly were in libSigC++ and were
    removed from it. The new features focus on thread support and provide
    type safe inter-thread communication. 

Libxml 2.5.0 

    Libxml is the XML C library developed for the Gnome project. The
    library code is portable (to Linux, Unix, Windows, embedded systems,
    etc.) and modular; most of the extensions can be compiled out. Libxml
    implements a number of existing standards related to markup languages,
    including the XML standard, Namespaces in XML, XML Base, RFC 2396,
    XPath, XPointer, HTML4, XInclude, SGML Catalogs, and XML Catalogs. In
    most cases, libxml tries to implement the specifications in a
    relatively strict way. To some extent, it provides support for the
    following specifications, but doesn't claim to implement them: DOM, FTP
    client, HTTP client, SAX, and DocBook SGML. Support for W3C XML Schemas
    is in progress. 

lignumCAD 0.2 (Development)

    lignumCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) program geared specifically
    to aid the woodworker in designing custom furniture and other hand-made
    objects. It supports both two-dimensional and three-dimensional
    representations of the design with full parametric interrelations.
    Additional features include optimized layout of the bill of materials
    on custom stock and photo-realistic rendering of the final design. 

LuDAP 0.3 

    LuDAP is a Web interface to manage a simple LDAP database based on
    users and groups. It includes an XML import/export capability for
    external syndication. 

LUFS Userland Filesystem 0.9.0pre1 

    LUFS is a hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting an
    indefinite number of filesystems (localfs, sshfs, ftpfs, httpfs,
    socketfs, freenetfs, and nutellafs) transparently for any application.
    It can be regarded as doing the same job as the VFS (virtual filesystem
    switch) in the kernel: it is a switch, distributing the filesystem
    calls to its supported filesystems. However, LUFS filesystems are
    implemented in userspace. This would be a drawback for local
    filesystems where the access speed is important, but proves to be a
    huge advantage for networked filesystems where the userland flexibility
    is most important. 

materm 0.0.3 

    materm is a multi-terminal for the X Windows system based on aterm that
    provides tabbed functionality without requiring KDE or GNOME. 

Moodle 1.0.8 

    Moodle is a learning management system for producing Internet-based
    course Web sites. It is written in PHP and is easy to install and use
    on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. It has been designed to support modern
    pedagogies based on social constructionist theory, and includes
    activity modules such as forums, resources, journals, quizzes, surveys,
    choices, and assignments. It has been translated into 20 languages,
    with more on the way. Moodle offers a free alternative to commercial
    software such as WebCT and Blackboard, and is being used by a growing
    number of universities, schools, and independent teachers for distance
    education or to supplement face-to-face teaching. 

Non-Networked File System 2.1.2 

    NNFS (Non-Networked File System) provides a consistent file system over
    several non-networked Unix computers (or slow networked). 

OpenCM 0.1.2alpha3 

    OpenCM is designed as a secure, high-integrity replacement for CVS. It
    includes features such as file renaming, branch and file level access
    control, cryptographic authentication, and end-to-end integrity

OSSP ex 1.0.1 

    OSSP ex is a small ISO-C++ style exception handling library for use in
    the ISO-C language. It allows you to use the paradigm of throwing and
    catching exceptions in order to reduce the amount of error handling
    code without making your program less robust. This is achieved by
    directly transferring exceptional return codes (and the program control
    flow) from the location where the exception is raised (throw point) to
    the location where it is handled (catch point), usually from a deeply
    nested sub-routine to a parent routine. All intermediate routines no
    longer have to make sure that the exceptional return codes from
    sub-routines are correctly passed back to the parent. 

OSSP sa 1.0.3 

    OSSP sa is an abstraction library for the Unix socket application
    programming interface (API). It features stream and datagram oriented
    communication over Unix Domain and Internet Domain (TCP and UDP)
    sockets. It provides the following key features: address abstraction
    (local, IPv4, and IPv6), type abstraction, I/O timeouts, I/O stream
    buffering, and convenience I/O functions. 

Package DataBase View 1.2.5 

    Package DataBase View generates an HTML view of an RPM or a dpkg
    database. Its modular design allows support for other database formats
    and other output formats (like XML). 

PHP ShoutBox 0.1.4 

    PHP ShoutBox allows developers to add a instant message shout box to
    websites. The shoutbox is an iframe element, and the script operates
    using javascript and stores the messages in a MySQL database (a file
    gets complicated with synchronous posts, so a database was favored).
    The look of the box is controlled through styles. All the modern
    browsers are supported. It handles some of the details that other shout
    boxes do not. When the new message is displayed, the shoutbox is
    scrolled down so that the new message comes into view. It also checks
    for new messages. 

PircBot 1.0.1 

    PircBot is a Java framework for writing IRC bots quickly and easily.
    Its features include an event-driven architecture to handle common IRC
    events, flood protection, DCC support, ident support, and more. Its
    comprehensive logfile format is suitable for use with pisg to generate
    channel statistics. Full documentation is included, and the Web site
    contains a 5-minute step-by-step guide to making your first IRC bot. 

PPMy 0.2 

    PPMy is a simple Web-based administration utility to administer users
    and groups to a ProFTPD server, storing users and groups in a MySQL

qconfirm 0.8.0 

    qconfirm is an implementation of a delivery confirmation process for a
    mail address or ezmlm mailing list. It is invoked by qmail-local
    through a .qmail file, and can reduce the amount of junk mail hitting a
    mailbox or the mailboxes of mailing list subscribers. 

RPG1 0.0.6 

    RPG1 is a text-mode console role playing game written in Perl. It
    features ASCII graphics provided by the ANSI::Color module, an
    inventory, a magic system, food depletion, killing, getting killed, a
    library system, and themes. It also features a top-down view

SetiStat 0.6 

    SetiStat reads the files of your SETI@home client and extracts and
    shows data related to your account, such as the total and average time
    spent on processing work units, the progress of the current work unit,
    the time spent on it, the expected time required for processing it,

Simple Picture Gallery Manager 1.2 

    Simple Picture Gallery Manager is a basic PHP script that displays
    picture galleries on the Web. It is highly configurable, and includes
    several features (such as new picture highlighting) that make galleries
    very easy to set up and integrate into a Web site. 

Smart Cache 0.80 (Stable)

    Smart Cache is full-featured pure Java proxy cache server. It can cache
    any pages and make them available for offline browsing. Other features
    include a URL filter, cookie filter, ability to fake User-Agents,
    Referer, and Cookie headers, Web forwarder (accelerator) mode,
    background downloading, multiple logs, fast operation, very
    configurable garbage collection, cache directory structure copies
    server structure, and cached files are ready for use (no headers

SouRCe PacKaGer 0.1.3-1.0rc1 

    SouRCe PacKaGer (srcpkg) is a program for managing separate software
    packages under the same directory hierarchy. It is especially useful
    for packages distributed as source. It is similar to GNU Stow, Depot,
    etc., but works by creating packages from new files found in the
    directory tree, allowing it to manage large, complex, interdependent
    packages such as those of KDE and GNOME. 

Swiss-PdbViewer 3.7 beta 2 

    Swiss-PdbViewer is an application that provides a user friendly
    interface for analyzing several proteins at the same time. The proteins
    can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and to
    compare their active sites or any other relevant parts. Amino acid
    mutations, H- bonds, angles, and distances between atoms are easy to
    obtain with the intuitive graphic and menu interface. 

Tapestry 2.4-alpha-1 

    Tapestry is a rich, component-based object model for developing
    dynamic, robust, highly interactive Web applications. Applications are
    constructed in terms of Java objects, methods and properties, instead
    of URLs and query parameters. It builds and interprets all URLs,
    dispatching directly to application-specific "listener"
    methods. It includes complete source code, documentation, tutorials and
    a complete example J2EE application. 

The Daily Journal 0.6.9 

    fltdj, The Daily Journal, is a PIM program that is written using the
    Fast Light Tool Kit. It manages daily notes, appointments, holidays,
    contact and to-do lists, and issues alerts before scheduled

The Tamber Project 1.1.31 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a componentized n-tier Web site engine that uses
    open languages such as XML and JavaScript. Content is stored in
    separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects. Business
    functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP. Presentation is
    controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for delivery over
    multiple channels such as HTML, WAP, and MHEG. Currently, Tamber can
    deliver to HTML and WAP, and contains modules that support e-commerce
    shopping carts, secure sign in, data access and conversion services,
    and advanced session management. 

Turbo Vision 2.0.1 RC2 (Beta)

    Turbo Vision is a C++ library that provides a very nice user interface
    for console applications. This UNIX port is based on Borland's version
    2.0 with fixes. It was made to create RHIDE, a nice IDE for gcc and
    other GNU compilers. The library supports /dev/vcsa devices for fast
    access to local consoles, and it uses ncurses to run from telnet and
    xterm. This port, in contrast to the Sigala's port, doesn't have
    "100% compatibility with the original library" as goal.
    Instead, many modifications were made for the sake of security
    (especially buffer overflows). This port is also available for the
    original platform (DOS). 

Typing Trainer 0.1 

    Typing Trainer is designed for exercising typing speed and typing
    accuracy, by providing an environment to type in a copy of an original
    text within a specific time period. It also has the ability to store
    the results of such an exercise for exam purposes. 

ucspi-ipc 0.60 

    ucspi-ipc implements D. J. Bernstein's UCSPI protocol in the Unix
    domain, making it trivial to set up clients or servers on Unix sockets.
    ucspi- ipc comes with utilities using credential passing on Unix
    sockets, which are designed to act like a fine-grained and efficient
    sudo without the need for setuid programs. 

UnixODBC.pm 0.18 

    UnixODBC.pm provides Perl programs with a subset of the X/Open ODBC API
    to the EasySoft unixODBC DBMS libraries, as well as a peer to peer API
    for querying ODBC data sources on networked systems. In addition, it
    provides peer client and server scripts and configuration files, sample
    clients that perform ODBC queries on local and networked systems, and
    two multi-host data managers: one that uses Apache and CGI to provide a
    Web browser interface, and another that uses Perl/Tk. 

VCDphp 2.25 

    VCDphp is a little PHP script that uses MySQL to catalog your VCD/DivX
    & SVCD Collection on a Web site. It's easy to install on an Apache
    Web server with PHP and MySQL. There's an easy-to-use,
    password-protected admin-interface to manage (add & change) your
    movies. It also automaticaly adds the rating supplied by imdb
    (www.imdb.com) and the movie-picture to every entry. 

Verlof 0.4.0 

    Verlof is a Web application for registering and viewing leave
    information. It records hours of leave rights and hours of leave within
    categories like normal leave, special leave, reduced working-hours
    (ADV), and the begin and end dates for the leave's period. The few
    rules imposed on the entries are mainly sanity checks like "begin
    date is in the weekend". The act of entering a new leave entry
    sends an email to the group manager and a copy to the employee. The
    advantages of this electronic version over the paper version are: there
    is a single information location (no employee-card and mother-card
    discrepancies), questionable entries immediately draw the manager's
    attention (with email), and various up-to-date views of the leave
    history are available (total, year, and list). Verlof is a Dutch-only
    application and a little specific to Leiden University. 

VideoDB 2003-01-06 

    VideoDB is a database to manage your personal video collection. It's
    mainly designed for videofiles but you can also put your DVDs and VHS
    tapes in it. It features fetching movie data/covers from the Internet
    Movie Database (IMDb), local caching of coverimages, an option to mark
    movies as seen, a search by genre or title/subtitle/plot/cast data, a
    filter for TV episodes, a random movie function and a simple borrow
    manager. It is a personal database, so no user
    management/authentication scheme is implemented. Everybody may
    add/edit/delete movies. 

WebConference 2.21 

    WebConference is a CGI-based streaming/real-time chat solution. It has
    a full suite of features such as custom colors, private rooms, seamless
    jumping, advanced security features, stealth mode, and much more. 

XMMS Autoplay Plugin 1.0 

    XMMS Autoplay Plugin is a small plugin for XMMS that starts playing on
    starting XMMS. It can start at the beginning of the playlist, at a
    random position or, with a small patch for XMMS, at the position the
    last XMMS session stopped. 

XWine 0.3 (Development)

    XWine is a graphical user interface for the WINE emulator. It provides
    an interface for configuring and running MS-Windows applications
    (MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, or Win32). 

Zope 2.6.0 

    Zope is a free, Open Source Web application platform used for building
    high-performance, dynamic Web sites. It contains a powerful and simple
    scripting object model and high-performance, integrated object

Environment.pm does not report "database not c

    I had my slash site working a while back and now it is not. I am
    running Suse 7.3 with a 2.4.10 kernel. Apache and mod perl seem to be
    installed: [Thu Jan 2 15:39:33 2003] [notice] Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)
    mod_perl/1.27 configured -- resuming normal operations [Thu Jan 2
    15:39:33 2003] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: sysvsem) Some
    odd things: 

Odd tag behavour

    I've added the IMG and SRC to the list of allowed tags in the var for
    that at geekizoid - problem is, it still doesn't allow those in
    comments - did I miss something? Slashd and apache have been restarted.
    --Pinkerton Floyd 

Best Practices for Secure Remote Admin?

    What are best practices for securely administering a Slash site over
    the Web? I'm trying to use SSL for the purpose, which would be ideal,
    but I'm meeting with only limited success. There appears to be a bug in
    the user login code that keeps flipping the browser back to the non-SSL
    index. Is it just me, or am I barking up the wrong administrative tree? 

What happened to the headlines e-mails?

    I've subscribed to the headlines e-mails from several slash sites, but
    most particularly to me, slashcode and use.perl. For some reason,
    despite my settings still seeming to be correct, slashcode has stopped
    sending them. I still get use.perl's headlines though. Any idea why? 

Problems with runtask

    I just recently installed slash 2.2.6 on a server in my company
    intranet. We're going to make use of it as a technical forum for the
    developers to collaborate. For the most part, everything has gone
    smoothly and I've had little trouble getting slash configured the way I
    want. The one problem I have come across is that I can't run runtask
    with any of the tasks in my slash-site. Every time I try to do it, I
    check my slashd.log and find a similar error: Tue Dec 24 15:01:50 2002
    Starting runtask with pid 10011 glob failed (child exited with status
    1) at /home/usr1/app/slash/bin/runtask line 118. No task
    'refresh_authors_cache.pl' found in
    /home/usr1/app/slash/site/emmaus.saic.com/tasks I've tried looking
    overthe code for runtask, but I'm a pretty novice perl programmer and
    have had little luck tracking the problem down. If anyone has ideas
    what might be causing this, please share. I don't want to have to wait
    a day for new users to have changes made to their accounts, since we're
    immediately going to make everyone authors (w/ seclev 100) because of
    the environment we're in. 


    Well, we were going to wait until 31 Dec 2002, but since the cat is out
    of the bag already, Geekizoid.Com is back. Hosted by LRSE. 

The Last Straw

    I just put up my first site using slashcode. It took about a week to
    get from downloading the Mandrake ISO's to having the site pretty
    complete. I have never used Linux before and I took this on as a
    learning experience. I am quite happy with the way it all turned out!
    Anyway, about the site - I found that people seem to complain about
    celebrities a lot, so I figured that a slash site related to the stupid
    things celebrities say and do might be a good idea. Check it out and
    let me know what you think! 

WML functionality?

    I have been wondering if there is anyone out there using the WML/WAP
    functionality of Slash? There were some past articles on this subject,
    but seemingly with no clear answers. I was hoping to be able to
    generate .wml pages somehow like slashdot.org currently does. Any tips

Graphics not appearing in Topic setup

    My newly installed topics were given graphics, in the format of
    ./images/topics/graphicname.ext and the pictures don't show. I've gone
    back in and tried changing them to absolute URLs, but when I click
    "save topic" it reverts back to the old entry. I can click and change
    sections and those update fine, but the graphic entry doesn't. 

Adding a rand photo block

    Hello, i have written something for my slash site deporteyciencia.com
    for having a nice random photo block, i try to describe the process
    first, and later put all the code. (locally) you need a lot of free
    photos (locally) you need imagemagick (locally) run the script
    create_minis.pl for creating the thumbs. Take a look to the destination
    directories. You can create a captions.txt with the syntaxis:
    filename::caption(newline)... The captions will be drawn on the image!!
    put the original images and the thumbs in your site (remote) put the
    task rand.pl in your site (and change the directories as needed)
    (remote)configure crontab for running your task daily or hourly.
    (remote) write a block who shows rand_mini_foto.jpg and links to
    rand_foto.jpg do nothing and enjoy, or try to write a way for users
    uploading photos "one day they will appear" The code:
    -------------------------------- CREATE_MINIS.PL (remember to change
    directories and have imagemagick installed)
    -------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;
    #-------- config my $use_captions=1; my $background="#006699"; my
    $fore="#ffffff"; my $width="190x190"; #-------- config end my
    @files=`ls *.jpg`; my %captions=(); if ($use_captions) { open
    F_captions,"captions.txt" or die "ERROR, lack of \"captions.txt\"\n
    This file has the following
    sintaxis:\nfilename1::caption1\nfilename2::caption 2\n..."; while () {
    chomp; my ($filename,$text)=split (/::/,$_);
    $captions{$filename}=$text; } close F_captions; } foreach (@files) {
    print $_; chomp; if ($use_captions) { system("convert -resize
    $width_height $_ minis_with_captions/$_"); if($captions{$_}) {
    system("convert -box \"$background\" -font helvetica -fill \"$fore\"
    -draw \"text 0,10 \\\" $captions{$_}\\\"\" $_
    images_with_captions/$_"); system("convert -box \"$background\" -font
    helvetica -fill \"$fore\" -draw \"text 0,10 \\\" $captions{$_}\\\"\"
    minis_with_captions/$_ minis_with_captions/$_"); } else { print "Error:
    lack of captions for file $_\n"; } } else { system("convert -resize
    $width_height $_ minis/$_"); } } --------------------------------
    rand.pl (remember to change directory names)
    -------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w #coge una imagen
    aleatoriamente y la copia en rand_foto.jpg #lo mismo para una foto de
    las pequeñas, que están en /minis #llamado cada dia por una tarea use
    strict; #--- config my
    $path_in="/home/xavi/slash_2.2.5/fotos_deportivas" ; my
    $path_out="/home/xavi/slash_2.2.5/images"; #--- config end my
    $num_files=`ls $path_in/*.jpg|wc -l`; my $file=int rand $num_files; my
    $count=0; my @files=`cd $path_in;ls *.jpg`; foreach (@files) { $count
    ++; if ($count == $file) { chomp; system("cp $path_in/$_
    $path_out/rand_foto.jpg"); system("cp $path_in/minis/$_
    $path_out/rand_mini_foto.jpg"); } } -------------------------- write
    the block and config crontab for yourself. It's more easy than i can
    explain with my english level :) Thanks Krow: Yes this is a format
    nightmare but I thought I would share the submission with people

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

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    Lowest Price: $2.75 

Angelina Ballerina Book and Doll Set by Katharine Holabird (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $16.50 

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