O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    January 24, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Caffeine: XTZ Energy Truffles

Interests: Megatokyo Graphic Novel

Gadgets: SureFire Z2 Combat Light

Computing: DVD X Copy

Gadgets: Snap Digital Mini Camera

Gadgets: LED Mini Headlamp

Cube Goodies: The Binary Clock

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

pmd-1.02 is released

    PMD is a Java source code analyzer. It finds unused variables, empty
    catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. This release
    includes a number of new rules and bugfixes. ...with a slew of new
    rules (ImportFromSamePackageRule, SwitchDensityRule,
    NullAssignmentRule, UnusedModifierRule, ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoopRule)
    and plenty o' bug fixes and new features. See the changelog -
    http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=135420 - for
    all the details. Thanks to the many folks who contributed, most of whom
    are listed here: http://pmd.sourceforge.net/credits.html Thanks, Tom 

RCSoccerSim 9.2.2 is available 

    The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for
    multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two
    teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer
    (football). RoboCup Soccer Simulator is licensed under a combination of
    the GNU GPL and GNU LGPL. The latest stable release adds goal posts
    with "real" collision detection and modelling as well the remaining
    official changes requested for the new RoboCup World Cup. But that's
    not all, to make your life easier (and mine more difficult), the
    various rcsoccersim modules are now available as RPMs for i386. If
    anyone else is willing to provide RPMs for other architectures, let us
    (sserver-admin at users.sf.net) know and we'll tell you how. 

tinyproxy 1.5.2 released

    After a month of being in the "Release Candidate" state, tinyproxy
    1.5.2 has been released. There have been a bunch of usability
    improvements since 1.5.1. Anyone using 1.5.1 or previous is recommended
    to upgrade. tinyproxy is a GPLed, lightweight HTTP proxy. Designed from
    the ground up to be fast and yet small, it is an ideal solution for
    sites where a full featured HTTP proxy is required, but the system
    resources for a larger proxy are unavailable. 

JGraphpad 1.2.2 released

    This release offers many new switches in the properties file, minor bug
    fixes and the following new features: pluggable layout algorithms with
    Sugiyama and Spring-embedder default implementations, scaled image
    cells, edge routing menu, plugin-architecture for adding new commands,
    and file extensions for open/save dialogs. JGraphpad is the first free
    diagram editor for Java that offers XML and drag-and-drop capabilities. 

Seahorse 0.6.0 released

    Seahorse branches have been consolodated (this is the end of having a
    separate seahorse2 branch). Many code cleanups and packages updates
    have occured since seahorse2-0.4.4. This also marks the beginning of
    stable and development releases based on minor versions. 0.7.0 should
    be released in a week or 2. 

SCons 0.10 is now available

    SCons alpha release 0.10 is now available for download. SCons is a
    software construction tool (build tool, or substitute for Make)
    implemented in Python, based on the winning design in the Software
    Carpentry build tool competition (in turn based on the Cons build
    tool). IMPORTANT: Release 0.10 contains the following interface
    changes: - The meaning of the third argument passed to user-defined
    Scanner functions has changed. It was formerly the target node being
    built, and is now a list of directories (a path) which may be searched
    for files found during the scan. - The .sconsign files are no longer
    ASCII text, they are now a pickled (binary) Python data structure. This
    release adds the following features: - SCons now prints a description
    of Python functions being executed as actions to update a target. -
    Scanners now support a "recursive" attribute that specifies the Scanner
    will be re-applied to files found during the scan. - A new Clean()
    method supports removing user-specified files when using the -c option.
    - New SetJobs() and GetJobs() method support setting or fetching the
    default number of jobs. - The MinGW tool chain is now supported. - A
    new --debug=includes option has been added. The following fixes have
    been added: - SCons now symlinks or copies files from Repositories on
    different file systems, when hard links won't work. - The Install()
    method prints something when the -n option is used. - When the -n
    option is used, SCons no longer creates duplicate source files in a
    BuildDir(). - The Program() Builder (and other multiple-step Builders)
    now work properly when only the source file is specified. - A bug when
    building a file whose basename matched the directory in which it lived
    has been fixed. - The -c options will now properly remove symlinks. -
    The Environment.get() now returns None by default. - Error messages now
    all start with "scons: ***". - Warning messages now all start with
    "scons: warning:". Performance has been improved as follows: - Scanners
    are now called once and only once per file. - Internal checks for
    whether a file has a Builder have been significantly sped up. -
    Unnecessary internal imports have been removed. The following changes
    have been made to the SCons packaging: - The scons-local packages no
    longer contain Python bytecode (*.pyc) files. The documentation has
    been improved: - The initial explanation of SConscript files has been
    improved. - A misformatted table in the StaticObject description has
    been fixed. - New features have been documented. 

lifelines internationalized

    LifeLines is a genealogy program to help with your family history
    research. Its primarily strengths are its powerful scripting language
    and the ability easily import and export information in the GEDCOM
    format. Recent copies of lifelines now include Danish, French, German,
    and Swedish message catalogs. 

Millstone 3.0.2 released 

    Millstone is a library for creating server side user interfaces for
    networked Java applications. It provides easiness and modularity of
    component based user interface development to Internet application
    development as well as terminal independency. This version is service
    release for the Millstone Base 3.0 and the Millstone WebAdapter 3.0
    modules. This version includes fixes to both base and web-adapter
    modules, and it also adds some previously unimplemented features to the
    default theme. 

JGAP 0.32 released

    JGAP is a genetic algorithms package written in Java. It is designed to
    require minimum effort to use "out of the box," but is also designed to
    be highly modular to allow for custom components to be easily plugged
    in by the more adventurous. JGAP 0.32 is a maintenance release that
    primarily includes optimizations to increase performance and reduce
    memory consumption. Minor enhancements and fixes, as well as additions
    to the documentation, are also included. Please see the Changelog for
    details. JGAP 0.32 is considered an alpha release and is therefore not
    feature-complete and may contain bugs. 

EasySok 0.3.2 released

    EasySok is a sokoban game for KDE. It is themeable, has a level editor
    and a solver, various import/export functions, a retro mode and other
    nice features. This is just a bugfix release for users of gcc 3.2. If
    you could compile EasySok 0.3.1, there is no need to switch to this new

Robin Gross and IP Justice

    ethereal writes "According to [0]this news.com article, former EFF
    attorney Robin Gross is starting up a new group called IP Justice in
    order to 'promote balance in global intellectual property law.' Her
    greatest fear? 'That we're too late.'" 
    0. http://news.com.com/2008-1082-981663.html

Evolution Of The Online Tax Debate

    [0]rhwalker22 writes "Last November, the Streamlined Sales Tax Project
    drafted a plan to make it easier for states to cooperate in collecting
    sales taxes on products sold over the Internet. That plan is now headed
    to governors and state legislatures for debate. While that debate
    begins, the sales tax group is moving into new territory, debating how
    to apply sales taxes to digital services, like music and software
    downloads, and IP telephony. Most states participating in the sales tax
    project have sent representatives to Tampa, Fla., this week to take up
    this subject, according to [1]a report by washingtonpost.com." 
    0. http://www.technews.com
    1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29267-2003Jan22.html

Tech Firms Fight Copy Protection Laws

    [0]buulu writes "CNET is [1]running an article about [2]Alliance For
    Digital Progress going on the offensive against Hollywood over digital
    copy protection. The alliance consists of some of the big names: Apple,
    Cisco Systems, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Information Technology
    Association of America, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola, etc." 
    0. http://worldpress.org
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1023-981882.html?tag=fd_lede2_hed
    2. http://alliancefordigitalprogress.org/ADP/content/?p=CoalitionMembers

More Anime College and University Courses Being Offered

    [0]Ninja Master Gara writes "[1]Anime News Network reports [2]New York
    University is offering a new courses on the anime [3]industry and
    [4]culture. Anime is slowly expanding from University Clubs into
    [5]mainstream college courses, many of which begin at the 'What is
    anime?' level. Several [6]Universities and [7]Community Colleges
    already offer [8]similar courses, or [9]incorporate anime into existing
    studies." If any school decides to offer a course on the Gundam series,
    I'd be happy to teach a class. 
    0. http://anime.oddball.net
    1. http://animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=3076
    2. http://www.nyu.edu/
    3. http://www.nyu.edu/summer/courses/scps-digital.nyu#2
    4. http://www.nyu.edu/pages/east.asian.studies/civ_descript.html#31
    5. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~amnornes/anime.html
    6. http://web.pdx.edu/~levia/hstxxxtop.html
    8. http://www.bcc.ctc.edu/bccweb/news/anime.stm
    9. http://utd500.utdallas.edu/~hairston/ah3300.html

How Much Does it Cost to Produce a Recording?

    An anonymous reader writes "How much does the average new album cost to
    produce? I have seen this cost estimated between $500,000 and
    $1,000,000, but some quick figuring does not support a cost this high.
    According to various sources (Ok, Slashdot stories…), somewhere around
    27,000 albums are produced each year and 906.6 million albums are
    shipped. I would guess that the album retail (about $15 per album) is
    based on a 100% markup, so that these 906.6 million albums are sold at
    wholesale for about $7.50 apiece, which means that the revenue from
    wholesale sales is about $6.8 billion. This means that the actual
    production cost has to be less than $250,000 per album, otherwise the
    record industry is losing money. I have left out the cost of actually
    printing and copying the albums as I think that the average cost is
    probably less than $0.25 per copy." 

Sony to Stop Producing Smaller CRTs

    NerveGas writes "Sony is apparantly going to [0]stop producing 17- and
    19-inch CRTs, in favor of LCDs. It seems a bit soon to drop CRTs
    completely, seeing as how LCDs still have less than 30% of the market
    share. Maybe since their patent on Trinitron screens expired, they're
    not able to command ridiculous margins any more." Smaller CRTs? I've
    got a couple 19" Sony monitors here, and I've always considered them to
    be a good size. 
    0. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,841366,00.asp

Slashback: Tableturkey, Stromlo, Mandrake

    Slashback tonight with followups on previous stories about tablet
    computers, the fire at Mt.Stromlo, and Mandrake Linux -- read below for
    the details. Update: 01/24 00:08 GMT by [0]T: One more update added
    below, regarding the post earlier this week on nVidia's new video card. 
    0. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/

DTD vs. XML Schema

    [0]AShocka writes "The W3C XML Schema Working Group has released the
    first public Working Draft of [1]Requirements for XML Schema 1.1.
    Schemas are technology for specifying and constraining the structure of
    XML documents. The draft adds functionality and clarifies the XML
    Schema Recommendation [2]Part 1 and [3]Part 2. The [4]XML Schema Valid
    FAQ highlights development issues and resources using XML Schema. This
    article at webmasterbase.com addresses the [5]XML DTDs Vs XML Schema
    issue. Also see the [6]W3C Conversion Tool from DTD to XML Schema and
    other [7]XML Schema/DTD Editors." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xmlschema-11-req-20030121/
    2. http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-1-20010502/
    3. http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/
    4. http://www.schemavalid.com/faq/xml-schema.html
    5. http://www.webmasterbase.com/article/931
    6. http://www.w3.org/2000/04/schema_hack/
    7. http://www.xml.com/pub/pt/2

EvDO High-Speed Wireless vs. 802.11

    willll writes "The Washington Post is running [0]a story about EvDO
    (Evolution Data Only), a high-speed wireless technology. It can work
    anywhere that a mobile phone can work, one of its main advantages over
    WiFi. Companies such as Verizon and Lucent are looking into the
    technology." From the article, I'm not sure that EvDO can be directly
    compared to WiFi connections (and the article does not mention current
    long-range 802.11 ISPs), but it's still interesting. 
    0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30446-2003Jan22.html

Sprint DSL's Security Hole Easy As 1,2,3,4

    An Anonymous reader points to this [0]Wired article, excerpting "Sprint
    officials acknowledged that remote access to the administrative
    software embedded in the ZyXel Prestige 642 and 645 modems is by
    default protected with a password of '1234.' But the company said users
    are responsible for securing the equipment, which stores login data,
    including the user's e-mail address and password." Wired found that
    more than 90% of the modems they polled were using that default
    0. http://www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0,1377,57342,00.html

aifc2wav 1 

    aifc2wav will save an AIFC IMA4 sound file as a WAV file. 

Anagramarama 0.1 

    Anagramarama is a word guessing game for Linux and Windows. The aim is
    to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the
    longest word and you'll advance to the next level. It uses SDL. 

Astaro Security Linux 2.032 (Sun Cobalt)

    Astaro Security Linux is a firewall solution. It does stateful packet
    inspection filtering, content filtering, user authentication, virus
    scanning, VPN with IPSec (PKI for X.509 certificates) and PPTP, and
    much more. With its Web-based management tool, WebAdmin, and the
    ability to pull updates via the Internet, it is pretty easy to manage.
    It is based on a special hardened Linux 2.4 distribution where most
    daemons are running in change-roots and are protected by kernel


    Bashish is a theme-engine using bash and other POSIX shells to
    customize nearly all aspects of the terminal: title, colors, prompt,
    font, background, etc. It has a modular design which makes it easy to
    add features (and it does have a lot) while keeping good performance. 

Bazooka Board 2.75 

    Bazooka Board is a very simple bulletin board system with no big frills
    or fancy profiles. Its strong point is that it does not require any
    database whatsoever. Bazooka Board uses a flat text file to record all
    of its data. It allows a single Administrative login so that you can
    edit/delete posts on the board freely. Setting up Bazooka Board is very

bemDB 0.3.0 

    bemDB is a PostgreSQL database designed to store benefit and enrollment
    information for members of group health insurance plans. Its main
    feature is the ability to output HIPAA-compliant 834 Benefit Enrollment
    and Maintenance EDI transaction sets with all required segments and
    situational segments for which there is data. 

Bugloo 0.1d 

    Bugloo is a commandline-based debugger for the Scheme compiler Bigloo.
    It aims to help programmers in debugging programs written for the JVM
    backend of Bigloo. It is written mostly in Java and uses JVMDI and
    JVMPI, the standard APIs provided by Sun to make debuggers. It can
    debug Scheme programs written for Bigloo, Java programs, or a mix of
    both by instrumenting their execution. It is based on the debugging
    model used in GDB and provides features that allow users to debug
    programs in a more practical manner than conventional debuggers. Users
    can control it by typing Scheme-like expressions into a prompt. For the
    sake of simplicity, it includes a debugging environment for GNU Emacs
    or XEmacs. 

Buildtool 0.9 

    Buildtool is a set of integrated utilities which make programs more
    portable and easier to build on any kind of Unix-like system. 

clxmms 0.6 

    clxmms is a client of xmms, working in command- line or batch mode. It
    lets users play/stop/skip songs, and generally manage a playlist. 

CrossOver Plugin 1.2.0 

    CrossOver Plugin lets you use Windows plugins directly in your Linux
    browser. With CrossOver you can watch QuickTime movies, play Shockwave
    Director games, and even view Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents
    using the Microsoft viewers. 

Extended Modelling of Group Access 0.0.2 

    This software makes it easier to define complex group membership
    structures. It also make it easier to let one group have read access
    and one other group to have write access to some specific data. 

FreeCol 0.1.0 

    FreeCol is a Civilization-like game in which the player has to conquer
    the New World. 

FUDforum 2.3.7 (Stable)

    FUDforum is templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either
    MySQL or PostgreSQL. It features a user/group management system, a
    multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a
    private messaging system with mult-iuser forwarding capabilities, poll
    file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable
    forum that can fulfill the needs of both small and large forum

GRAN PM 2.1 

    GRAN PM is one of the most powerful and scalable multi-platform defect
    tracking systems based on Java. GRAN PM includes a Web-based workflow
    manager and bug filter (AND, OR, NOT). It supports custom fields,
    multi-level security, rule-based email notification, PDF reports with
    charts, locales, and timezones. It allows you to organize your database
    into projects and subprojects. It also supports server clustering and
    load balancing. 

graphopt 0.1 

    graphopt is a graph layout optimizer based on the iterative application
    of laws of physics instead of heuristics. 

IPplan 2.97 

    IPplan is a Web-based, multilingual IP address management and tracking
    tool based on PHP which simplifies the administration of your IP
    address space. It can handle a single network or multiple networks with
    overlapping address spaces. It features internationalization, importing
    of network definitions from routing tables, importing of definitions
    from TAB-delimited files and NMAP's XML format, support for multiple
    administrators with different access profiles (per group, per customer,
    per network etc.), definitions of address space authority boundaries
    per group, finding free address space across a range, display of
    overlapping address spaces between networks, search capabilities, an
    audit log, statistics, and tracking and sending SWIP/registrar

JedABC 1.10.0 (Stable)

    JedABC is an extension to the JED editor that turns it into a powerful
    and easy to use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for ABC files,
    with full integration with players, and previewers. It is similar in
    concept to BarFly or runabc, with several advantages. It works on
    Windows and Linux, and possibly other Unix variants. 

KronoClass 0.5 (Development)

    KronoClass is a PHP class which performs various operations on dates
    and times. It is based on internal arrays instead of the LC_TIME
    setting of PHP. Its language support includes Italian, English, French,
    German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Norwegian, and Indonesian. 

LadyDragon 1.0 (Stable)

    LadyDragon is a theme featuring a picture of a dragon moving from 2D to
    3D on the back of a quasi-nude Asian CG character. 

MEDICI 0.0.96 (Development)

    MEDICI is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) library. ISO 9735
    (EDIFACT) and TRADACOMS syntaxes are supported. MEDICI is a parser for
    EDI streams and provides functions to query system and message

multicd 1.7.1 

    multicd provides an easy way to backup a large number of files to
    multiple CDs. Give multicd the files/directories you want backed up and
    it will create as many CDs as it needs to, prompting the user to put in
    a new disc whenever needed. It can be configured to run in a
    multi-threading mode, where it will burn one image to a disc while it
    is copying files to another image. This feature can be disabled for
    slower machines. 

NetBeans Java IDE 3.4.1 

    NetBeans is a cross-platform IDE written in Java. It supports
    development in Java, and support for other languages can be added. The
    whole IDE is built around a core framework with APIs, and features are
    implemented in the form of plugin modules. This clean, modular
    architecture makes NetBeans a good platform for building development
    tools and custom IDEs. 

Nikola Tesla Tribute 1.0 

    Nikola Tesla Tribute is a theme based on the Snail Window Maker theme. 

OpenEXR 1.0.4 

    OpenEXR is a high dynamic range (HDR) image file format developed by
    Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.
    It includes support for 16-bit floating-point pixels (compatible with
    NVIDIA's Cg shader language "half" datatype), several
    lossless compression algorithms, and extensible image metadata

patchutils 0.2.19 (Stable)

    Patchutils contains a collection of tools for manipulating patch files:
    interdiff, combinediff, filterdiff, fixcvsdiff, rediff, lsdiff,
    grepdiff, splitdiff, recountdiff, and unwrapdiff. You can use interdiff
    to create an incremental patch between two patches that are against a
    common source tree, and combinediff for creating a cumulative diff from
    two incremental patches. Filterdiff is for extracting or excluding
    patches from a patch set based on modified files matching shell
    wildcards. Lsdiff lists modified files in a patch. Rediff, recountdiff,
    and unwrapdiff correct hand-edited (or otherwise broken) patches. 

Personal File Manager 1.87.1 (Stable)

    pfm is a terminal-based file manager written in Perl. All pfm commands
    are one- or two-key commands. It features colored filenames according
    to extension or type, a single-file and multiple-file mode, support for
    executing user-defined commands (including wildcards) with only two
    keystrokes, and use of the ReadLine library for friendly commandline

PHP Dump Maker 2.3 

    PHP Dump Maker is a smart PHP backup solution. The script reads a given
    source directory (with its subdirectories) and then creates a set of
    directories filled with the content of the source directory, arranged
    in groups to fit a given capacity. It can be used to create CD sets for
    backups. It also supports ISO image creation, direct CD burning via
    cdrecord, automatic file index creation, and more. 

phpQLAdmin 2.0.5 

    phpQLAdmin was designed to administrate a Qmail-LDAP server with an
    easy-to-use Web interface. It allows you to control the server with the
    Qmail-LDAP/Controls patch, add/remove domains, add/remove/edit users,
    change attributes for all domain members, and set passwords, quotas,
    mailhosts, mail addresses, alias addresses, forwarders, and more. The
    application's language is configurable (except for the control part)
    and contains translations for English, German, Italian, Portuguese,
    Spanish, and Japanese. It supports Ezmlm mailing lists. 

PicoGUI 0.44 (Development)

    PicoGUI aims to be a complete GUI environment for handheld computers
    and other embedded systems. It uses a client/server model, like the X
    window system, but while an X server is given raw drawing commands, the
    PicoGUI server integrates a widget set, making PicoGUI clients small
    and efficient. PicoGUI also has the goal of allowing client/server
    connections over a variety of mechanisms. It is most commonly used with
    Linux, but is designed to be portable to any OS. PicoGUI has a variety
    of video and input drivers which allow it to interface with the Linux
    framebuffer device, SDL, the X window system, and several other

poBot 1.0 

    poBot is an IRC Bot. It is written in object oriented design and is
    modular. All of the real features of poBot are provided by the modules. 

PPR 1.50b1 (Development)

    PPR is a Unix print spooler expressly designed for operating PostScript
    printers. Its features are numerous, and it supports printers connected
    to parallel or serial ports, or over the network through AppleTalk,
    LanManager, LPD, and TCP/IP protocols. It accepts jobs from Microsoft
    Windows, Macintosh, and Unix clients. If the input file is not
    PostScript, it can pipe the input through a filter. PPR has been
    designed to manage large numbers of printers with minimal operator
    attention. It has command line and Web interfaces. 

Quality Assurance Tester 2.7.0 

    QAT is a pure Java distributed test harness designed to distribute and
    run tests simultaneously over multiple target platforms. It is
    comprised of a GUI harness, which controls and sends tests to agents
    running remotely, and retrieves the results. It can be accessed via a
    browser interface if remote access to the harness is required. 

radmind 0.9.3 

    radmind is a suite of Unix command-line tools and a server designed to
    remotely administer the file systems of multiple Unix machines. At its
    core, radmind operates as a tripwire. It is able to detect changes to
    any managed filesystem object, e.g. files, directories, links, etc.
    However, radmind goes further than just integrity checking: once a
    change is detected, radmind can optionally reverse the change. Each
    managed machine may have its own loadset composed of multiple, layered
    overloads. This allows, for example, the operating system to be
    described separately from applications. Loadsets are stored on a remote
    server. By updating a loadset on the server, changes can be pushed to
    managed machines. 

S tar 1.5a10 (Development)

    Star is a very fast, POSIX-compliant tar archiver. It reads and writes
    POSIX compliant tar archives as well as non-POSIX GNU tar archives.
    Star is the first free POSIX.1-2001 compliant tar implementation. It
    saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can
    restore individual files from the archive. It includes a FIFO for
    speed, a pattern matcher, multi-volume support, the ability to archive
    sparse files and ACLs, the ability to archive extended file flags,
    automatic archive format detection, automatic byte order recognition,
    automatic archive compression/decompression, remote archives, and
    special features that allow star to be used for full and incremental
    backups. It includes the only known platform independent
    "rmt" server program that hides Linux incompatibilities. The
    "rmt" server from the star package implements all
    Sun/GNU/Schily/BSD enhancements and allows any "rmt" client
    from any OS to contact any OS as server. 

Simkin for C++ 2.15 

    Simkin is a simple scripting language that can be used to customize C++
    applications such as games. Scripts can be embedded within files such
    as XML or in databases. 

SimpleAIM 0.1.0 

    SimpleAIM is a miniature console-based AIM client written in pure Java.
    It implements the TOC protocol and provides a solid framework for
    understanding and writing your own IM clients or bots. 

Space Hulk 1.1.6 

    Space Hulk is a great board game which takes place in the world of
    Warhammer 40000. It is a two player turn-based game where one player
    plays the 'Marine', the other player plays the alien called
    'Genestealer'. This video game is a complete conversion of the board
    game with the 2nd edition rules. It features playing over the network,
    either in real time or asynchronously via email. 

SupportTicket System 1.0 

    The SupportTicket system provides a Web-based support ticket system
    designed to provide a helpdesk system for ISPs, though it is ready to
    go for other organizations. It is scalable from one email address (i.e.
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to as many as you have to track. Any email sent to one of
    the tracked addresses is tagged and forwarded on to your admins or
    customer service representatives and an automatic reply may be sent if
    desired. All emails are stored in a MySQL database for lookup and

Sybase module for Python 0.36pre3 

    The Sybase module for Python provides an interface to the Sybase
    relational database system. It supports all of the Python Database API. 

Tag Soup 0.8 

    TagSoup is a SAX2 parser written in Java that, instead of parsing
    well-formed or valid XML, parses HTML as it is found in the wild: nasty
    and brutish, though quite often far from short. By providing a SAX
    interface, it allows standard XML tools to be applied to even the worst
    HTML. It is a parser, not a whole application; it isn't intended to
    permanently clean up bad HTML, as HTML Tidy does, only to parse it on
    the fly. 

The Backup Shell 1.0 

    bksh is a simple program designed to be used as a shell by SSH. All it
    does it to copy its input to a given backup file. Its goal is to allow
    administrators to create backup-only accounts. 

TinyDYN 1.1 

    TinyDYN is a package of client and server software for operating
    dynamic DNS services. It enables anyone to run dynamic DNS services
    using strong authentication or to be a client of someone using TinyDYN
    as a dynamic IP management system. The clients can communicate directly
    by UDP with the server, by email, or by any other transport the admin
    can imagine, as the mechanism is quite straightforward. 

TkSQL 0.8.22 

    TkSQL allows you to edit the tables of PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.
    You can use it from the shell prompt, specifying the name of a table,
    or an SQL satement, or just the name of a database. It has filter
    capabilities which are very easy to use. Two views are possible (tables
    and form) and both views can coexist. TkSQL can edit a join of two
    tables (limited to the first of such tables). Totals and subtotals can
    be done quickly, and displayed inline with the data or in a separate
    window. Queries can be created in no time and all working conditions
    can be saved at once (comprising subtotals, relative time constraints,
    layout, etc.). It also provides basic tools for creating tables. 

TriActive Java Data Objects 2.0 Beta2 

    TriActive Java Data Objects (TJDO) is an implementation of Sun's Java
    Data Objects (JDO) specification (JSR-12). It aims to provide a viable,
    spec-compliant JDO offering to complement other open source Java tools. 

Turck MMCache 2.3.2 

    Turck MMCache is a opcode cache for PHP. It increases performance of
    PHP scripts by caching them in a compiled state, so that the overhead
    of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also uses some
    optimizations for speeding up PHP scripts' execution. It typically
    reduces server load and increases the speed of PHP code by 1-10 times.
    It is tested with PHP 4.1 and 4.2, and Apache 1.3 under Linux and

vshnu 1.0107 

    Vshnu is a visual shell for Linux/Unix finally done right. Best used as
    an optional color visual mode to a regular command line shell, vshnu is
    handy for powerful directory listing and navigation, Unix command
    assembly, special actions on file types, and fileset handling. Written
    in Perl for portability and high configurability, it also provides the
    advantages of a Perl interpreter as part of your Unix shell

Whiteboard Courseware System 1.0.1 (Whiteboard)

    Whiteboard is a fully-featured integrated courseware system targeted
    toward colleges and universities. It supports multiple departments and
    courses including cross- listed courses, simple migration of courses to
    new semesters, grade storage, checking, and calculation, assignment
    submission, testing, and retrieval, documents, announcements, and
    discussion boards. It is written using PHP and MySQL, and is
    administrable through its Web interface. 

X Resource Graph 0.1.5 

    X Resource Graph (XRG) is a system monitor that shows graphs for CPU
    usage, memory usage, network usage, disk usage, and current weather. It
    is designed to use as little overhead possible while showing a lot of
    information about the resource usage in a nice interface. 

XML Catalog Manager 0.1 

    xmlcatmgr is a command line script used to manipulate SGML and XML
    catalogs. It is lightweight and simple, and was designed to be
    integrated within system package managers. Basically, it can add and
    remove entries from catalogs. 

XmlConfig 2.0.0-b3 (Development)

    XmlConfig is a library for instantiating and configuring Java objects
    from an XML configuration file. 

XmlRpc++ 0.5 

    XmlRpc++ is an implementation of the XML-RPC protocol written in C++.
    It is designed to make it easy to incorporate XmlRpc client and server
    support into C++ applications. The library is easy to incorporate into
    C++ applications. Simple XML parsing and HTTP support are built in. All
    I/O is non-blocking, so a slow client or network will not slow down the

XPlanner 0.3.6 (Release)

    XPlanner is a Web-based project planning and tracking tool for eXtreme
    Programming (XP) teams. XPlanner is implemented using Java, JSP, and
    Struts. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. 

Yerase TNEF Stream Reader 1.06 

    ytnef is a program to decode TNEF streams. Unlike other similar
    programs, it can also decode meeting requests and create VCal entries
    for easy import. It also has a Perl script that can be used in procmail
    recipes to automatically reformat incoming mail appropriately. 

Zorp 2.0rc2 (Development)

    Zorp is a proxy firewall suite. Its core framework allows the
    administrator to finetune proxy decisions (with its built-in script
    language), and fully analyze complex protocols (including SSH with
    several forwarded TCP connections, or SSL with an embedded POP3
    protocol). FTP, HTTP, finger, whois, and SSL protocols are fully
    supported with an application-level gateway. Zorp aims for compliance
    with the Common Cirteria/Application-level Firewall Protection Profile
    for Medium Robustness Enviroment. 

Universal Slash Login

    I've been posting to a number of slash sites for a rather long time,
    and I've had a thought (although it will probably be proven to be
    crazy). Would it be at all possible to some how create a universal
    login for a group of Slash sites? I'm looking at this from the point of
    convenience, as one log in to rule them all would be great. YASS could
    pop up and existing members of the (perhaps distributed) slash members
    DB could start posting right away, taking their Karma and preferences
    with them. Or perhaps not trying to be as fancy, even a centralised
    user database from which user details could be imported - for example,
    when signing up for a new site, you could have an option saying "import
    my user deatils from site x", at which time you enter your username and
    password for site x. I realise that this may require quite a bit of
    planning in terms of compatibility across different versions of Slash,
    but just how tricky would it be to do such a thing? What draw backs
    would there be to such a scheme, and would anyone actually want
    something like this? 

Slash site dies, slashd running, apache running

    I have a regular web site running at port 81 and slash running at port
    82. I have a default page at port 81 that lets people know that
    something is wrong (since the only reason they should ever see it is if
    they go to the wrong port OR slash has died). About once a week the
    slash site disappears and apache displays the default page for port 81.
    Checking the logs, the last traffic was at 4:48 this morning (it gets
    an hourly check for news). Given the 5 hour offset from GMT (since
    slash wants GMT), it probably died at midnight. Slashd and httpd are
    still running, and giving apachectl a restart returns the site to
    working. I've checked the system logs in /var/log (mainly messages),
    the apache logs in /usr/local/apache/logs, and the slash logs in
    /var/local/slash/site/SITENAME/logs and nothing complains about a
    problem at that time. Crontab doesn't appear to do anything special at
    that time. Any ideas what could cause this? I'm on using redhat 7.1 and
    nothing else strange happens at that time. 

How to "remove" authors?

    In our website, we have a long list of users marked as authors for
    historical reasons (we imported tons of articles from a legacy system).
    Most of them are not active anymore and we downgraded seclev to 1, but
    still they are flagged as authors, show up in the author listing and,
    most important, have unlimited moderation power. I don't want to remove
    the username, but is it possible to remove the author flag without
    messing up the display of older stories? 

Installing Slash on OSX (make install)

    I get the following error trying install slash on Mac OS X Server 10.2:
    cp -rv plugins/* /usr/local/slash/plugins/ cp: illegal option -- v
    usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-p] src target cp [-R [-H | -L
    | -P]] [-f | -i] [-p] src1 ... srcN directory make: *** [install] Error
    1 what is the v option? --Jeffrey Kunzelman 

New Zoo Code

    New Zoo code in CVS (and running on Slashcode.com right now). Leave me
    a note if you see anything strange with your friends of friends or foes
    of friends. 

Can slash email authors when comments posted?

    Is there a way to have slash email the author when one of his stories
    is commented on? I'm using slash as a personal journal, no article
    submissions just the author writing stories. Is there a way to modify
    it so I get an email whenever there's a comment made on one of my

Are there ways to integrate Drupal based sites int

    Is slash and drupal close enough in architecture so that they can pull
    stories from each other or comingle successfully? I've enclosed the URL
    and for anyone who doesn't know what it can do. It can be seen at
    http://www.debianplanet.org/ The main page for Drupal is

Karma Bonus

    Slash used to allow users with good karma to have a +1 assigned to new
    comments they were creating (so it would increment the value of comment
    at creation). The way this is done was changed recently (like say on
    Wednesday). What happens now is that the comment is logged with a value
    of "yes" for karma_bonus. A user can adjust the value for what this
    bonus means (by default it is +1). When you look on you own page you
    see the raw score, which is 1. We have been getting rid of the +1/-1
    and such type bonuses and going to a system where the user can decide
    what they want to apply for a bonus. 

Debian package for Slash

    I just installed the Debian package for Slash, and for the most part
    everything just worked after the "apt-get install slash". There were a
    few misplaced Perl modules, but that was fairly easily fixed. I am
    still getting some errors though, and I was wondering if anyone could
    make sense of these. I also have a problem where the Messages user
    options page doesn't display any of the dropdowns, or any other options
    for the user. It will just display the text about the page, and the
    command button. http://www.parkmoor.dyndns.org/ is the address in case
    any of my descriptions are unclear. Thanks for any help. Here's the
    /var/log/slash/[sitename]/[sitename]_error.log output when I try to
    load http://www.parkmoor.dyndns.org/messages.pl: [Fri Jan 17 03:58:53
    2003] [error] /messages.pl:Apache::ROOTwww_2eparkmoor_2edyndns_2
    ndns.org/htdocs/messag es.pl:22:Class Slash::Messages is not working
    properly. Try `perl -MSlash::Messages -le 'Slash::Messages->new'` to
    see why. [Fri Jan 17 03:58:53 2003] [error] Which was called
    ages_2epl:/var/www/slash/www.parkmoor.dyndns.org/h tdocs
    /messages.pl:163:Class Slash::Messages is not working properly. Try
    `perl -MSlash::Messages -le 'Slash::Messages->new'` to see why. [Fri
    Jan 17 03:58:53 2003] [error] Can't call method "getDescriptions" on an
    undefined value at /var/www/slash/www.parkmoor.dyndns.org/htdocs/mess
    ages.pl line 101. 

Improving mod_perl Sites' Performance

    O'Reilly's got a multi-part article series online about improving
    mod_perl's performance. Since Slash is, uh, slightly, tied to mod_perl,
    this may be some good reading for some of you. Here are links to the
    parts: Part 1 The Big Picture Part 2 Essential Tools Part 3 Code
    Profiling Techniques Part 4 Memory Part 5 More Memory 

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