O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    June 14, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Electronics: Radio YourWay

Computing: ThermalTake Active Memory Cooling Kit

Cube Goodies: Luminglass

Computing: ThermalTake Aquarius II CPU Cooler

Computing: ThermalTake HardCano 10

Computing: ThermalTake Xaser PC Cases

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Interests: Tempt me.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

Tshirts: Follow the white rabbit.

OpenEJB 0.9.2 released

    The 0.9.2 release is one that the whole team is quite proud of. OpenEJB
    0.9.0 marked are first release with special Tomcat embedded support.
    Thanks to all the user feedback that support has just gotten better and
    better. The 0.9.2 release contains a neat surprise for OpenEJB/Tomcat
    users -- TOOLS! The new integration features a webapp with a setup
    verifier, JNDI browser, EJB viewer, Class browser, and even an Object
    invoker! You can browse the OpenEJB namespace and know right away
    exactly where the ejb is and what it is called. When you find one you
    like, just click it and it will open up into the EJB viewer. While
    there you can check out it's home, remote and bean classes in the class
    browser. The Object invoker allows you to actually create and invoke
    your EJBs without writing a single line of code. OpenEJB 0.9.2 also
    contains a new openejb.base variable to complement the openejb.home
    variable. The openejb.base variable allows you to have several
    configurations of OpenEJB all running against the same OpenEJB install.
    This makes using OpenEJB in IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans even easier.
    Move the openejb_loader-0.9.2.jar into your project's lib directory,
    set the openejb.base, and you'll be debugging your EJB apps
    front-to-back without the need for remote debugging support or special
    editor plug-ins. Thanks to all the OpenEJB users for all the great
    ideas! You speak, we listen.

LTI-Lib Version Beta 1.9.3 released

    LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++
    for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to
    solve mathematical problems, many image processing algorithms, some
    classification tools and much more. This release provides new functors
    and features, many bug fixes and more documentation. Download --------
    You can get this and previous releases from:
    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45767 Homepage
    -------- For more information please visit our homepage:
    http://ltilib.sourceforge.net ChangeLog --------- For more details
    about the changes in this release please visit the ChangeLog page at:
    Acknowledgments --------------- Thanks to all developers at the Chair
    of Computer Science: Suat Akyol, Pablo Alvarado, Daniel Beier, Axel
    Berner, Ulrich Canzler, Peter Doerfler, Thomas Erger, Holger
    Fillbrandt, Peter Gerber, Claudia, Goenner, Xin Gu, Michael Haehnel,
    Christian Harte, Bastian Ibach, Torsten Kaemper, Thomas Krueger,
    Frederik Lange, Henning Luepschen, Peter Mathes, Alexandros Matsikis,
    Bernd Mussman, Jens Paustenbach, Norman Pfeil, Jens Rietzschel, Daniel
    Ruijters, Thomas Rusert, Stefan Syberichs, Guy Wafo Moudhe, Ruediger
    Weiler, Jochen Wickel , Benni Winkler, Xinghan Yu, Marius Wolf, Joerg

Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 available

    Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 - This is the second (and, we fully
    expect, final) *release candidate* for Gallery v.1.3.4. Changes from
    RC1 essentially amount to small fixes for errors discovered since the
    first release candidate in the backup_albums.php script and the new
    "custom fields" code. Gallery is slick, intuitive web based photo
    gallery with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to
    install, configure and use. Photo management includes automatic
    thumbnails, resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great
    for communities. Download it:
    http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130 Read more about this
    release candidate: http://gallery.sf.net/article.php?sid=75 

phpwsBB 0.1.0 released

    phpwsBB is a native bulletin board module for the phpWebSite content
    management system, version 0.9.2 or later. Today we release version
    0.1.0 of phpwsBB. Features include anonymous posting, message editing
    and deletion for registered users, thread locking and message forking
    for admins, and ... well that's probably it. Be sure you have the
    latest version of phpWebSite installed: http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu
    and then download phpwsbb from: http://phpwsbb.sourceforge.net. 

Aleph One 2003-05-30 Mac OS X Carbon and Windows releases

    Aleph One plays Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and third-party content
    on a wide array of platforms with numerous enhancements. The new Mac OS
    X Carbon and Windows SDL 2003-05-30 releases add significantly improved
    Internet play, Lua scripting, Speex compression for realtime network
    audio (making it much more practical in Internet games), an anisotropic
    filtering option on video cards that support it, and more. 

The Nanotech Nose: Towards A Smaller Future

    Farrax writes "One of the first steps to nanotechnology, either
    [0]strong or weak, is the ability to even talk about materials on this
    scale with precision. Thursday, with the [1]successful test of a
    nano-tech "nose," that step was achieved: weight fluctuations of 5.5
    femtograms were detected on a bar of gold. The [2]dream of
    nano-technology moves forward: maybe we'll [3]see it by 2020 after
    0. http://www.singularitywatch.com/spiral.html
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1008_3-1016653.html
    2. http://nanotech-now.com/nano-this-nano-that.htm
    3. http://www.zyvex.com/nano/

Pentagon Wants IPv6 by 2008

    anzha writes "The constant question for 'when' for IPv6 keeps wandering
    across good ole /. It seems that the Pentagon has decided to put a foot
    down and [0]put a deadline on their dark and dangerous portion of the

Build Your Own Boeing 737 Simulator

    [0]crux6rind writes "This guy built his own [1]Boeing 737-700 simulator
    in his garage. The simulator uses elements of a retired Continental
    B-737-100 along with other genuine Boeing 737 avionics and system
    components. The simulator will be of the fixed-base variety (no motion,
    just outside visuals), using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000,
    interfaced with R&R Electronics' EPIC system. This system allows you to
    interface switches, lights, buzzers, gauges, digital readouts with
    virtually any PC flight simulator out there." 
    0. http://virtussavant[at]bonaindah[dot]com
    1. http://www.737sim.com/737HomePage.htm

Corn-Based Plastic

    [0]SolemnDragon writes "CNN.com is offering up an article about the new
    [1]corn-based plastic-like product being used at [2]Wild Oats Natural
    Markets. The product looks like plastic, works like plastic... and then
    turns into compost. Dubbed the 'corn-tainer,' it's being used to serve
    foods, etc. Available only in the Pacific Northwest stores (of course)
    or you can [3] make your own at home. And here's more info on
    [4]Bio-plastic from MSU." Our [5]older story. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/06/13/corn.plastic.reut/index.html
    2. http://www.wildoats.com/app/cda/oat_cda.html?pt=Home
    3. http://extension.usu.edu/aitc/news/newspdf/fall/fall96_bio.pdf
    4. http://www.msutoday.msu.edu/research/index.php3?article=29Aug2001-1
    5. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/05/07/1610205&tid=126

Glory Days at AOL

    [0]Isaac-Lew writes "Found this article at the Washington Post about
    the [1]wheeling and dealing at AOL back in the good old days (the
    0. http://illewis AT yahoo DOT com
    1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46842-2003Jun11.html

Jackpot - James Gosling's Latest Project

    [0]Pete Bevin writes "Artima has [1]a fine interview with James
    Gosling, creator of Java, about his latest project. It's called
    Jackpot, and it treats the parse tree as the program. This makes
    refactoring much, much more intuitive. The article has some good
    insights into code visualization, technical writing, and making your
    programs more understandable." 
    0. http://www.petebevin.com/
    1. http://www.artima.com/intv/jackpot.html

No Business Like SCO Business

    The SCO must go on. [0]Informationweek has a roundup. News.com has some
    [1]analysis of the legal case. SCO [2]reiterates their threat to revoke
    IBM's license. Reader hobsonchoice sends a blurb: "Also more from
    analysts who saw SCO/Linux code comparisons under NDA. Bill Claybrook,
    of Aberdeen Group Inc., says [3]SCO changed their story to him about
    whether they had any "direct evidence" that IBM copied any System V
    code into Linux. Laura Didio of Yankee Group [4]has answered some
    detailed questions about her code review process. Lastly [5]Fujitsu
    Siemens have joined in the debate: they don't think SCO's case is going
    anywhere." One observer of the SCO case has compiled [6]some notes
    about Caldera's active participation in the [7]IA-64 project. And look
    on the bright side: if you follow the school of thought that [8]all
    publicity is good publicity, at least this suit has gotten Linux
    mentioned in many places where it normally wouldn't be. 
    0. http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=10300886
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1016_3-1016020.html
    2. http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/06/12/HNscorevoke_1.html
    3. http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php?id=627647250&fp=16&fpid=0
    4. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/06/13/1055220751243.html
    5. http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1103_2-1016377.html
    6. http://lwn.net/Comments/36053/
    7. http://www.linuxia64.org/
    8. http://linux.com/pollBooth.pl?section=index&qid=1649&aid=-1

Widespread Use of Hydrogen May Hurt Ozone Layer

    Saeger writes "The AP has a [0]story about a CalTech study which has
    found that the [1]Hydrogen Economy may deplete the ozone layer by 'as
    much as 8 percent' on the assumption that '10 percent to 20 percent of
    the hydrogen would leak from pipelines, storage facilities, processing
    plants and fuel cells in cars and at power plants.'" [2]CalTech's press
    release has more information. 
    1. http://www.howstuffworks.com/hydrogen-economy.htm
    2. http://atcaltech.caltech.edu/tech-today/subpage.tcl?story_id=9281

150 Mbit/s DSL.

    surstrmming writes "German company Infineon have released their new QAM
    [0] VDSL Plus chips, providing 150 Mbit/s data rates over ordinary
    copper wire." Note that that kinda throughput is at the 1000 feet
    mark... but the chip can still serve up 4mbps even at 13,000 feet. 

Ageism in IT?

    [0]Embedded Geek writes "It's [1]hardly a new topic, but BBC is running
    [2]a story about ageism hitting Gen-X, especially in IT. As a 34 year
    old coder, I was horrified to hear a quote from a *hiring manager*: 'In
    the IT sector (and coding in particular) younger minds generally work
    faster -- I would rather employ a keen teenager who code programs
    computers quickly than an older person.' It didn't help that the person
    is 32 years old. My kneejerk reaction, the same one anyone else over 30
    would have, is that the guy is a buffoon (I'll withhold my preferred,
    spectacularly vulgar, term). The problem is that I do not believe his
    idiocy is unique - I have definitely felt the vibe when interviewing.
    It's frustrating, since Gen-X is finally shedding the media hyped
    'slacker' stereotype only to run headlong into this garbage. Have any
    other Slashdot readers seen this? What is the youngest you can be
    before some PHB declares you fit for the scrap-heap? Other than
    stocking up on hair dye and botox, what steps can I take to prepare for
    the future? Share your war stories here." Ask Slashdot handled this
    topic [3]over two years ago. Of course, this behavior could be
    explained away as economic concerns, as the decision to hire younger
    (and typically cheaper) employees can directly affect the bottom line.
    However, one has to wonder if the decision to go with less experienced
    programmers also affects software quality, in the long run. What are
    your thoughts on this subject? 
    0. http://www.thehaws.org
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=98/12/15/1319215&tid=99
    2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2975754.stm
    3. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/02/02/1738210&tid=146

Animail 2.0-pre17 (Unstable)

    Animail is a multiserver POP3/APOP/IMAP4 (with or without SSL) mail
    retrieval utility. It features an advanced filtering system based on
    blacklisting, whitelisting, or a combination of both. It is possible to
    send an autoresponse which prompts people to reply and add themselves
    to the 'autoaccept' file. It also allows filters based on regular
    expressions which match against the email headers. (If a message is
    filtered, only the header is downloaded, not the entire body.)
    Combining external filtering programs (e.g. SpamAssassin or Bogofilter)
    as message post-download plugins is also easily acomplished, thus
    extending filtering capabilities in an unlimited way. Available
    delivery options include mailbox, maildir, local SMTP, and pipe to a

ArrowHead ASP Server 0.2.2 (Development)

    ArrowHead ASP Server is a Java Servlet which supports the ASP syntax
    and the VBScript programming language. It aims to support VBScript
    version 3.1 and the standard set of COM objects, but has a little ways
    to go yet. It is extendable using Java objects and the
    Server.CreateObject syntax. It has been developed and tested under
    Apache 1.3.x and Tomcat 4.x, but should run under any Java servlet

avelsieve 0.9.2 

    avelsieve is a Squirrelmail plugin for creating SIEVE scripts on a
    Cyrus IMAP server that runs timsieved (Tim's SIEVE daemon). SIEVE is a
    mail filtering language, intended for server-side filtering of emails.
    avelsieve provides a user-friendly interface for adding and
    manipulating mail filtering rules on a Cyrus IMAP mail server. 

BASH Debugger 0.40 

    BASH Debugger provides a patched BASH that enables better debugging
    support as well as improved error reporting. It also contains the most
    comprehensive source code debugger for BASH that has been written. It
    can be used as a springboard for other experimental features (such as
    adding hashtables), since development is maintained openly and
    developers are encouraged to participate. 

Click 1.3pre1 

    The "Click" modular router project is a fast, easily extended
    software router. It's designed to handle all stages of IP transactions,
    and includes support for packet mangling, packet scheduling, queueing,

Clustered JDBC 1.0alpha4 

    Clustered JDBC is to databases what RAID is for disks. C-JDBC provides
    transparent database clustering (partitioning, replication, etc.) to
    any Java application through JDBC. It works with any Java application
    without code modification and with any database engine. C-JDBC has been
    successfully tested with Tomcat, JBoss, JOnAS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQL,
    SAP DB, Oracle, Sybase, and more. 

Coriander 0.99 (Stable)

    Coriander is a GUI that let you control your 1394 digital video camera
    interactively. It features SDL display, FTP image posting, file saving,
    and Real streaming. It is for IIDC cameras, not for consumer grade DV

Covert Channel Tunneling Tool 0.1.7 

    Covert Channel Tunneling Tool (CCTT) is a tool presenting several
    exploitation techniques allowing the creation of arbitrary data
    transfer channels in the data streams authorized by a network access
    control system. 

devlabel 0.40.03 

    Devlabel is a program which dynamically creates symbolic links to
    disk/partition names. It uses the disk's and/or partition's unique
    identifiers to keep the symlink pointed to the correct location even if
    the underlying partition's name has changed. So, regardless of whether
    /dev/sdb6 becomes /dev/sdc6, devlabel figures this all out and points
    the symlink to the correct data. 

Directory administrator 1.5.1 (Stable)

    Directory administrator is a smart LDAP directory management tool. It
    can be used to manage UNIX and Samba user accounts and groups in a
    single sign-on setup, corporate address book information, host-based
    access control and advanced email routing. It's extremely easy to
    install and use, yet powerful at the same time. 

elmo 0.8 

    Elmo is a feature-rich console mail client for power users. It
    integrates functionality commonly realised by separate pieces of
    software in other mailers and competes with Mutt. 

EQEmu 0.4.4 

    The EQEMU project is an attempt to recreate the Everquest server
    software, runnable from a Windows or Linux machine. Content is stored
    in a MySQL database, and allows you to create custom creatures, items,
    and quest content in game. Many in-game functions are supported, and
    functionality is expanded week by week by a very active development
    group and by the support of the user community. 

Firewall Builder for PIX 1.0 

    Firewall Builder for PIX hides the complexity of PIX command line
    interface and automatically configures options and parameters that
    usually make manual configuration a real chore. With this module, the
    same workstation running Firewall Builder can create and manage
    security policy on Cisco PIX firewalls, as well as on firewalls built
    with iptables, OpenBSD pf, or ipfilter. 

Fle3 1.4.3 

    Fle3 is a Web-based learning environment. More specifically, it is a
    server program for computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL).
    The Fle3 Knowledge Building tool allows groups to carry out dialogues,
    theory building, and debates by storing their thoughts into a shared
    database. While knowledge building, groups may use knowledge types
    (also called thinking types) to scaffold and structure their dialogues.
    Fle3 WebTops can be used to store items such as files and notes,
    organize them in folders, and share them with others. The Fle3 Jamming
    tool is a shared space for collaborative construction of multimedia

FLP-i18n 1.060 

    FLP-i18n (Flaimo's Little Package) is a collection of PHP classes for
    internationalization. It formats date and time strings, replaces
    keywords, converts measurement units between SI and the US Customary
    System, and more. 

g3data 1.3.0rc2 (GTK-2.0)

    g3data is a program for extracting data from graphs (i.e., scanned
    graphs from scientific publications). It can read many different image
    formats and outputs the extracted data through stdout or to a file. 

ggcov 0.1.5 

    Ggcov is a GTK+ GUI for exploring test coverage data produced by C
    programs compiled with gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. It's
    basically a GUI replacement for the gcov program that comes with gcc. 

gmencoder 0.1.0 

    Gmencoder is a GNOME 2 frontend to mencoder. It supports three output
    codecs for video (lavcodec, rawrgb, and copy) and three for audio
    (lame, PCM, and copy). It support postprocesing, cropping, scale,
    subtitles ripping, and multiple encoding passes. 

gnokii 0.5.2 

    gnokii is a Linux/Unix tool suite for Nokia (GSM) mobile phones. It
    provides a virtual Hayes-AT compatible modem to allow data calls to be
    made to a modem or ISP as well as providing a phone book, and SMS and
    ringtone management. Phones supported include recent models such as the
    6310, 6510, and 6210, and older phones like the 3110, 3810, 8110, 5110,
    6110 and their derivatives. 

grsecurity 2.0-pre5 (Development)

    grsecurity is a complete security system for Linux 2.4 that implements
    a detection/prevention/containment strategy. It prevents most forms of
    address space modification, confines programs with least privilege via
    its process-based MAC system, hardens syscalls, provides full-featured
    auditing, and implements many of the OpenBSD randomness features. It
    was written for performance, ease-of-use, and security. The MAC system
    has an intelligent learning-mode, and all of grsecurity supports a
    feature that logs the IP of the attacker that causes an alert or audit. 

grsecurity 1.9.10 (Stable)

    grsecurity is a complete security system for Linux 2.4 that implements
    a detection/prevention/containment strategy. It prevents most forms of
    address space modification, confines programs with least privilege via
    its process-based MAC system, hardens syscalls, provides full-featured
    auditing, and implements many of the OpenBSD randomness features. It
    was written for performance, ease-of-use, and security. The MAC system
    has an intelligent learning-mode, and all of grsecurity supports a
    feature that logs the IP of the attacker that causes an alert or audit. 

gtranslator 0.99 (HEAD)

    gtranslator offers a comfortable, colored, and easy way to edit gettext
    po files and all other flavours of po files (po.gz, mo/gmo) with many
    comfortable function like find, replace, autoaccomplishment, query
    capability and personal learn buffer (TM). The GUI also offers you a
    very nice messages tree to see the translations grouped by status
    (untranslated, fuzzy) and with customizable colors for the rows. 

Guard 1.0 

    Guard is a theme based on a fantasy picture found in the Net. 

gURLChecker 0.5.1 (Unstable)

    gURLChecker is a C/GNOME 2 tool that can check links on a single Web
    page or on a whole Web site in order to determine the validity of each

GXMame 0.33 

    GXMame is a frontend for XMame which uses the GTK library to provide
    the same GUI as mame32. It can control xmame with almost all options. 

Horgand 0.92 

    Horgand is a graphical FM real time organ. It is jack capable, with DSP
    effects to emulate and store organ sounds. 

InfoCentral 1.2.0 

    InfoCentral is a PHP/MySQL application to track a church congreation
    (people, families, and groups) and allow Web-based administration of
    the database. Users can run reports, print labels, and query the
    database for specific information from any Web browser. 

Integrated GUI for UPX 1 

    Integrated GUI for UPX is a cross-platform integrated GUI for UPX that
    includes minimal and advanced options. 

Kavlon 10-key keyboarding wordlist database bundle 2 

    Kavlon 10-key keyboarding wordlist database is a utility to re-map a
    small set of keys to a larger set of keys and to use that mapping to
    allowing fast entry of words. One of its uses is in cellphones,
    allowing users to send text messages with fewer keypresses. Kavlon
    10-key keyboarding wordlist database is part of the Nomad Phones

Kleanux 1.1 

    Kleanux is a clean theme that inherits all its colors from the active
    GTK theme. It works with dark and light GTK themes. 

LibTomCrypt 0.77 

    LibTomCrypt is a comprehensive, modular, and portable cryptographic
    toolkit that provides developers with a vast array of well known
    published block ciphers, one-way hash functions, chaining modes,
    pseudo- random number generators, public key cryptography, and a
    plethora of other routines. It has been designed from the ground up to
    be very simple to use. It has a modular and standard API that allows
    new ciphers, hashes, and PRNGs to be added or removed without change to
    the overall end application. It features easy to use functions and a
    complete user manual which has many source snippet examples. 

LibTomMath 0.04 

    LibTomMath provides highly optimized and portable routines for a vast
    majority of integer-based number theoretic applications (including
    public key cryptography). 

Linux 2.4.21 (2.4)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux 2.5.70 (2.5)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator 4.5 

    Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator allows beginning-to-advanced network
    administrators to control bandwidth. It is designed to be completely
    turn-key in its default configuration. You just plug it into your
    network trunk, and it self configures and immediately starts slowing
    "bandwidth hogs". It also comes with finer controls that are
    easy to use, and can be configured to target specific applications such
    as Kazaa, IMAP, and POP. Traffic can be limited by host IP, subnet, and
    time of day controls can be set. 

LM-Solve 0.7.4 (Development)

    LM-Solve is a solver for several types of the puzzles present on the
    Logic Mazes site. It currently supports Alice Mazes, Number Mazes,
    Plank Puzzles, Theseus and the Minotaur Mazes, and Tilt Mazes. 

Lurker 0.9 

    Lurker is a mailing list archiver designed for capacity, speed,
    simplicity, and configurability, in that order. Noteworthy features
    include: Google-style searching on all fields, chronology preserving
    threads, multilingual support, and attachment support. 

MagpieRSS 0.5.1 

    MagpieRSS provides an XML-based RSS parser in PHP. Fetching the remote
    RSS newfeed, parsing it, and caching the results are all transparently
    supported behind a simple functional interface. It makes use of its
    integrated cache, and HTTP conditional gets to stay responsive and
    light-weight. RSS versions 0.9-1.0 and 2.0 are supported, including
    support for namespaces and RSS 1.0 modules. 

mmxmpcr 2003-06-14 

    MMXMPCR is a kernel module and commandline program for playing the XM
    Radio PCR satellite radio receiver. 

Moneydance 2003 r2 (314) 

    Moneydance is an easy-to-use financial organizer built for the
    Internet. You can use it to organize your finances so that you can get
    on with the important things in life. The familiar interface makes
    managing your money easy, while the advanced features give you the
    ability to visually track your spending. Graphs and reports provide
    financial feedback, while features such as budgeting, online banking,
    and transaction reminders help you keep an eye on your money. 

Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server 2.2rc1-pre1 

    Nuxeo CPS is the collaborative web content management solution for
    Zope. Users create and manage content in Workgroups and publish them in
    Publications spaces (Hierarchies) through a dedicated workflow.
    Managers can easily set global and local roles for users (Workgroup
    Managers, Members, Visitors, Reviewers, and Readers). All actions are
    available through simple Web interfaces. Nuxeo CPS also features office
    document integration, indexing, and conversion to HTML format;
    versioning; attached comments; interactive services (e.g.
    mailing-lists); and skinning of hierarchies. 

OBM 0.6.5 

    OBM is an Intranet application written to help manage a company. It can
    also be used as a contact and customer database or as a shared
    calendar. It is written with PHP and requires MySQL to work (although
    support for other databases is possible). It supports
    internationalization and themes, and it includes: sales force, help
    desk, time tracking, user, and administration modules. 

PheTail 0.1 

    PheTail automatically tails an amavisd-new logfile for activity.
    Whenever relevant activity is found, it is written to a SQL database. 

phpQLAdmin 2.0.14 

    phpQLAdmin is designed primarily for administration of a QmailLDAP user
    database, but also has EZMLM and QmailLDAP/Controls management ability. 

PortaBase 1.7 

    PortaBase is a database program for creating, browsing, and editing
    single-table data files. Originally developed for the Sharp Zaurus
    PDAs, it can also be run as a Linux, Unix, and Windows application.
    Notable features include an ability to change the columns at any time,
    views of column subsets, multi-column sorting, multi-condition
    filtering, CSV import and export, XML import and export, and column
    summary statistics. Typical uses are media inventories, reference
    charts, shopping lists, TODO lists, etc. 

Portal Foundation Classes 2003-06-13 

    The Portal Foundation Classes is a J2EE 1.3 library for developing
    highly interactive portal applications. It builds on the same concepts
    as Swing but takes the unique nature of request/response into account,
    in contrast to similar libraries. Using this library, the developer can
    focus on creating valuable interfaces without spending too much time on
    fundamental functionalities like rendering, layout, or validation. 

PostgreSQL Table Log 0.2.0 

    PostgreSQL Table Log contains functions that allow you to log
    PostgreSQL table inserts, updates, and deletes into another table. This
    can be used to recover the state of the logged table or to recover
    specific rows from a given time period. 

Preprocess 2003-06-13 

    Preprocess allows you to write unit-style single-source-file C or C++
    modules, from which it generates header and implementation files. It
    automates tasks such as declaring new functions or methods in the
    header file, putting modifiers like "inline",
    "virtual", "static", "explicit" in the
    right place (header or implementation file), and putting inline files
    into the header file in the correct order. Also, for debugging or
    profiling builds, Preprocess can optionally generate all inline
    functions out-of-line. 

PyKota Print Quota System 1.08 

    PyKota is a centralized and extensible print quota system for the
    Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) and LPRng. It features per-printer
    user and group quotas, automated email warning to users and quota
    administrator, commandline tools which mimic the disk quota utilities,
    and much more. 

QMBTagger 0.01 

    QMBTagger is designed as a Qt frontend to the MusicBrainz client
    library, allowing lookup of MP3 and Ogg files by TRM IDs (TRM libraries
    from Relatable). It also allows lookup of CDs based on their TOC. 

QuickRip DVD 0.7 

    QuickRip is a basic DVD ripper for GNU/Linux written in Python and
    PyQt. It lacks options to fine-tune how you want to rip your DVD, but
    it makes ripping quick and easy, and so is ideal for those who aren't
    bothered about framerates, clipping, and other unecessary options. It
    uses mplayer and transcode to retrieve DVD info and rip the tracks. 

Reason 1.0 

    Reason is an orange theme that uses the motif engine. 

RPM Finder 1.2 

    RPM Finder is a utility that works much like the rpmfind.net Web site.
    At the moment, Red Hat and Mandrake are supported. 

Rsync Incremental Backup Script 2.1 

    Rsync Incremental Backup Script (RIBS) is an incremental backup system
    written using PHP, rsync, ssh, and cp. It can backup local machines and
    other networked devices, and is designed to be highly configurable and
    informative for system administrators. It performs a large amount of
    error checking, and includes logging and email capabilities. 

Run 2.0 

    Run is a commandline tool and library service for controlling CPU
    biasing of processes along with other per-process scheduler environment
    parameters (policy, priority, time quantum, etc). 

schedutils 1.3.0 

    The Linux scheduler utilities take advantage of the scheduler family of
    syscalls that Linux implements across various kernels. These system
    calls implement interfaces for scheduler-related parameters such as CPU
    affinity and real-time attributes. The standard UNIX utilities do not
    provide support for these interfaces, thus this package. The programs
    that are included in this package are chrt and taskset. Together with
    nice and renice (not included), they allow full control of process
    scheduling parameters. The taskset program allows manipulation of task
    CPU affinity and the chrt program allows manipulation of scheduling
    priority and policy. 

Scraper 1.36 

    Scraper is designed to scrape the Web for information. It is very easy
    to use. 

screen-scraper 0.9.2b 

    screen-scraper is a tool for extracting data from Web sites. It
    consists of a proxy server that allows the contents of HTTP and HTTPS
    requests to be viewed, and an engine that can be configured to extract
    information from Web sites using special patterns and regular
    expressions. It handes authentication, redirects, and cookies, and
    contains an embedded scripting engine that allows extracted data to be
    manipulated, written out to a file, or inserted into a database. It can
    be used with PHP, Java, or any COM-friendly language such as Visual
    Basic or Active Server Pages. 

ScsiaddGui 0.2 

    Scsiaddgui provides a graphical user interface for the Scsiadd utility,
    which allows you to add or remove SCSI devices without having to

Slideshow for Mac OS X 0.1 

    Slideshow is a small, simple program for OS X to display fullscreen
    slideshows without importing pictures into iPhoto. It supports manual
    and automatic slideshow viewing, and will proportionally scale images
    to fit the screen. 

slrnconf 0.8.2 (Stable)

    With nearly all aspects covered, slrnconf eases the sometimes
    complicated configuration of the newsreader SLRN by providing the
    possible settings in a well-organized and user-friendly way. 

Spacestation III 0.75 

    Spacestation III is a theme with a matching XMMS skin and Gkrellm
    theme, and three backgrounds. 

Steel Icons 1.2.5 

    Steel Icons is an icon set for KDE comprised of Steel/Silver icons with

Sudoscript 2.1.0 

    Sudoscript is a pair of Perl scripts (sudoscriptd/sudoshell) that
    provide an audited shell using sudo. 

tacshell 0.8 

    tacshell is a drop-in replacement for sdshell (used with RSA's
    ACE/Server) that uses the TACACS+ protocol for authentication. 

The Grapevine Project 1.0.5 (Development)

    The Grapevine Project is an anonymizing peer-to-peer storage network.
    It resembles the World Wide Web, but is capable of allowing people to
    publish and retrieve information without fear of censorship or
    surveillance. It is designed to be efficient, reliable, and globally

The Life of a Geek 0.3 (Preview)

    The Life of a Geek is very silly console game in which you (a geek)
    must keep a computer running until you graduate college. Surf around on
    the Internet, battling hackers to gain money and better security for
    your box. Drink lots of caffeine to keep yourself awake, since if you
    go to sleep, you risk an attack on your computer. Save up money to take
    a month-long college course and improve your education, but remember
    that paying attention to schoolwork also leaves your computer open to
    attack. Find a quick job for a month at places like fast-food
    restaurants and grocery stores, but remember again that time away from
    your computer leaves it open to attack. Virii may also appear on your
    computer, weakening your computer's health points regularly until

Treebeard/Fangorn 0.8 

    Treebeard is an XSLT IDE that allows you to load an XML file and an
    XSLT file (from the Web or from the local file system), edit either
    file, and then perform transformations. Some features include syntax
    highlighting, a pluggable XSLT transformer, a template browser, SAX
    transformations (so you can transform large files - 4MB tested),
    regular expression find, and displaying transformation results in HTML
    or plain text. 

udpcast 20030611 

    UDPCast allows to send data simultaneously to many destinations on a
    local net. This can for instance be used to install entire classrooms
    of PCs at once. The advantage over using other methods (nfs, ftp,
    whatever) is that udpcast uses Ethernet's multicast abilities: it won't
    take longer to install 15 machines than it would to install 2. The tool
    comes with a modified linuxrc bootdisk for easy loading of the tool.
    However, udpcast can also be started from the command line of an
    already installed system, and can be used for other purposes than just
    system installation. 

vhost 3.05r2 

    vHost is a one-step solution for all virtual hosting needs. It enables
    a Linux/BSD server with single or multiple IP addresses to handle
    unlimited Web/FTP/email domains. It comes with both command-line and
    Web-based graphical user interface, which gives maximum control to a
    domain's owner, while relieving the system administrator of most
    routine administration tasks. It also has built-in
    "clustering" capability. 

Viking 0.0.3 

    Viking is a GTK2-based GPS data editor and viewer. It can download and
    show Terraserver maps, import and draw tracks and waypoints over them,
    add coordinate lines, make new tracks and waypoints, hide different
    things, and more. It uses a hierarchical layering system to organize
    GPS data, maps, and other layer types with spatial data (such as
    coordinate lines). 

xLib 0.1.1 

    xLib is an advanced DOM Javascript library that supports dynamic
    layers, flexible menus, advanced auto-columns, simple debugging
    methods, alpha state signals-and-slots, and much more. 

XQF 0.9.12 

    XQF is Quake/QuakeWorld/Quake2/Quake3 server browser and launcher for
    Linux/X11. It's a frontend to QStat, a program by Steve Jankowski. XQF
    uses the GTK+. For more information, screenshots, source code,
    precompiled binaries, see the XQF Homepage. 

XZX-Pro 4.3 

    XZX-Pro is a portable emulator of ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+3 (8-bit home
    computers made by Sir Clive Sinclair), and Spectrum clones for machines
    running UNIX and the X Window system. It is completely written in C,
    and emulates Spectrum 48K, 128K, +2 and +3, Pentagon and Scorpion,
    Didaktik, Interface I with up to 8 microdrives, Multiface 128 and
    Multiface 3, Beta 128 by Technology Research Ltd. with 4 disk drives,
    +D by Miles Gordon Technology with 2 disk drives, and D80 with 2 disk
    drives, ZX Printer, Kempston mouse, Sinclair/Cursor/AGF/Protek/Kempston
    joystick, Fuller Audio Box, and built-in Z80 machine code monitor. 

Handling logging issues

    I'm using cronolog for my apache logs, and I really, really like it.
    I'd like to be able to use it on the slash logs as well, which become
    large and cumbersome over time with many sites running on a server. How
    do you all handle your logs? What do you use for log rotation? How long
    do you keep logs? Is anyone using cronolog, or something like it with

RSS to Story?

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to grab remote RDF and post them as stories.
    portald seems only to handle blocks. I'm aware of the elixus.org, and
    the RSS2Story plugin in their patch of slashcode, but I can't get the
    plugin installed, and it seems to be left unfinished. So is there any
    other way to do this? 

launch of slash site "stupidsecurity.com"

    Announcing the opening of StupidSecurity.com. The site is meant to be a
    chronicle of idiotic and deceptive "security" measures. From the "three
    questions" that the airlines finally stopped asking to the closing of
    Meigs Airport in Chicago supposedly for security reasons, we want YOUR
    gripes about security measures that are just plain dumb! I'd welcome
    submissions (the stupider the better!), comments, complaints, and

MySQL 4.1+

    I want to start using MySQL 4.1 to take advantage of the new Spatial
    extensions in MySQL to further enhance my plugin. I saw the recent
    story referring to using MySQL 4, but no direct mention of experience
    with versions 4+. Any tips or recommendations? Should I make the
    upgrade only on my development box, or is using 4+ okay. Any experience
    with 4.1, which is alpha? 

Section-specific Quick Links

    I'm in the process of setting up a intranet Slash 2 site for a company.
    With the aid of the Crow Book I've got everything installed and with
    the L'n'F that they want, and we are in the process of adding some
    initial content and getting the blocks running the way they want.
    However, we're having problems getting section-specific quick links
    blocks to work. Example: I have a section called legal, and a block
    called legal_qlinks which has different links to index_qlinks.
    index_qlinks shows up on the homepage as I expect, but nothing is
    displayed in the right "frame" if I click no the section title under an
    article. What am I doing wrong? The Crow Book (page 127) suggests that
    this should work. 

Need help building Slash templates

    I have comps for a site I want built in Slash. While I have worked with
    Movable Type, building Slash templates is a whole different beast. I
    need someone to help me convert my comps into a functioning Slash site.
    If you have these skills, please drop me a line with your rates and
    scheduling availability. You can see what the site will look like here.

Preventing duplicates from being posted

    I'm getting sick of seeing duplicate posts all the time on Slashdot. I
    have a feature-request/enhancement that I would like to request for
    slashcode. It would be nice if before a moderator submits a story to
    check all of the URLS in that post and match it with the previous
    weeks/months stories for the same URL. If there is a match, throw up a
    warning saying that this story is a possible duplicate. This will help
    the moderator out too, since they wouldn't have to read every story on
    slashdot in the past two weeks. What do you think? Is this doable?
    --Min Idzelis 

Vorlonspace Is Back

    Announced back in October last year, Vorlonspace was launched as a
    Babylon 5 discussions site. In late January, the site went down and was
    taken off the YASS list. It is now back up and the premise has changed
    from Babylon 5 to a general sci-fi discussion site which has generated
    more interest. 

Adding ispell after slash is installed

    Hi, I read the (archived) thread at:
    http://ask.slashcode.com/article.pl?sid=02/03/22/1 724238&mode=thread
    and I have "Running Weblogs with Slash", so I know that "... Slash 2.2
    has added an ispell compatibility mode. If the ispell program exists
    and points to an ispell binary, the Edit Story page will include a list
    of potentially misspelled words.)" (thanks blagger), but I don't know
    how exactly what to add, and into what directory,. I installed freebsd
    5.0, then built and installed the slashcode port, and now I've
    installed ispell. I then tried adding symlinks to ispell into various
    directories, including /usr/local/slash/bin, and restarting my browser
    and the freebsd box. Nothing obvious changes. Can someone tell me
    exactly which file to put where to enable spell-checking? I'm running
    slash-2.2.6 on Freebsd 5.0. Thanks... P.S. Sorry if I misspelled
    anything, but... 

Shouldn't Slash Be Represented at OSCOM 3?

    I found out that OSCOM 3, The Open Source Content Management
    Conference, is taking place in Cambridge, MA, from May 28-30. I was
    surprised to see that Slash does not appear to be represented in any
    way. I posted a story to CTDATA suggesting that our community try to
    represent itself in some fashion. If anyone wants to discuss how we can
    influence the organizers of this conference to include a Slash
    presentation, please email me at dave_aiello at ctdata.com. 

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256MB Secure Digital (Lexar Media)

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XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

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Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $15.99 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $27.99 

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