O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    June 17, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Electronics: Radio YourWay

PC Mods: ThermalTake Active Memory Cooling Kit

Cube Goodies: Luminglass

PC Mods: ThermalTake Aquarius II CPU Cooler

PC Mods: ThermalTake HardCano 10

PC Mods: ThermalTake Xaser PC Cases

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Interests: Tempt me.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

Tshirts: Follow the white rabbit.

Civil 0.82 released

    Civil 0.82 was released today. This version includes faster LOS code,
    support for battles from multiple theatres and numerous bug fixes and
    enhancements. Civil is a turn-based strategy game about battles in the
    American Civil War. Features network play, fancy graphics and audio. 

PCGen 5.1.6 is available

    PCGen is a Java-based RPG character generator and maintenance program
    that works on all platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc). All
    datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users, and are available
    through the pcgendm project. An XML conversion is underway. Mac OS X
    users - if you quit PCGen using close or quit, your preferences will
    not be saved. The preference files are only saved if you use the
    File->Exit menu item to exit PCGen. This is a java issue (our thanks to
    Conor for finding the reason for this long-standing issue!) For users
    who have trouble getting the 3 zip files to unzip properly, we have
    some OS-specific installs that should help minimize the chance of
    install related errors. Links to these installs can be found at:
    These are the same PCGen everyone else uses, just packaged with
    installers which target Windows and Mac OS X users specifically.
    Typically there is a lag between when the official release is done and
    when these special installers are ready. We always recommend that users
    install new versions of PCGen in a 'new' directory. Below is a list of
    everything that has been addressed in this release. If you reported one
    of these, please verify that it is was addressed properly. PCGen is
    available at http://pcgen.sourceforge.net , and the main discussion
    group is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen . If you wish to
    discuss making your own custom lst files for use with PCGen, the data
    monkeys have made their home at
    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgenlistfilehelp and they pride
    themselves in being able to field all questions about the data - from
    very basic to very advanced. All three zips are required to run PCGen:
    pcgen516_part1of3.zip, pcgen516_part2of3.zip and pcgen516_part3of3.zip.
    Bugs 730410 Character Sheet Output of HTML generates error 698090
    SKILLLIST does not work 701285 COUNT[FEATTYPE=xxx] doesn't count all
    feats of type xxx 747292 Make NATURALATTACKS: tag available in
    class.lst 750983 Exporting an SA class list causes exception 750265
    Skill editor doesn't save class info Features 725099 Add PREVISION
    743826 PREVISION tag 722063 Feat Tab is inconsistent with other Tabs
    PCGenDocs: Documentation Requests 727374 Post Export Sheet processing
    PCGenDocs: Output Sheet Bugs 748030 TH weapon attack not showing up in
    XSLT sheets 750860 Bardic Music checkboxes not appearing 750861
    Negative Skill misc mod not showing up The PCGen Development Team 

Treebeard version 0.8 released

    Treebeard is a cross platform XSLT IDE written in Java; it's editor
    allows the loading and editing of an XML document and an XSLT document
    at the same time. It can apply the XSLT to the XML and display the
    output for further editing / saving in XML, HTML or PDF. Treebeard also
    has a plug-able XML and XSLT parser architecture, and comes bundled
    with Xalan2.5 and Saxon7.5. Treebeard can be downloaded at
    http://treebeard.sourceforge.net New stuff: * Basic code completion *
    Look & Feel * (very minimal) Emacs key bindings * Upgraded xalan, fop,
    etc * Ability to (mostly) save desktop layout * updated the plain /
    html view pane * Fixed the systemid error so xsl includes work :) *
    Misc bugs 

PHPSurveyor release 0.97 Final

    PHPSurveyor, a set of PHP Scripts for developing, and publishing online
    surveys, makes its final 0.97 release. 0.97 concentrated on
    implementing templates so that users could develop their own 'look and
    feel' to their surveys. This release includes 3 templates. Releases
    with the 0.98 moniker will be aimed at implementing localisation for
    the public survey screens, and some additional features like
    date/time-stamping of survey responses and a better way of ordering
    pre-defined answers. 

OpenEJB 0.9.2 released

    The 0.9.2 release is one that the whole team is quite proud of. OpenEJB
    0.9.0 marked are first release with special Tomcat embedded support.
    Thanks to all the user feedback that support has just gotten better and
    better. The 0.9.2 release contains a neat surprise for OpenEJB/Tomcat
    users -- TOOLS! The new integration features a webapp with a setup
    verifier, JNDI browser, EJB viewer, Class browser, and even an Object
    invoker! You can browse the OpenEJB namespace and know right away
    exactly where the ejb is and what it is called. When you find one you
    like, just click it and it will open up into the EJB viewer. While
    there you can check out it's home, remote and bean classes in the class
    browser. The Object invoker allows you to actually create and invoke
    your EJBs without writing a single line of code. OpenEJB 0.9.2 also
    contains a new openejb.base variable to complement the openejb.home
    variable. The openejb.base variable allows you to have several
    configurations of OpenEJB all running against the same OpenEJB install.
    This makes using OpenEJB in IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans even easier.
    Move the openejb_loader-0.9.2.jar into your project's lib directory,
    set the openejb.base, and you'll be debugging your EJB apps
    front-to-back without the need for remote debugging support or special
    editor plug-ins. Thanks to all the OpenEJB users for all the great
    ideas! You speak, we listen.

Lobbyists Urge South Australia To Drop Open Source Bill

    [0]Red Wolf writes "[1]The Age [2]reports that South Australia has
    caused eyebrows at the [3]Initiative for Software Choice (ISC) to be
    raised in concern, with the organisation [4]writing to Premier Mike
    Rann over a proposed [5]Open Source software bill. The ISC, by its
    [6]own definition, is a "global coalition of large and small companies
    committed to advancing the concept that multiple competing software
    markets should be allowed to develop and flourish unimpeded by
    government preference or mandate"." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.theage.com.au/
    2. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/06/16/1055615720403.html
    3. http://www.softwarechoice.org/
    4. http://softwarechoice.org/download_files/DearSouthAustraliaRann.pdf
    5. http://www.linuxsa.org.au/oss-bill/
    6. http://softwarechoice.org/about.asp

Making Ice Cream With Liquid Nitrogen

    [0]JasonMaggini writes "Popular Science has an article on how to whip
    up [1]a batch of ice cream in 30 seconds or so by using liquid
    nitrogen. Just the thing for those hot summer days. The article is by
    Theodore Gray, creator of the ultra-spiffy [2]Periodic Table Table." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.popsci.com/popsci/hometech/article/0,12543,458641,00.html
    2. http://www.periodictabletable.com/

Sony Launches 2 New "Video" Clie Models

    boss_ton writes "Sony is launching its newest Clie handhelds(NX80V,
    NX73V ), a combination personal video player and personal digital
    assistant, to the United States.Its already a huge hit in Japan. Amazon
    is reporting the launch date as July 11th. The NX80V is priced at $600.
    [0]Here's the scoop on CNet. The [1]official product page is here." 
    0. http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-1017581.html

(Short-, Medium-, Long)wave Radio Meets Digital Stereo

    [0]cryptec writes "Today shortwave radio will have some new life pumped
    into it as the German broadcaster [1]Deutsche Welle will be the first
    full time shortwave broadcaster of [2]DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). DRM
    is a full stereo fully digital broadcast system. The quality of the
    broadcasts are close to that of FM radio. [3]For samples check out this
    link." Akai adds this link to an [4]article in the San Francisco
    Chronicle with some more information, like the involvement of the BBC
    and Voice of America in this undertaking. 
    0. http://www.scanbc.com
    1. http://www.dw-world.de/
    2. http://www.drm.org/
    3. http://www.drm.org/system/centraudiov201.htm

Worms Going Further, Faster

    Major Byte writes "Rob Kolstad's [0]MOTD (pdf) column in [1]Usenix
    [2]login; passes along a few distilled factiods from a CAIDA analysis
    of the 'Sappire/Slammer' Worm. When it was at full blast it was
    scanning over 3 billion systems per hour--a speed that 'a "better"
    vulnerability would have enabled infection of the entire internet in 15
    minutes, a "flash worm" or a "Warhol Worm."' I think 'better' to mean
    'able to infect across a lot of platforms.'" 
    0. http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/2003-04/openpdfs/motd.pdf
    1. http://www.usenix.org/
    2. http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/

IBM Responds To SCO: Business As Usual

    Newsforge is running a statement from IBM on its [0]decision not to bow
    to [1]SCO's demand that they stop shipping AIX. In a statement this
    short, there's not much room for weaselly language, but the
    even-shorter version is this: "IBM's Unix license is irrevocable,
    perpetual and fully paid up. It cannot be terminated." 
    0. http://newsforge.com/newsforge/03/06/16/2232255.shtml?tid=52
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/16/1940219&tid=88

Hydrodemolition Robot  Crushes With Water

    [0]Roland Piquepaille writes "In [1]'Robot pummels roads with water',
    the Augusta Chronicle says that a hydrodemolition robot is going to
    restore seven bridges in Georgia. "It's a robot that destroys
    everything in its path with a crushing stream of water 15 times more
    powerful than a jackhammer. The robot looks like a street cleaner
    machine on steroids and is expected to begin use August 1 to resurface
    seven bridges on Gordon Highway from Walton Way to the bridge at the
    South Carolina state line." This kind of robot needs only two workers
    to operate it, instead of 15 workers for a jackhammer, is less noisy
    and more gentle for the foundations. You'll find more details in
    [2]this summary." 
    0. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/
    1. http://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/061203/met_045-6278.000.shtml
    2. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/2003/06/16.html

UK To Hold Public Enquiry On Spam

    feepcreature writes "Is something going to be done about email spam at
    last? In the UK, the [0]All Party Parliamentary Internet Group is to
    hold a [1]public enquiry into spam. These politicians seem to
    understand the scale of the spam problem, and they are considering a
    new global level organization to deal with the Internet, as well as new
    laws, inter-government action and technical solutions. But will more
    international bodies help? Would laws work?" 
    0. http://www.apig.org.uk/
    1. http://www.apig.org.uk/press_release13th_june_2003.htm

SCO Terminates IBM's Unix License

    AKAImBatman writes "SCO has [0]terminated IBM's license to use Unix
    code. SCO is filing for an injunction that will require IBM to cease
    all sale of AIX as well as accrue damages for each day IBM continues to
    sell AIX." 

Chinese Manned Space Flight Set For Autumn

    brandido writes "According to an article at [0]Space.com, "Chinese
    space officials remain on schedule for the [1]first piloted flight of
    that nation's Shenzhou spacecraft. Chief designers and mission
    directors say Shenzhou 5 will be launched in autumn, reported the
    People's Daily last week." Between this, the [2]X-Prize, and
    [3]multiple launches of [4]Mars probes in the last few weeks, it looks
    like the space race may be heating back up?" 
    0. http://www.space.com/
    1. http://www.space.com/astronotes/astronotes.html
    2. http://www.xprize.com/
    3. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/02/1048218&tid=160
    4. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/10/1916247&tid=160

abcm2ps 3.6.1 (Development)

    abcm2ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to
    PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to
    print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one
    or more keyboards, and a pedal-board. It introduces many extensions to
    the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music. 

aiSee 2.1.87 (Stable)

    aiSee reads a textual, easy-to-read, and easy-to-learn graph
    specification and automatically calculates a customizable graph layout.
    This layout is then displayed, and can be printed or interactively
    explored. aiSee features 15 basic graph layout algorithms (including
    force-directed layout), recursive subgraph nesting, fish-eye views, and
    an animation interface. It has been optimized to handle huge graphs
    automatically generated by applications (e.g. compilers). 

Anthill Pro Build and Release Management Server 2.0.11 

    Anthill Pro is an automated manager for the build and release process
    of software development. It can provide daily reports of an overnight
    build, with automated test runs, a revision log which lists newly
    implemented features. Anthill Pro adds to the already robust feature
    set of the open source version of Anthill. Anthill Pro is easy to use
    in heterogeneous environments since it allows you to use different JDKs
    and different classpaths to build different projects. It also provides
    robust support for project dependencies, allowing you to rebuild all
    dependent projects with the latest version of a dependency. Every
    project can store its latest artifacts in Anthill's built-in
    repository, and Anthill gives you the ability to rebuild any previously
    built version. 

arch revision control system 1.0pre0 

    arch is a modern replacement for CVS, specifically designed for the
    distributed development needs of open source projects. It has uniquely
    good support for development on branches (especially good merging
    tools), distributed repositories (every developer can have branches in
    their own repository), changeset-oriented project management (arch
    commits changes to multiple files at once), and, of course, file and
    directory renaming. 

Brian 0.1.1 

    Brian is a jump-and-run platform game that uses Pygame and was inspired
    by Commander Keen. It is named after "Monty Python's Life of
    Brian", of which the game may contain some references. 

C Server Pages 4.4 

    "C Server Pages" is a C++ application server. It runs server
    pages written in HTML with C++ embedded and templates with C++ beans.
    It features scalability and integration with the backend, multiprocess
    and multithread functionality, and it is tunable, load balancing, and
    behaves well even when highly loaded. 

Cayenne 1.0b4 

    Cayenne is a free object-relational persistence framework written in
    Java. Its goal is to make development of database Java applications
    faster and more consistent with the Object Oriented Programming
    concept. Some of the ideas used in Cayenne have been inspired by the
    persistence mechanism of NeXT's (and now Apple's) WebObjects
    application server. 

CFL 1.1 

    CFL (C Foundation Library) is a C library that simplifies systems
    software development on UNIX. The library includes functions for memory
    management, string parsing, sub-process execution, filesystem
    traversal, I/O, interfaces to IPC mechanisms including
    pseudo-terminals, shared memory, semaphores, and other facilities. It
    also has implementations of common dynamic data structures like linked
    lists, queues, stacks, and hash tables, a real-time scheduler similar
    in functionality to the cron daemon, and high-level APIs to Berkeley
    sockets and other networking functions. Full API documentation is


    changedfiles is a framework for filesystem replication, security
    monitoring, and/or automatic file transformations--essentially any
    application where you'd poll files or directories and either do
    something to them or send them somewhere else (or both). The difference
    is, the kernel tells you when they change, instead of you having to
    poll. Besides which, it's an easy real time FTP push mirror to one or
    multiple sites. The changedfiles system consists of two parts: a kernel
    module (works with Linux kernel version 2.4) which reports to a device
    whenever a file on the filesystem changes, and a daemon which runs in
    user space and can be configured to do almost any action when a change
    to a file matching the one of the patterns it looks for is reported.
    The kernel module is SMP safe and has been tested on Intel, PowerPC,
    and Alpha. 

Compact Disc Input and Control Library 0.61 

    The Compact Disc Input and Control library encapsulates CD-ROM reading
    and control. Applications wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and
    device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM can use this library. Some
    support for disk image types like BIN/CUE and NRG is available, so
    applications that use this library also have the ability to read disc
    images as though they were CDs. A sample utility for displaying CD info
    is included. 

Confirm 0.50 

    Confirm is an email challenge-response system which virtually
    eliminates all unsolicited email. It is written in C and procmail, and
    is easily customized. Unsolicited email is checked against valid
    sender/recipient headers; unauthorized email is held pending a one-time
    confirmation reply from the sender. 

Desktop ROCK Linux 2.0.0-beta5 

    Desktop ROCK Linux is a source distribution based upon the distribution
    build kit ROCK Linux. It is released with an automatic build system as
    well as prebuilt ISO images. It inherits the state-of-the-art tool
    chain from ROCK Linux and also includes the latest KDE and GNOME
    releases and many other packages. The build system allows optimized
    rebuilds of single packages or the whole ISO. 

distcc 2.7 

    distcc is a parallel build system that distributes compilation of
    C/C++/ObjC code across machines on a network. It can be set up in just
    a few minutes and makes builds up to ten times faster. It does not
    require machines to share a filesystem or have the same libraries or
    header files, and installation does not need superuser privileges. 

EzSDK 4.70 

    EzSDK is a PHP SDK which includes a PHP source code generator, a
    library of PHP classes, and an application environment consisting of
    premade supporting modules. The modules handle user application and
    data access security, DB compatibility (with MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
    etc.), a built-in GUI interface with an interactive desktop, and more. 

Framework for Object Oriented Web Development 0.8.3 

    Framework for Object Oriented Web Development is a collection of base
    classes (ripe for extending) which handle object persistence, user
    authorization, security, data administration, input handling, and all
    the things required to build OO Web applications. 

FreeVMS 0.0.46 (Unstable kernel)

    FreeVMS is an OpenVMS-like operating system which can run on several
    architectures like i386, PPC, Alpha, and many others. It consists of a
    POSIX kernel and a DCL command line interpreter. The only architecture
    currently supported is i386. 

FUDforum 2.5.0RC6 (Development)

    FUDforum is templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either
    MySQL or PostgreSQL. It features a user/group management system, a
    multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a
    private messaging system with mult-iuser forwarding capabilities, poll
    file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable
    forum that can fulfill the needs of both small and large forum

Generic Information Server Toolkit 2.1.7 

    Generic Information Server Toolkit (GIST) provides support for managing
    user definable information objects, so you don't write any CGI programs
    or SQL in your HTML, or worry about indexing your data: GIST does it
    for you. You define your data and its structure and GIST takes care of
    adding, changing, deleting and indexing it, allowing you to focus on
    the important issues of providing the features and facilities your user
    community expect and demand. 

GFax 0.6beta4 

    Gfax is a pop up fax application for Gnome. It supplies the familiar
    pop up window when printing to a fax printer. Gfax currently works with

gnocl 0.5.9 

    gnocl is a GTK / Gnome extension for the programming language Tcl. It
    provides easy to use commands to quickly build Gnome compliant user
    interfaces including the Gnome canvas widget and drag and drop support.
    It is loosely modeled after the Tk package. 

Gridlock 1.6 

    Gridlock is a collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep,
    including Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Connect Four, Breakthrough, and Glass
    Bead. You can play against another person or computer opponents of
    varying difficulty. 

gURLChecker 0.5.2 (Unstable)

    gURLChecker is a C/GNOME 2 tool that can check links on a single Web
    page or on a whole Web site in order to determine the validity of each

hackerlab 1.0pre0 

    libhackerlab is a general purpose C library that offers a pleasantly
    refreshing alternative to libc. 

HASAS 1.6.0 (Stable)

    HASAS (HydroAcoustic Signal Analysis System) is a modular system for
    passive sonar signal analysis. It can be used for biological research
    or surveillance, for example. The soundcard is used as input device,
    and it currently includes all the very basic functionality; beamformed
    audio, direction finding, level histogram, LOFAR/DEMON (narrowband
    spectrogram), wideband spectrogram, and raw audio. 

HOZ 1.1 

    HOZ (Hacha Open Zource) is an Hacha clone written in pure C. It's
    smaller and faster than the original, and it's Open Source. 

ImageArchive 1.0 

    ImageArchive is a PHP class for browsing images. This class enables you
    to look through a tree structure of images as thumbnails and then to
    zoom in to an individual image and rotate it. The zoomed image is
    created on the fly and can be a variety of sizes. The GD extension is
    required on the server, and JavaScript is required on the client. The
    class was tested on Apache under Windows and Linux, but does not
    contain any Apache-specific code. 

iNet Factory 5.0 

    iNet Factory is a robust suite of TCP/IP networking components for the
    Java platform. They provide all the tools necessary to quickly develop
    network-capable Java applications with minimum coding effort. Included
    are components for finger, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, MIME, NNTP, nslookup,
    rexec, rlogin, rsh, telnet, whois, and other frequently-used protocols. 

Infrared-HOWTO 3.6 

    The Infrared-HOWTO (formerly known as the IR-HOWTO) is an introduction
    to Linux and infrared devices and how to use the software provided by
    the Linux/IrDA project. This package uses IrDA(TM) compliant standards.
    Remote Control (RC) via infrared is not the aim of the project, though
    this topic is partly treated in the HOWTO. 

install4j 1.0 

    install4j is a cross platform Java installer that produces native
    launchers and installers for all major platforms. install4j offers an
    intuitive GUI that makes it easy to quickly define installation
    projects. A command line compiler and an integration for Apache ANT are

International Components for Unicode (C/C++) 2.6 

    ICU provides a Unicode implementation, with functions for formatting
    numbers, dates, times, and currencies (according to locale conventions,
    transliteration, and parsing text in those formats). It provides
    flexible patterns for formatting messages, where the pattern determines
    the order of the variable parts of the messages, and the format for
    each of those variables. These patterns can be stored in resource files
    for translation to different languages. Included are more than 100
    codepage converters for interaction with non-unicode systems. 

IRC BotNET 1.0 

    BotNET is an IRC bot that has two modes: stand-alone and BotNET mode.
    Its features include: authentication, channel control, a full-featured
    memo system, seen system, info system, raw commands, logging
    capabilities, a help system, and the ability to act as a file sharing
    node. In BotNET mode, the bot cooperates with others of its kind to
    perform these features in tandem. 

ITracker 1.7.3 (Development)

    ITracker is a Java J2EE issue/bug tracking system designed to support
    multiple projects with independent user bases. It supports features
    such as full i18n support, multiple versions and project components,
    detailed histories, issue searching, file attachments, dynamic reports
    with charts, configurable field values, and multiple email

JASA 0.21 

    JASA (Java Auction Simulator API) allows researchers in computational
    economics to write high-performance trading simulations using a number
    of different auction protocols. The software is designed to be highly
    extensible, so that new auction rules can easily be implemented. The
    software also provides base classes for implementing simple adaptive
    trading agents. It was developed for research carried out at the Agent
    Applications, Research and Technology group of Liverpool University. 

Jaxe 1.4.2 

    Jaxe is a Java XML editor with a graphical document-oriented interface.
    It is configurable with an XML schema and a configuration file. It
    supports validation at element insertion, and is customisable with Java
    modules. There is an HTML preview with an XSLT stylesheet. Examples
    include XHTML strict and a Docbook article. 

JTMOS Operating System Build 5991 

    The JTMOS Operating System project aims to create a fully functional
    multitasking x86 operating system. It primarily targets low-end systems
    with small hard disks, preferably i586 family or newer. 

Kernel TCP Virtual Server 0.0.14 

    Kernel TCP Virtual Server is a Layer-7 switching software in the Linux
    Virtual Server framework. It can do application-level load balancing
    (such as content-based scheduling) inside the Linux kernel. The reason
    for implementing it inside the kernel is to avoid the overhead of
    context switching and memory copying between user-space and
    kernel-space. Although the its scalability is lower than that of IPVS
    (IP Virtual Server), it is flexible, because the content of the request
    is known before the request is redirected to the real server. 

KRconLinux 0.1RC4 

    KRconLinux is a KDE tool for querying and managing game servers like
    Half-Life mods (Counter Strike, Dod, etc.), Quake series, and more. It
    features a console to send rcon commands, a server log receiver, an
    (incomplete) IRC bot to monitor the games, and a chat console to
    interact with the players inside the game. It is capable of listing the
    available server maps and changing them, establishing server settings
    via configuration files, changing the current server password, updating
    and modifying the server ban list, kicking and banning players, and
    changing server variables. 

Landscapes by B. Kaemper 3.1 

    Landscapes by B. Kaemper is a theme created with artworks of the
    painter B. Kaemper. It contains a KDE theme, an IceWM decoration, an
    icon set, images for the slide show screensaver, a console schema, a
    splash screen, and a KFM background image. 

libDSP 4.6.0 (stable)

    libDSP is a C++ library of digital signal processing routines,
    including standard vector operations, digital filtering, and

libptp 1.0pre4 

    libptp is a Picture Transfer Protocol support library. It is used for
    downloading images from PTP cameras. It currently works with most
    modern Kodak, HP, SONY, Nikon, Canon, and other cameras that are PTP
    compatible. It also works with some MP3 players, like the Kodak MP3.
    This package contains also 'ptpcam', the tool used to tweak camera

LibTomMath 0.05 

    LibTomMath provides highly optimized and portable routines for a vast
    majority of integer-based number theoretic applications (including
    public key cryptography). 

LILO 22.5.5 

    LILO is a Boot loader for Linux/x86 and other PC operating systems. It
    is responsible for loading your Linux kernel from either a floppy or a
    hard drive and passing control to it. It is capable of booting beyond
    cylinder 1024 of a hard disk if the BIOS supports EDD packet call
    extensions to the int 0x13 interface. LILO can also be used to boot
    many other operating systems, including DOS, Windows (all versions),
    OS/2, and the BSD variants. The LILO distribution includes full source,
    documentation and support files. 

Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator 4.6 

    Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator allows beginning-to-advanced network
    administrators to control bandwidth. It is designed to be completely
    turn-key in its default configuration. You just plug it into your
    network trunk, and it self configures and immediately starts slowing
    "bandwidth hogs". It also comes with finer controls that are
    easy to use, and can be configured to target specific applications such
    as Kazaa, IMAP, and POP. Traffic can be limited by host IP, subnet, and
    time of day controls can be set. 

Linux-Mobile-Guide 3.13 

    The Linux-Mobile-Guide (formerly called the Laptop-HOWTO) is a guide
    covering laptop and PDA related Linux features, such as installation
    methods (via PCMCIA, without CD drive, etc.), hardware features
    (PCMCIA, IrDA, APM, etc.), and configurations for different (network)

LUFS Userland Filesystem 0.9.6 

    LUFS is a hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting many
    "exotic" filesystems (localfs, sshfs, ftpfs, httpfs,
    socketfs, freenetfs, and nutellafs) transparently for any application.
    It can be regarded as doing the same job as the VFS (virtual filesystem
    switch) in the kernel: it is a switch, distributing the filesystem
    calls to its supported filesystems. However, LUFS filesystems are
    implemented in userspace. This would be a drawback for local
    filesystems where the access speed is important, but proves to be a
    huge advantage for networked filesystems where the userland flexibility
    is most important. 

monopd 0.8.0 (Development)

    monopd is a dedicated game server daemon for Monopoly-like board games.
    Clients such as Atlantik can connect and allow users to play various
    games with other users of the network. 

MoviX2 0.3.0rc1 

    MoviX2 is a small Linux distro that transforms your PC in a powerful
    multimedia box. Using the GUI version of mplayer to play audio/video
    files, after booting your PC with MoviX2 you will be able to play any
    DVD/VCD, most video/audio files (most noticeably DivX but generically
    any AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, WMV, ASF, MP3, and OGG), and also radio
    stations on the Internet if you are connected to a LAN. And since all
    systems will be completely loaded in RAM, you do not even need a HD to
    use MoviX2. 

Mplayer Orange 1.0 

    Mplayer Orange is a clean and shiny skin. 

myperl 0.9 

    myperl allows you to execute Perl from inside of MySQL. It can either
    be stored in a row, or it can be specified in your SQL statement. You
    also can select other columns which will be passed to Perl. 

MyPPP 0.6 

    MyPPP is a PPP dialer and logger for Red Hat Linux. It lets users start
    a PPP dialup connection to an ISP and records how much time has been
    spent online every month. 

Natural Docs 0.95 

    Natural Docs is an extensible, multi-language, source code
    documentation generator written in Perl. Its syntax is transparent so
    the source comments read just as easily as the generated documentation.
    It also focuses on automation and high-quality HTML output. 

netcount 0.8b 

    netcount is a command line PPP traffic logging and statistics display
    tool for Linux. Logging is done via a small shell script which is
    called during the ip-up, ip-down, and system startup processes and from
    cron, while analysis and printing is done by a program written in
    Python. Statistics can be made on a per-call, daily, and/or monthly
    basis. Also part of the package is nstat, an X utility to display
    connection status, to hang up, and to start and terminate pppd. 

Nmap 3.28 (Stable)

    Nmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It
    supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port
    scanning techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering),
    and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host OS or device identification).
    Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy/stealth
    scanning, sunRPC scanning, and more. Most Unix and Windows platforms
    are supported in both GUI and commandline modes. Several popular
    handheld devices are also supported, including the Sharp Zaurus and the

noexec 1.0.0 

    noexec is a package for preventing a process from exec'ing another
    process. It can be a useful security measure to prevent a user from
    escaping to a shell. It may be able to prevent some kinds of CGI

ogmtools 1.0.3 

    The ogmtools allow users to display information about (ogminfo),
    extract streams from (ogmdemux), merge several streams into (ogmmerge),
    and split (ogmsplit) Ogg files. Supported stream types include video
    streams from AVIs or Ogg files and Vorbis audio from Ogg files. The
    resulting files can be played back with mplayer or with the OggDS
    Direct Show filters under Windows. 

Open WebMail 2.10 (Stable)

    Open WebMail is a webmail system written with Perl. It is designed to
    manage very large mail folder files in a memory efficient way. It also
    provides a range of features to help users migrate smoothly from
    Microsoft Outlook to Open WebMail. Open WebMail has the following
    features: multiple languages, multiple iconset/styles, strong MIME
    support, SMTP relaying, virtual hosting, user aliases, pure virtual
    user, per user based capability, multiple authentication modules, PAM
    support, folder/message management, draft folder, confirm reading
    support, full content search, spellchecking, auto reply, mail filter,
    webdisk, calendar, event reminder, POP3 support, online password
    changing, message count preview, user history, and persistant running

OpenGUI 4.1.1 

    OpenGUI (formerly FastGL) is a high-level C/C++ graphics &
    windowing library built upon a fast, low-level x86 ASM graphics kernel.
    It provides 2D drawing primitives and an event- driven windowing API
    for easy application development, and it supports the BMP image file
    format. You can write apps in the old Borland BGI style or in a
    windowed style like QT. OpenGUI supports the keyboard and mouse as
    event sources, the Linux framebuffer, SVGAlib, and XFree86-DGA2 (HW
    accelerated) as drawing backends, Mesa3D under Linux, and 8, 15, 16,
    and 32- bpp color modes. 

Parasite 1.0.2 

    Parasite is a PHP PEAR::DB-based blogger with support for spell
    checking, pingback, highlighted searching, Weblogs.com ping, RSS
    headlines, and more. 

Penguin Greetings 0.8.3 

    Penguin Greetings is a Perl Web application to implement Internet
    greeting cards on Linux and other Unix-based systems. It can be run as
    a standard CGI application or as a persistent Perl interpreter (via
    SpeedyCGI) for production settings. It includes a complete e-card
    Website with 65 cards for users who want a "plug and play"
    e-card solution. It is intended to make e-cards more like email by
    using multipart MIME email and including message text. The HTML for the
    cards and the creation screens are stored in templates based on Embperl
    so that users can completely customize the look of the program. Via
    Embperl, Perl expressions can be incorporated into templates for
    server-side processing. Access to the card creation functions can be
    optionally restricted to users in an htpasswd file. Cards are emailed
    and databases updated by a separate daemon program which allows for
    card scheduling and improves security and logging. Extensive
    documentation is provided as well an demonstration Website that make
    full use of the Embperl scripting capabilities. 

Phony Mplayer 1.0 

    Phony Mplayer makes Mplayer look like a desktop DVD player. 

phpBB 2.0.5 (Stable)

    phpBB is a UBB-style dissussion board written in PHP backended by a
    MySQL database. It includes features such as posting/replying/editing
    messages, private messages, private forums, user and anonymous posting,
    robust theming, user ranking by posts or by special, admin definable,
    ranks, and much more. 

phpMyFAQ 1.3.3 beta2 (Development)

    phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ system. It
    also offers a content management system, flexible multi-user support, a
    news system, user tracking, language modules, templates, extensive XML
    support, PDF support, a backup system, and an easy to use installation

PreMail 1.0 

    PreMail is a mail previewer and deleter that checks POP accounts and
    presents a list of messages. You can then select and delete any of
    these messages. By default, it uses .fetchmailrc as its list of

QDist 0.9.9 

    The QDist package implements the O(n log^2 n) time method for computing
    the quartet distance between unrooted evolutionary trees. 

Ragnarok Online Client 0.0.2 

    Ragnarok Online Client is a client to the Ragnarok online network, an
    MMORPG. This project only provides an API to be able to program a
    client without having to understand the protocol itself, and to keep
    up-to-date just by the library. 

RPL/2 4.00pre7a (Development)

    RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a langage derived from the RPL made by
    Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor,
    compilated libraries, new functions), a TeX output, and can draw

rubrica 1.0.3 (Stable)

    rubrica is an address book written using GTK+ and GNOME. It allows you
    to add personal data (name, surname, address, etc.), Web links, email
    addresses, telephone numbers, job information (company where contact
    works, company infos, contact's assigment, etc.) and notes. XML is used
    to store the data. It can import addressbooks from GnomeCard and export
    to HTML. 

Safari Aquafier 2.2 

    Safari Aquafier replaces Safari's brushed metal interface with an Aqua

SaveMyModem 1.0pre4 

    SaveMyModem is an anti-spam, email-shaping, and delete-on-server email
    tool. It is designed for users with slow dialup connections who are
    tired of downloading large amounts of spam and worm and virus

SiEd 0.0.2 

    SiEd is a simple text editor for Palm OS 3.5+. It is designed to allow
    editing of large documents on any Palm. It is targeted more at users
    with add-on keyboards for their Palm, as existing editors do not take
    full advantage of the keyboard. 

srecord 1.15 

    SRecord is a collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load
    files. It understands a number of file formats including Motorola
    S-Record, Intel hex, Tektronix hex and binary, for both input and
    output. SRecord filters include cropping, filling, splitting, joining,
    and more. All filters may be applied to all file formats. 

Stone's Throw 0.3 

    Stone's Throw is a clone of the arcade classic Arkanoid with accurate
    2D physics. 

SurakWare Base Library 0.4.0-beta1 

    SurakWare Base Library (libswl) is a native C++ multi-platform system
    library that provides an abstract layer to the key system routines as
    well as utility modules, STL add-ons, and other useful classes for
    solving common tasks (multi-threading, I/O streams, networking, etc.). 

Sussen 0.3 

    Sussen is a client for the Nessus Security Scanner. It is easy to use;
    you can perform a vulnerability assessment with just a few mouse
    clicks. It has a Glade-based user interface, Druids for common tasks,
    GConf support, and Anjuta project support. 

swsusp 1.0-pre8 (2.4 Development)

    swsusp enables you to suspend your machine without having to use APM or
    BIOS support. It creates an image which is saved in your active swaps.
    At the next system bootup, the kernel detects the saved image, restores
    the memory from it and then it continues to run as before you've

Syldra 1.0 beta 1 

    Syldra is an EFnet-compatible IRC daemon based on Hybrid 6.3.1. It
    provides many of the features of csircd, Hybrid 7, and ircd-ratbox in a
    familiar and proven base. 

TCPWatch 1.2 

    tcpwatch is a simple Python script that lets you monitor TCP
    connections through a proxy. It displays the sessions in a window that
    can also display the history of past connections. It is useful for
    developing and debugging protocol implementations and Web services. 

The Black Legacy 0.2.0 

    The Black Legacy is an online RPG project. 

The Tamber Project 1.2.9 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a free, componentised n-tier website engine that
    uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content
    is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects;
    business functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP; and
    presentation is controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for
    delivery over multiple channels such as HTML, WAP and email. Currently
    Tamber contains modules that support; automatic locale detection,
    search engine tracking and optimisation, e-commerce catalogues;
    shopping carts and order management, secure sign in, data access and
    conversion services, advanced session management, content managemt
    tools and forums. 

Transparent Mobile IP 0.14a (Development)

    Transparent Mobile IP (TMip) aims to provide IP mobility across
    multiple networks, ensuring that all active TCP sessions will be
    maintained upon client migration. No client-side software or alteration
    to the IP stack is required. The network itself changes to provide
    connectivity to hosts, using IP tunneling techniques. 

Video CD plugin for xine 1-beta12a 

    Video CD plugin for xine adds the full compliment of advanced Video CD
    features, including playback control (PBC), display of hi-res still
    frames, and menu selections. The plugin displays a good deal about the
    internals of the Video CD and allows a bit of customization of display,
    and where to start playing. 

Virtual Universe / Virtual Worlds 0.27 

    VU/VW is a 3D cyberspace which offers more possibilities than just
    chat: it is a combination of the Web, chat, and instant messaging
    within a realistic, three-dimensional cyberspace. Here people can meet,
    interact with each other, and build houses and whole worlds. The
    Virtual Universe is a virtual reality environment which runs on top of
    the Internet. 

Voodoo chat 0.18.16 

    Voodoo chat is a fast, convenient, easily customized Web chat system
    with the ability to continuously update the user messages (push). It
    has 4 different ways of displaying messages: a Perl-daemon for
    continuous update, PHP-stream, Java-script emulation of stream, and
    classic refresh style. It features theme support, configurable rooms,
    private messages, ignoring, user-status, a mini-mail system, inline
    images, graphical statistics, user-info, language packs, and more.
    Several data storage engines are available, including ones based on
    files, SysV shared memory, and MySQL. It has been tested on a real
    server with up to 360 simultaneous users. 

Websphinx 0.5 

    WebSPHINX ( Website-Specific Processors for HTML INformation
    eXtraction) is a Java class library and interactive development
    environment for Web crawlers that browse and process Web pages

WebWindow Java Browser 2.1.1 

    The WebWindow is a Java-based Web browsing component. It allows
    developers to integrate Web pages directly into their Java application
    without the need for a native Web browser. Some features of the
    WebWindow include support for Javascript, CSS, frames, cookies,
    applets, printing, and much more. 

XDrawChem 1.7.2 (Stable)

    XDrawChem is a program for drawing chemical structures. Features
    include fixed length and fixed angle drawing, a ring tool to
    automatically draw rings, automatic alignment of structures in
    reactions, and structure diagram generation. It can access structures
    in the NCI database by name, CAS number, or formula. It can predict 1H
    NMR, 13C NMR, simple IR spectra, and estimated pKa. XDrawChem can work
    with its native file format, ChemDraw files, and any format supported
    by OpenBabel (MDL Molfile, CML, etc.). 

XMPCR Front End 0.1 

    XMPCR Front End is a GUI frontend to the linuXMPCR Perl modules. This
    allows playing the XMPCR radio in Linux with a GUI interface. 

Zina 0.9.18 

    Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal
    jukebox, and an MP3 streamer. It can run alone, be embedded into an
    existing Web site, or be used as a Postnuke/PHPNuke module. It is
    similar to Andromeda, but is released under the GPL. 

Handling logging issues

    I'm using cronolog for my apache logs, and I really, really like it.
    I'd like to be able to use it on the slash logs as well, which become
    large and cumbersome over time with many sites running on a server. How
    do you all handle your logs? What do you use for log rotation? How long
    do you keep logs? Is anyone using cronolog, or something like it with

RSS to Story?

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to grab remote RDF and post them as stories.
    portald seems only to handle blocks. I'm aware of the elixus.org, and
    the RSS2Story plugin in their patch of slashcode, but I can't get the
    plugin installed, and it seems to be left unfinished. So is there any
    other way to do this? 

launch of slash site "stupidsecurity.com"

    Announcing the opening of StupidSecurity.com. The site is meant to be a
    chronicle of idiotic and deceptive "security" measures. From the "three
    questions" that the airlines finally stopped asking to the closing of
    Meigs Airport in Chicago supposedly for security reasons, we want YOUR
    gripes about security measures that are just plain dumb! I'd welcome
    submissions (the stupider the better!), comments, complaints, and

MySQL 4.1+

    I want to start using MySQL 4.1 to take advantage of the new Spatial
    extensions in MySQL to further enhance my plugin. I saw the recent
    story referring to using MySQL 4, but no direct mention of experience
    with versions 4+. Any tips or recommendations? Should I make the
    upgrade only on my development box, or is using 4+ okay. Any experience
    with 4.1, which is alpha? 

Section-specific Quick Links

    I'm in the process of setting up a intranet Slash 2 site for a company.
    With the aid of the Crow Book I've got everything installed and with
    the L'n'F that they want, and we are in the process of adding some
    initial content and getting the blocks running the way they want.
    However, we're having problems getting section-specific quick links
    blocks to work. Example: I have a section called legal, and a block
    called legal_qlinks which has different links to index_qlinks.
    index_qlinks shows up on the homepage as I expect, but nothing is
    displayed in the right "frame" if I click no the section title under an
    article. What am I doing wrong? The Crow Book (page 127) suggests that
    this should work. 

Need help building Slash templates

    I have comps for a site I want built in Slash. While I have worked with
    Movable Type, building Slash templates is a whole different beast. I
    need someone to help me convert my comps into a functioning Slash site.
    If you have these skills, please drop me a line with your rates and
    scheduling availability. You can see what the site will look like here.

Preventing duplicates from being posted

    I'm getting sick of seeing duplicate posts all the time on Slashdot. I
    have a feature-request/enhancement that I would like to request for
    slashcode. It would be nice if before a moderator submits a story to
    check all of the URLS in that post and match it with the previous
    weeks/months stories for the same URL. If there is a match, throw up a
    warning saying that this story is a possible duplicate. This will help
    the moderator out too, since they wouldn't have to read every story on
    slashdot in the past two weeks. What do you think? Is this doable?
    --Min Idzelis 

Vorlonspace Is Back

    Announced back in October last year, Vorlonspace was launched as a
    Babylon 5 discussions site. In late January, the site went down and was
    taken off the YASS list. It is now back up and the premise has changed
    from Babylon 5 to a general sci-fi discussion site which has generated
    more interest. 

Adding ispell after slash is installed

    Hi, I read the (archived) thread at:
    http://ask.slashcode.com/article.pl?sid=02/03/22/1 724238&mode=thread
    and I have "Running Weblogs with Slash", so I know that "... Slash 2.2
    has added an ispell compatibility mode. If the ispell program exists
    and points to an ispell binary, the Edit Story page will include a list
    of potentially misspelled words.)" (thanks blagger), but I don't know
    how exactly what to add, and into what directory,. I installed freebsd
    5.0, then built and installed the slashcode port, and now I've
    installed ispell. I then tried adding symlinks to ispell into various
    directories, including /usr/local/slash/bin, and restarting my browser
    and the freebsd box. Nothing obvious changes. Can someone tell me
    exactly which file to put where to enable spell-checking? I'm running
    slash-2.2.6 on Freebsd 5.0. Thanks... P.S. Sorry if I misspelled
    anything, but... 

Shouldn't Slash Be Represented at OSCOM 3?

    I found out that OSCOM 3, The Open Source Content Management
    Conference, is taking place in Cambridge, MA, from May 28-30. I was
    surprised to see that Slash does not appear to be represented in any
    way. I posted a story to CTDATA suggesting that our community try to
    represent itself in some fashion. If anyone wants to discuss how we can
    influence the organizers of this conference to include a Slash
    presentation, please email me at dave_aiello at ctdata.com. 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $59.24 

256MB Secure Digital (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $69.99 

128MB Magic Gate Memory Stick Duo (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $69.95 

256MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $71.04 

128MB USB Flash Drive (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $35.00 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

South Beach Diet by Arthur S. Agatston (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.68 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $16.99 

Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $18.23 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $15.99 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $27.99 

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