O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    August 26, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Interests: Megatokyo Lanyard

Caffeine: Penguin Energy Gum

Computing: SnapStream Personal Video Station 3

Gadgets: Arc LED Flashlight

Gadgets: Laser Widow

Computing: 17" Samsung 170N  LCD Display

PC Mods: Startech Cool Aluminator PC Case

Computing: Multimedia Access Panels

Computing: Zip-Linq Cell Phone Charger Kits

Computing: Kensington WiFi Finder

Computing: Zip-Linq Retractable Network/Modem Cables

Computing: Zip-Linq Zip-Mouse

Cube Goodies: Smart Mug

Cube Goodies: Moving Gear Clock

Computing: BenQ FP2081 20" LCD Display

Gadgets: Microscope Pen

Gadgets: Candeloo Rechargeable Lamps

Computing: ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

Electronics: Mustek [EMAIL PROTECTED] D30 Digital Camera

PC Mods: Cigarette Lighter Mod

Tiki -Eta Carinae- released 

    TikiWiki has been released! ( fixes a blocking wiki edit
    bug in 1.7.1). This release offers various bugfixes and improvements.
    All Tiki sites (1.6, 1.7) are recommended to upgrade to this stable
    version. Affected features: challenge/response feature, email
    validator, translations, page description, HAWHAW toolkit, HotWords,
    category listing, LDAP authentication, forum threads, caching URLs with
    common binary file, TikiHelp? links & various theme and visual fixes. 

Gallery v1.4 Release Candidate 1 Available

    This is the first *release candidate* for Gallery v.1.4. This new
    version premieres some major new features: Gallery is now multilingual,
    and can be displayed in 18 different languages, with more on the way!
    In addition, we've overhauled the documentation and made it more
    accessible and more informative. Other changes include ownership at the
    image level, not just the album level, and a whole slew of minor
    improvements and bugfixes. Download it:
    http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130 Read more about the
    release: http://gallery.sf.net/article.php?sid=85 

slrn released

    Slrn (``S-Lang read news'') is a Usenet newsreader that runs in text
    mode on various Unix- and Unix-like operating systems (including
    Linux), Windows, OS/2, BeOS, MacOS X and VMS. It supports scoring rules
    to highlight, sort or kill articles to make reading news more
    efficient. Furthermore it is highly customizable, allows free
    key-bindings and can be extended using the S-Lang macro language.
    Offline reading is possible using either slrnpull (shipped with slrn)
    or a local newsserver like leafnode or INN. The new version of slrn
    finally has been released. It has an impressive list of changes,
    including the long-awaited true offline reading functionality. I also
    integrated a lot of patches and want to thank everyone who made a

DrJava stable release

    A new stable release of DrJava is now available. DrJava is an
    integrated Java development environment that supports interactive
    evaluation of expressions. It is primarily intended for students, but
    it has features useful even for advanced users. This release includes
    many large new features, including the ability to test all open JUnit
    test files, easily run the main method of a program, find and replace
    across all open documents, and load a history file as a script that can
    be executed one line at a time. There have been interface improvements
    including a convenient box that appears in the Interactions Pane to
    accept input from System.in, listing JUnit test methods as they are
    being run, and configurable colors that now work in all panes. More
    detailed information can be found in the Release Notes. 

JFreeReport 0.8.3f released

    JFreeReport 0.8.3f was released yesterday. It contains more bugfixes to
    JFreeReport while waiting on the next real release. JFreeReport is a
    Java class library for generating reports. It provides a flexible
    printing functionality for Java applications and supports output to
    Printers and PDF, Excel, HTML and XHTML, PlainText, XML and CSV files.
    To give everybody a reason to upgrade, this version now contains a
    progress monitor dialog for all gui report-operations. The reporting is
    also no longer so selfish to block the entire event dispatcher while
    processing the report... Have more fun, said Thomas 

Software Patent Demonstrations Taking Off

    [0]feklee writes "The preparations for the [1] rally against software
    patents on Wednesday are running at full speed. Thanks to announcements
    in [2]DWN, on [3]KDE, in the [4]Register, and elsewhere, the [5]Online
    Demo has already more than 600 participants such as [6]Savannah and
    [7]KDE.de. Now, what about your project?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/20/1244241&tid=155
    2. http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2003/33/
    3. http://www.kde.org/
    4. http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/32457.html
    5. http://swpat.ffii.org/group/demo/
    6. http://savannah.gnu.org/
    7. http://www.kde.de/

NTT Verifies Diamond Semiconductor Operation At 81 GHz

    [0]Anonymous Coward writes "[1]This story over at eetimes.com reports
    of a semiconductor made of diamond that is able to run at 81 GHz."
    Mmmm, [2]foreshadowing. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.eetimes.com/at/hpm/news/OEG20030822S0005
    2. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/12/2112237&tid=126

MIT Robot Walks On Water

    An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at MIT have solved the mystery
    of how water striders propel themselves across water surfaces and in
    the process have created a robot called [0]Robostrider that mimics the
    behavior. With cool stuff like this, it's no wonder MIT is [1]number
    one in engineering." 
    0. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/nr/2003/robostrider.html
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/22/1755259&tid=146

AOL Sued For Over-Zealous Blocking

    mik writes "America Online [0] has been sued by [1]CI Host, a
    Texas-based hosting company for defamation, interference with
    contractual rights and unfair competition. CI Host [2]has been awarded
    a temporary restraining order, though AOL has apparently not complied.
    This may be the first such in a series of suits leading up to, perhaps,
    to class-action status relating to AOL's recent zealotry in anti-spam
    [3]policy resulting in the presumption that shared-hosting providers
    are guilty (of spamming) unless proven innocent." 
    0. http://www.dfw.com/mld/startelegram/news/local/6597267.htm
    1. http://cihost.com/
    2. http://www.hostreview.com/news/news/030822CIHost.html
    3. http://postmaster.info.aol.com/

Florida Proposes Taxing Local LANs

    Vellmont writes "From the state that brought you the 2000 presidential
    election debacle, now comes the proposal to tax your LAN. The Orlando
    Business Journal is reporting that the the state of Florida is thinking
    about [0]putting a 9% tax on LANs within the state. Exactly what they
    will be taxing isn't clear, since the tax amounts to 9% of...
    something. Will taxing the electrical wires within your home be next?" 
    0. http://orlando.bizjournals.com/orlando/stories/2003/08/25/story1.html

Is Linux as Secure as We'd Like to Think?

    man_of_mr_e asks: "With all the recent brouhaha about [0]Blaster and
    [1]Sobig, there's been a lot of talk about [2]how poor Windows security
    is, especially compared to the Linux we all know and love. But is this
    really true? The website defacement archive at [3]Zone-h shows that
    Linux accounts for 61% of the defacements in the last 24 hours (note,
    this figure changes, so it might be different when you view it). An
    analysis of the last few weeks of [4]their archive shows a similar
    percentage of exploited Linux systems. Note also that the 'Unknown'
    category is rather high, and certainly contains at least some Linux
    systems, further increasing the percentage. Why is this? Are we just
    deluding ourselves about our own security? Could there be a Linux
    'Blaster' just waiting to happen?" While "defacements" don't
    necessarily mean "root level break-in", sometimes getting your foot in
    the door is enough. If this happens, wouldn't Linux then be just as
    exploitable as Windows? Are there other reasons why the likelihood of a
    "Sobig" or an "ILUVYOU" would be lower for Linux than Windows? 
    0. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/12/1326237&tid=201
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/21/1847254&tid=185
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/24/2255231&tid=109
    3. http://www.zone-h.org/
    4. http://www.zone-h.org/en/defacements

Native Java JDK 1.3.1 Support For FreeBSD

    ap writes "Justin T. Gibbs, of the [0]FreeBSD Foundation, [1]announced
    today the availability of a [2]native binary release of the [3]Java JDK
    1.3.1 for FreeBSD. He also mentioned that more attention will now be
    focused on providing a release of the 1.4.x JDK. Such developments
    should allow for FreeBSD to be better suited for enterprise uses." 
    0. http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/
    1. http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-announce/2003-August/000905.html
    2. http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/downloads/java.shtml
    3. http://java.sun.com/

DeCSS Loses Free Speech Shield

    [0]JohnGrahamCumming writes "BusinessWeek/CNET is reporting that the
    California Supreme Court has ruled that 'a Web publisher [1]could be
    barred from posting DVD-copying code online without infringing on his
    free speech rights.' They also say that 'the state Supreme Court ruled
    that property and trade secrets rights outranked free speech rights in
    this case.'" According to the article, this "...overturned an
    [2]earlier decision that said blocking Web publishers from posting the
    controversial piece of software called DeCSS, which can be used to help
    decrypt and copy DVDs, would violate their First Amendment rights." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] g c . o rg
    1. http://www.businessweek.com/technology/cnet/stories/5067665.htm
    2. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/11/01/1953236&tid=123

Sci-Fi Movies and 'Bad Science'

    [0]Roland Piquepaille writes "Science fiction movies can be fun, and
    sometimes boring, when Hollywood producers want to show us a 2 1/2 hour
    film when 90 minutes would be enough. But what about the 'science'
    behind them? BBC News says it's pretty bad in [1]'When sci-fi forgets
    the science.' For example, the metamorphosis of Bruce Banner into The
    Hulk, based on work of marine biologist [2]Greg Szulgit from Hiram
    College, Ohio, about sea cucumbers, is qualified by himself as "really
    awful"." The [3]Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics website, which we've
    [4]previously mentioned, is referenced in this article, and is now
    [5]freshly updated to deal with movies like The Hulk. 
    0. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3173935.stm
    2. http://home.hiram.edu/www/biology/gregszulgit.htm
    3. http://www.intuitor.com/moviephysics/
    4. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/06/14/1750211&tid=133
    5. http://www.intuitor.com/moviephysics/hulk.html

Linux 2.4.22 Stable Kernel Released

    An anonymous reader writes "Marcelo Tosatti has officially [0]released
    another stable 2.4 Linux kernel. 2.4.22 was released early this morning
    and includes a [1]lengthy list of fixes. It follows the last stable
    kernel in this tree, 2.4.21, by a little over two months." 
    0. http://kernel.org/
    1. http://kerneltrap.org/node/view/779

European Protests Against Software Patents

    On Wednesday, August 27th, there will be a last-minute demonstration at
    the European Parliament in Brussels against the proposed directive on
    software patents, organized by the FFII. As an additional (or
    alternative) action, people and organizations are encouraged to
    participate in an online demonstration that day, replacing the main
    pages of their Web sites with text explaining the dangers of
    introducing unlimited patentability in Europe. 

Advanced Bash Scripting Guide 2.0 (Stable)

    The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide is both a reference and a tutorial on
    shell scripting. This comprehensive book (the equivalent of about 544
    print pages) covers almost every aspect of shell scripting. It contains
    265 profusely commented illustrative examples, and a number of tables. 

AdvanceSCAN 1.7 

    AdvanceSCAN is a command line ROM manager for MAME, MESS, AdvanceMAME,
    AdvanceMESS, and Raine for Unix, DOS, and Windows. It also contains a
    recompression utility for your .ZIP ROMs, .PNG snapshots, and .MNG

Aegir CMS 1.0 

    Aegir CMS is an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) built on
    the reliable Midgard framework. Key features include an MS
    Word-compatible content editor, staging/live setup, multi-company
    hosting (ASP) support, and a flexible templating and layout system.
    Aegir CMS is derived from the Nadmin Studio M5 code base. 

aio-xmms 0.2.0 

    aio-xmms is an output plugin for XMMS which produces output for use
    with the libAIO library. A standalone GUI is also provided. However,
    volume control, effects processing, and the integrated config GUI are
    still missing. 

AIOCP 1.0.021 

    AIOCP (All In One Control Panel) is a Content Management System (CMS),
    a professional all-inclusive solution to completely manage a Web site
    or portal through a user-friendly Web-interface. AIOCP is also a
    framework for Web application developement and includes e-commerce and
    e-business modules. It includes all basic and extra modules: CMS,
    WYSIWYG editor, languages, users, menus, forums, news, newsletter,
    links, downloads, reviews, awards, chat, polls, calendar, banners,
    search engine, statistics, online help, system tools, shell, backup,
    MIME, whois, ping, traceroute, MySQL database management, transcoding,
    custom modules, code libraries, images, and sounds. 

amavisd-new 20030616-p5 

    amavisd-new is a high-performance and reliable interface between MTAs
    and one or more content checkers, including virus scanners, and/or the
    Mail::SpamAssasin Perl module. It talks to the MTA via (E)SMTP or LMTP,
    or by using helper programs. No timing gaps exist in the design, which
    could cause a mail loss. It is normally positioned at or near a central
    mailer, not necessarily where the user's mailboxes and final delivery
    takes place. 

aMule 1.0.0 

    aMule is short for "another eMule file-sharing program". It
    is another fork of the xMule project. It connects to the eDonkey2000
    network, and supports Linux, *BSD, and Mac OS X platforms. aMule's
    distinctive feature is its new vision of the GUI. 

Arachne 0.20a 

    Arachne is a Perl-driven RPG gaming engine loosely based on Dungeons
    and Dragons and Nethack. It aims at making it possible for novice
    programmers to learn as they go, and more experienced programmers to
    contribute their experience to a versatile and interesting gaming

Audio Input-Output Library 0.2.0 

    libaio is meant to solve the problem of differing digital audio
    platforms once and for all. JACK is unnecessarily complex for most
    applications, and while libao's support for file output is cool, it
    limits what the API can do and is therefore inadequate for any kind of
    real time application. libaio provides a clean application interface
    and a simple compile-time driver switching decision, yielding a
    lightweight way to use the local sound hardware without having to care
    what it is. 

ayttm 0.4.0 

    Ayttm is an instant messenger program, supporting various protocols
    such as MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Jabber, and more. It is a fork of Everybuddy,
    and initially aims to address its problems. It should not segfault when
    you use it, and should be almost instantly usable by your mother.
    Almost useless prefs should be hidden, reserved for
    "advanced" users, and things have to work without wondering
    what this or that will produce. 

Blazerd 0.1.52 

    Blazerd is a UPS monitoring daemon for the Centralion Blazer UPS. It
    monitors a serial connection from the UPS for power failures and shuts
    the machine down gracefully if the power remains off for more than a
    specified interval, or when the battery power goes too low. 

C++ Portable Types Library (PTypes) 1.8.3 

    The C++ Portable Types Library (PTypes) is a simple alternative to the
    STL that includes multithreading and networking. It defines dynamic
    strings, character sets, variants, lists and other basic data types
    along with threads, synchronization primitives and IP sockets. It is
    portable across modern Unix and Windows systems and includes a sample
    HTTP daemon showing the full power of the library. 

Cerberus Helpdesk 2.1.0 

    Cerberus Helpdesk is an email response system built to diminish the
    need for redundant, time-consuming human interaction with your
    customers. The system is built to allow your support/sales/billing/etc.
    department to react quickly to inbound customer email inquiries. It was
    written originally as a trouble ticket system. 

cgixx 1.06 (Release)

    The cgixx C++ CGI class library is intended as a modern Common Gateway
    Interface library for ISO standard C++ compilers. The focus of the
    cgixx library is to ensure fast and reliable conversations between the
    Web server's CGI and your C++ code. 

Clover 1.2.1 

    Clover makes the gathering and analysis of code coverage metrics as
    painless as possible. It features include tight integration with the
    Jakarta Ant build tool and accurate, configurable coverage recording.
    It gathers Method, Statement, and Branch coverage data. Compile-time
    properties and source level directives allow for precise control over
    the coverage gathering process. Coverage data can be viewed in XML,
    HTML, or via a Swing GUI. Report-time options allow for the exclusion
    of particular statement types from coverage analysis. Plugins for the
    Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEs are provided. 

Coriander 0.99.3 (Stable)

    Coriander is a GUI that let you control your 1394 digital video camera
    interactively. It features SDL display, FTP image posting, file saving,
    and Real streaming. It is for IIDC cameras, not for consumer grade DV

d 1.1.0 

    d is an alternative to ls and its long format output. It optimizes the
    output to create more space for the filename and reduce the chance of
    wrap around. On a system with short user/group names it can save as
    much as 22 spaces for the filename. It also has a --dirs-first option
    to always print directories before regular files regardless of the
    current sort option. Those familiar with Midnight Commander will
    recognize this behavior. It allows for system and user configuration
    files, which can specify several options that are available on the
    command line, as well as the 'color' option which can be used to
    completely customize the colorization of output, like ls but in a more
    convenient configuration file. There is a --tree option to simulate the
    output of the tree command. 

dailystrips 1.0.28 

    dailystrips is a utility to download your favorite online comic strips
    each day. What sets it apart from the rest is its "local"
    mode of operation, which automatically downloads strips for you.
    Avantgo is also supported, for downloading comics to PDAs. 

DC Maintenance Management System 0.9.1 

    DC Maintenence Management System is a Web-based application to record
    and analyze customer complaints and repairs in water supply networks.
    It uses PHP, mapserver, and PostGIS. 


    DENIX2XML is a Tcl script that converts WHOIS answers from the .de TLD
    into XML, which are much easier to parse. 

DeskNow MJ 1.0.8 

    DeskNow MJ is a complete instant messaging server that can be plugged
    into any Java/J2EE application like a normal library. DeskNow MJ lets
    you enhance your Web application by providing secure instant messaging
    and real time alerts. Its major features are use of the Jabber/XMPP
    protocol, 128-bit SSL encryption, support for one-to-one and group
    chat, and transparent access across firewalls, proxies, and NAT

DHCP-locator 0.03 

    DHCP-Locator is a pair of programs/scripts that log the switch IP
    address, port in switch, MAC address, and IP address when a host is
    getting an IP address from a DHCP server. It uses ISC DHCP server logs
    as input. It's excellent for abuse issues in large networks. 

dialog-mp3-list 0.30 

    dialog-mp3-list generates an organized list of your CDs and directories
    of MP3s. It shows a numbered list of MP3s with information on their
    encoding speed and track lengths. It uses Dialog/XDialog and Latex to
    create lists in .tex, .ps, and .pdf formats, and uses English or
    Brazilian Portuguese. 

digio 1.0 

    Digio is a Linux driver set for supporting Digital I/O (general-purpose
    I/O) devices. The master module provides character device driver
    functionality which is common part for all such devices. Dependent
    modules just handle particular devices. 

DRT 0.3.9 

    DRT is a design recovery tool for interactive graphical applications
    running under the X Window System. The tool automatically captures
    actions performed while using such an application. Functions
    particularly relevant to each action are highlighted. Moreover, the
    action itself is described visually from fragments of the application
    display. One can search and browse these actions to learn about the
    design of an application. 

Drupal 4.2.0 

    Drupal is a modular content management/discussion/community engine
    written in PHP. Its features include (but are not limited to)
    discussion forums, Web-based administration, theme support, a
    submission queue and content rating, content versioning, taxonomy
    support, user management with a fine-grained permission system based on
    user roles (groups), error logging, a weblog/journal/diary module,
    support for content syndication (RSS/RDF import and export), locale
    support, and much more. 

dxr3Player 0.5 

    dxr3Player is a lightweight command line DVD player for Linux and the
    DXR3 (aka Hollywood+) MPEG-2 decoder boards. It supports all major DVD
    features, including menus, navigation, fast forward and backward
    playback, subtitles, and camera angle changes. The player is very
    conservative on memory usage and tries very hard (and mostly succeeds)
    to keep video and audio in sync. 

Echo Web Application Framework 1.1Beta2 (Development)

    Echo is a framework for developing object-oriented, event-driven Web
    applications in Java. Echo removes the developer from having to think
    in terms of "page-based" applications and enables him/her to
    develop applications using the conventional object-oriented and
    event-driven paradigm for user interface development. Knowledge of
    HTML, HTTP, and JavaScript is not required. Tutorials, white papers,
    and full API documentation are available. 

Efax-gtk 2.0.9 (Stable)

    Efax-gtk provides a GUI frontend for the efax fax program. It
    interfaces with efax directly, replacing the scripts supplied with
    efax, and can be used for receiving and sending faxes, and for viewing,
    printing, and managing faxes which have been received and sent. It
    requires the GTK+ and Gtkmm libraries. Ghostscript (gs) must also be

Enhydra XMLC 2.2 

    Enhydra XMLC radically simplifies Web development by cleanly separating
    presentation from code. Enhydra XMLC parses an HTML file and creates a
    Java object that enables an application to change the HTML file's
    content at runtime, without regard for its formatting. 

etalpmet 0.02 

    The etalpmet script is an easy HTML template system that does not
    require you to rewrite your source HTML files to fit the system -
    instead, all of the work is done in the template file. This makes it
    easy to give a common look and feel to an existing site, or a site
    where many of the files are generated by other scripts (such as by
    conversion from text). 

EzSDK 4.79 

    EzSDK is a PHP SDK which includes a PHP source code generator, a
    library of PHP classes, and an application environment consisting of
    premade supporting modules. The modules handle user application and
    data access security, DB compatibility (with MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
    etc.), a built-in GUI interface with an interactive desktop, and more. 

furious_tv 1.1 

    furious_tv is a PVR backend that uses an SQLite database to hold XMLTV
    listings data. Using that data, it can automatically execute commands
    to record TV shows off of a capture device (multiple capture devices
    are supported). If Shuriken is installed, furious_tv can also
    automatically power the system on/off for recordings to save power. 

gnocl 0.5.11 

    gnocl is a GTK+ / Gnome extension for the programming language Tcl,
    loosely modeled after the Tk package. It provides easy to use commands
    to build quickly GTK+ / Gnome-compliant applications including a canvas
    widget, GConf, and drag and drop. 

gnome-python 1.99.18 (GTK 2.0)

    gnome-python is a set of interfaces to gnome-libs. It also contains a
    copy of PyGTK, so you don't have to worry about gnome-python getting
    out of sync with your copy of PyGTK. The bindings cover almost all of
    the APIs in gnome-libs. 

GNU Anubis 3.9.92 (Development)

    GNU Anubis is an outgoing mail processor. It goes between the MUA (Mail
    User Agent) and the MTA (Mail Transport Agent), and can perform various
    sorts of processing and conversion on-the-fly in accordance with the
    sender's specified rules, based on a highly configurable regular
    expressions system. It operates as a proxy server, and can edit
    outgoing mail headers, encrypt or sign mail with the GnuPG, build
    secure SMTP tunnels using the TLS/SSL encryption even if your mail user
    agent doesn't support it, or tunnel a connection through a SOCKS proxy

GNU Scientific Library 1.4 

    The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of routines for
    numerical computing. The routines are written from scratch by the GSL
    team in ANSI C, and present a modern API for C programmers, while
    allowing wrappers to be written for very high-level languages. 

GraphicsMagick 1.0.3 

    GraphicsMagick is a robust collection of tools and libraries which
    support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 88 major
    formats including popular formats like TIFF, JPEG, JPEG-2000,PNG, PDF,
    PhotoCD, SVG, and GIF. A high-quality 2D renderer is included, which
    provides a subset of SVG capabilities. C, C++, Perl, Java, PHP, Python,
    ColdFusion, and Ruby are supported. Originally based on ImageMagick,
    GraphicsMagick focuses on performance, minimizing bugs, and providing
    stable APIs and ABIs. It runs on all modern variants of Unix, Windows,
    VMS, and MacOS 9. 

GRating 0.1 

    GRating is an NFL and college football quarterback rating calculator.
    The program requires PyGTK2 with libglade support. 

Jaffm 0.9.1 

    Jaffm is a lightweight wxWindows (GTK+ interface) file manager for
    Unix, written in C++. It is aimed at nonsense-free file management. It
    is mostly inspired by the List View in Mac OS Finder, but does and will
    have Unix-handy features such as an interactive location bar, and a
    simple but elegant user interface. 

Java Serialization to XML 2 

    Java Serialization to XML 2 allows you to convert Java objects into
    streams of XML and back again. Using it is as easy as replacing
    "ObjectOutputStream" with "JSX.ObjectWriter" to
    convert objects to XML, and replacing "ObjectInputStream"
    with "JSX.ObjectReader" to convert XML into objects. JSX
    subclasses Java's serialization classes, so it can be used in their
    place with the same simple power. This allows you to check and correct
    your distributed, persisted, and logged object data, and process it
    with XSLT, SAX, and DOM. JSX handles all objects, complex object
    graphs, new classes, old classes, and evolving classes. JSX even
    handles classes that do not implement the "Serializable"

JBoss 3.2.2 RC3 (3.2.x Development Releases)

    JBoss is an Open Source, standards-compliant, Enterprise JavaBeans
    application server implemented in pure Java. JBoss provides
    JBossServer, the basic EJB container and JMX infrastructure, JBossMQ
    for JMS messaging, JBossMail for mail, JBossTX for JTA/JTS
    transactions, JBossSX for JAAS based security, JBossCX for JCA
    connectivity, and JBossCMP for CMP persistence. It integrates with
    Tomcat Servlet/JSP container and Jetty Web server/servlet container,
    and enables you to mix and match these components through JMX by
    replacing any component you wish with a JMX-compliant implementation
    for the same APIs. The goal is to provide a full J2EE stack in the
    Free/Open Source software world. 

KBBTray 0.01 

    KBBTray is a KDE task bar tray applicaton that monitors a Big Brother
    page and shows its status. 

Keystone2 0.90.05 

    Keystone2 is a Web-based tool for managing a small to medium-sized IT
    department. Its primary use is for tracking problems and tickets within
    the department, but also includes contact and resource management, all
    tightly integrated. The system is entirely Web-based, with extremely
    low requirements for the browser. Keystone2 is a work-in-progress
    rewrite of the original Keystone project. 

KGuitune 0.3 (KDE3)

    KGuitune is a guitar-and-other-instruments tuner. It takes a signal
    from the microphone, calculates its frequency, and displays it on a
    note scale graphic and an oscilloscope. It supports normal, Wien, and
    physical tuning. 

kissme 0.0.31 

    kissme is a free Java Virtual Machine that can run console Java
    applications. It is to be used with the GNU Classpath Java class
    library, and also provides support for orthogonally persistent Java. 

Kroneko 0.3.19 

    Kroneko is a KDE3 tool for configuring cron and anacron. 

Kronophobia 1.1 

    Kronophobia is a complete event-based school calendaring system that
    supports recurrence, transportation assignments, alerts, parent/public
    registration, custom reports, event tracking, and e-mail notification. 


    LargoRecipes is an application for managing recipes. It does
    sophisticated ingredient parsing, handles RecipeML and MealMaster file
    formats, and generates recipe Web pages. Future plans include
    integration with an XML database. 

libinklevel 0.1 

    Libinklevel is a linux library for retrieving the ink level of a
    printer attached via the parallel port or USB. 

libmba 0.6.15 

    The libmba package is a collection of mostly independent C modules
    potentially useful to any project. There are ADTs like linkedlist,
    pool, and varray, a path canonicalization routine, a CSV parser, I18N
    text abstraction, a "mini DOM" for easy XML processing, a
    configuration file API (like java.util.Properties), and more. The code
    is designed so that individual modules can be integrated into existing
    codebases rather than requiring the user to commit to the entire
    library. The code has no typedefs, few comments, and extensive man
    pages and HTML documentation. 

libstatgrab 0.5 

    The libstatgrab library provides an easy-to-use interface for accessing
    system statistics and information. Available statistics include CPU,
    Load, Memory, Swap, Disk I/O, and Network I/O. It was developed to work
    on Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. 

LilyPond 1.9.0 (Development)

    LilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces beautiful sheet music using
    a file as input. LilyPond is part of the GNU Project. 

LKL 0.1.0 

    LKL is a userspace keylogger that runs under Linux on the x86
    architechture. LKL sniffs and logs everything that passes through the
    hardware keyboard port (0x60). It translates keycodes to ASCII with a
    keymap file. 

Lodju 1.99.2 (Development)

    Lodju creates indexes of digital images, such as photographs taken with
    a digital camera. It can also generate Web galleries of them. These
    indexes will help you to manage your image collection, making it easy
    to organize and search for images. 

Lucane 0.5.1 

    Lucane is an extensible groupware platform written in Java. Some sample
    applications are bundled with the platform, like a peer to peer quick
    message service, client/server and peer to peer file sharing,
    multi-user chat, and forums. The platform as a whole provides easy
    development for your networked applications with an object based
    network protocol, client/server and peer to peer integration, user and
    groups management, internationalization, and more. 

ma2p 0.0.1 

    ma2p is a converter from Mozilla Address Book to Palm Pilot and Mobile
    Phone (vCard format). 

macho 0.2 

    macho is an email Web archiving system, similar in scope to Pipermail
    or MHonArc. It generates static HTML views of an email archive,
    organized and indexed for easy browsing. 

MailStripper Pro 1.1.0 

    MailStripper Pro is a mail scanner that aims to remove spam and viruses
    from incoming mail using the F-Prot anti-virus. It is written in Tcl
    and was designed to be MTA-independent. 

Mantis 0.18.0RC1 (Developlment)

    Mantis is a PHP/MySQL-based bugtracking system. It is extremely easy to
    deploy and customize, and features one of the simplest and cleanest
    interfaces of any tracking tool available. It supports multiple
    projects and email notification, and is localized for over 18

Mibble 2.1 

    Mibble is an SNMP (Simple Network Managment Protocol) MIB (Manageable
    Information Base) parser library for Java. The library can be used to
    read SNMP MIB files as well as simple ASN.1 files. The library also
    contains classes for simple handling of the information contained in
    the MIB file, such as OID:s and types. 

Mimir 2.0-alpha-9 

    Mimir is an overkill, threaded, antiflood plugin for X-Chat 2.0.x. 

Mindmeld 1.2 RC2 

    Mindmeld is an enterprise-capable knowledge sharing system designed for
    any Web community that needs to capture and share information. It is
    unique in that the knowledge base grows smarter every time it's used.
    It incorporates terms used in each search into a contextual map of the
    answer itself, continually improving its ability to derive contextual
    information from a given search. The system learns how people typically
    search for an answer by identifying which terms are most valuable in
    any specific context. 

mirmon 1.32 

    Many project are mirrored worldwide. Mirmon helps in monitoring these
    mirrors. In a concise graphic format, mirmon shows each site's history
    of the last two weeks, making it easy to spot stale or dead mirrors.
    Mirmon quietly probes a subset of the sites in a given list, writes the
    results in the 'state' file, and generates a Web page with the results. 

mkxvcd.sh 1.0.1 

    mkxvcd.sh is a shell script that creates an PAL VCD MPEG1 stream that
    fits up to 2 hours of movie data on an 80-minute CDR. It can use any
    file that can be played by mplayer as input. It only requires tools
    from the mplayer and mjpegtools packages. 

Mobicq 0.1b5 

    Mobicq is a native ICQ client for mobile devices, such as mobile
    phones. It is written in Java 2 Micro Edition (CLDC/MIDP 1.0.3). 

moodss 17.8 

    Moodss (the Modular Object Oriented Dynamic SpreadSheet) displays data
    described and updated in one or more modules loaded at startup time or
    dynamically. Data is originally displayed in tables. Graphical viewers,
    summary tables, free text viewers, and threshold entries can be created
    from any number of table cells. Moodss has full drag'n'drop support in
    the UI, and comes with numerous modules for system, database, network,
    and other types of monitoring. New modules can be developed in Tcl,
    Perl, Python, or C. A monitoring daemon (moomps) for UNIX is included.
    It can react to thresholds and record data history in any database for
    later analysis or for presentation using common software. 

Mserv 0.37 (Development)

    Mserv is a jukebox-style music server designed to play MP3, Ogg, etc.
    (configurable) files based on ratings of users who are logged in to the
    system. It includes features such as searching, filtering, biased
    random play, queuing, talking, online and off-line track editing, and a
    standardised TCP protocol. This allows for a variety of interfaces
    including a built-in telnet interface, a command line program for
    scripting, a Perl-based Web client, and many 3rd-party GUI front ends. 

My Photo Gallery 3.4 

    My Photo Gallery is a Web-based photo gallery that also supports
    non-image filetypes. It is easy to setup and even easier to maintain.
    Slick-looking image galleries and thumbnails are generated on the fly
    from any root directory that you specify. Creating an album can be done
    by using the included Web-based adiminstration tool or by creating a
    directory and copying your pictures and files to that directory. A Web
    administration interface is available to help add descriptions, rotate
    images, and more. It includes advanced features such as image logging,
    resizing, image rotation, and visitor comments. Unlimited filetypes may
    be recognized, and custom images for them can be displayed in your
    galleries, allowing you to archive MP3s, MPEGs, AVIs, etc. 

MySQL Cocoa project 2.2.1 

    The MySQL Cocoa project provides a standard MySQL client API for using
    the database with Cocoa (the MacOS X Objective-C/OpenStep environment). 

noeGNUd 0.8.1 

    noeGNUd is an alternate ASCII, 2D, and 3D user interface for nethack
    & slashem that uses SDL and OpenGL. 

ogmencoder 0.9 

    ogmencoder is a Perl script that uses MPlayer/Mencoder and Transcode to
    create an OGM (audio Vorbis) backup of your DVD, ready to be burned to
    a CD-R. OGG (but the usual extension for the video files is OGM) is the
    file format for multimedia developed by the Xiph.org Foundation. It is
    very similar to the common Microsoft AVI. The main difference between
    OGM and AVI is that the new format can store audio with the Ogg Vorbis
    codec. With this codec, you can decrease the bitrate of your movies (I
    use 64 kbps), saving space to increase the video bitrate. Ogmencoder is
    completely automatic. Basically, the only thing you have to do is to
    insert the DVD in the reader and launch the program. 

OJB Console 1.0.8 

    OjBect Console is a Web application that provides administrative
    facilities for the Object Relational Bridge (OJB) persistence
    framework. This console provides transparent browse, search, create,
    update, and delete functionality for the objects configured within OJB.
    In addition, it provides administrative functionality such as cache
    management and a configuration viewer. Finally, it can be extended to
    build a data management Web application. The general idea is to provide
    a useful administrative tool to OJB and a solid reference application
    for OJB/Struts. 

One-Wire Weather 0.70.0 

    Oww (One-Wire Weather) is a client program for Dallas Semiconductor /
    AAG 1-wire weather station kits, providing a graphical (animated)
    display to monitor outside temperature, wind speed and direction,
    rainfall, and humidity. Extra temperature sensors may be added. A
    1-wire "hub" may be used for improved reliability and range.
    Weather data may be logged to CSV files, parsed to command line
    programs, sent to the Henriksen Windows client, or uploaded to Web
    servers at Dallas, The Weather Underground, and HAMweather. 

PHP 4.3.3 

    PHP is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language
    that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into
    HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn.
    PHP runs on many different platforms and can be used as a standalone
    executable or as a module under a variety of Web servers. It has
    excellent support for databases, XML, LDAP, IMAP, Java, various
    Internet protocols, and general data manipulation, and is extensible
    via its powerful API. It is actively developed and supported by a
    talented and energetic international team. Numerous Open Source and
    commercial PHP-based application packages are available. 

PHPX 3.1.0 (PHPX 3.x)

    PHPX is a Web portal system, blog, Content Management System (CMS),
    forum, and more. It is designed to allow everyone to be able to have
    feature-rich, interactive websites even if you do not know a bit of
    programming. Some key features include fully-integrated forums,
    downloads, an image gallery with slideshow and auto-thumbnailing,
    support ticket system, a GUI interface for Web page content management,
    news with topics and instances, and a whole lot more. It allows you to
    fully customize the look of your site. 

Port Scan Attack Detector 1.2.2 

    Port Scan Attack Detector (psad) is a collection of four lightweight
    system daemons written in Perl and C that are designed to work with
    Linux firewalling code (iptables in the 2.4.x kernels, and ipchains in
    the 2.2.x kernels) to detect port scans. It features a set of highly
    configurable danger thresholds (with sensible defaults provided),
    verbose alert messages that include the source, destination, scanned
    port range, begin and end times, TCP flags and corresponding nmap
    options (Linux 2.4.x kernels only), email alerting, and automatic
    blocking of offending IP addresses via dynamic configuration of
    ipchains/iptables firewall rulesets. In addition, for the 2.4.x kernels
    psad incorporates many of the TCP, UDP, and ICMP signatures included in
    Snort to detect highly suspect scans for various backdoor programs
    (e.g. EvilFTP, GirlFriend, SubSeven), DDoS tools (mstream, shaft), and
    advanced port scans (syn, fin, Xmas) which are easily leveraged against
    a machine via nmap. Psad also uses packet TTL, IP id, TOS, and TCP
    window sizes to passively fingerprint the remote operating system from
    which scans originate. 

PowerSeek SQL 2.1 

    PowerSeek SQL allows you to easily create, manage, and run your own
    search engine and directory portal. It is user friendly and
    customizable. It comes with an extensive admin panel, spam filter,
    premium links, link reviews/ratings, a content-sensitive banner
    rotator, HTML generation, keyword statistics, a link checker, custom
    data fields, a crawler, and dozens of other features. MySQL is

Proxy-applet 0.2.3 

    Proxy-applet is a GNOME tray applet for changing your network proxy
    configuration with a single click, in a manner similar to Galeon 1.x. 

PyGopherD 2.0.4 

    PyGopherD is a modern Gopher server. It can serve documents with
    Gopher+, standard Gopher (RFC 1436), and HTTP all on the same port. It
    features a modular extension system, loadable scripts, and more. It
    contains full support for UMN gopherd systems, including .Links,
    .names, .cap, searches, etc. It also supports Bucktooth features such
    as gophermap files and executables, along with its own extra features. 

PyGTK 1.99.18 (GTK 2.0)

    PyGTK is a set of bindings for the GTK widget set. It provides an
    object oriented interface that is slightly higher level than the C one.
    It automatically does all the type casting and reference counting that
    you would have to do normally with the C API. 

PyORBit 1.99.7 

    PyORBit is a Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB. It was developped
    to suit the needs of the bonobo bindings in GNOME-Python, but is usable
    for other purposes as well. It aims to follow the standard Python
    language mapping for CORBA. It can generate stubs at runtime from
    typelibs, IDL files, or by introspecting remote objects using ORBit2's
    IModule typelib capabilities. 

PyScript 0.4 

    Pyscript is a Python module for producing high quality PostScript
    graphics. Rather than using a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is
    programmed using Python and the pyscript objects. 

QueryForm 1.3a 

    QueryForm is a Java GUI application that provides a powerful form-based
    front end for relational databases. It supports multiple concurrent
    connections to different databases. Tables can be queried through a
    simple form-based interface or a custom WHERE-clause editor. Query
    results can be browsed one row at a time through the the form interface
    or viewed in a scrollable grid, and can be exported to CSV files or
    INSERT statements. Table rows can be created, updated, or deleted, and
    table metadata can be viewed for each table in a database. 

Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit 0.9.12 (Development)

    Raptor is a C library for parsing RDF syntaxes into RDF triples. It
    supports the latest revision of RDF/XML (including collections and
    datatypes), N-Triples, and some XML RSS via a tag soup parser. It
    handles the RDF/XML used by RDF applications such as RSS 1.0, FOAF,
    Dublin Core, and OWL. It can use either expat or libxml2 for XML
    parsing, libcurl when available for URI retrieval, and is portable to
    many POSIX systems. 

RoadMap 1.0rc9 

    RoadMap is a GIS program for Linux that displays street maps. The maps
    are provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only cover the US.
    Specific areas are displayed by selecting a street address (street
    number, street name, city, and state). It interfaces with gpsd to track
    a GPS position, and has been designed to be usable on both a desktop or
    laptop computer, or on a PDA. 

RPL/2 4.00pre7e (Development)

    RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a langage derived from the RPL made by
    Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor,
    compilated libraries, new functions), a TeX output, and can draw

Run Time Access 0.6.0 

    RTA (Run Time Access) gives easy runtime access to the data in your
    program, and makes it easy to separate your UI programs from your
    daemon program. This separation make building and testing both UI and
    daemon easier. Your program's internal data structures are exported as
    files in a file system (like /proc) or as tables in a database. When
    using the database interface, your UI programs think they are talking
    to a PostgreSQL database. The PostgreSQL bindings for C and PHP work,
    as does the PostgreSQL command line tool, psql. 

S tar 1.5a21 (Development)

    Star is a very fast, POSIX-compliant tar archiver. It reads and writes
    POSIX compliant tar archives as well as non-POSIX GNU tar archives.
    Star is the first free POSIX.1-2001 compliant tar implementation. It
    saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can
    restore individual files from the archive. It includes a FIFO for
    speed, a pattern matcher, multi-volume support, the ability to archive
    sparse files and ACLs, the ability to archive extended file flags,
    automatic archive format detection, automatic byte order recognition,
    automatic archive compression/decompression, remote archives, and
    special features that allow star to be used for full and incremental
    backups. It includes the only known platform independent
    "rmt" server program that hides Linux incompatibilities. The
    "rmt" server from the star package implements all
    Sun/GNU/Schily/BSD enhancements and allows any "rmt" client
    from any OS to contact any OS as server. 

SiouX 0.1.5 

    SiouX is an HTTP server developed mainly for use in Linux. It supports
    CGI/1.1, and forks off children to serve connections. It is designed to
    be fast and easy to use. 

Stunnix Perl-Obfus 1.5 

    Stunnix Perl-Obfus is a unique solution for protecting your valuable
    intellectual property from possible Perl source code
    piracy/studying/rework. It's an advanced and extremely reliable
    obfuscator for the Perl source code. It converts the Perl source files
    (.pl and .pm) into highly mangled and obfuscated forms, making them
    extremely difficult to study, analyse, reuse, or re-work for
    competitors or customers, while fully retaining functionality of the
    original source code. It's not a compiler to machine code, and the
    obfuscated form will still be the usual Perl source code, and so will
    work on all platforms the original source worked on. 

TestMaker 4.0.4 

    TestMaker delivers a rich environment for building and running
    intelligent test agents that test Web-enabled applications for
    scalability, functionality, and performance. It comes with a friendly
    graphical user environment, an object-oriented scripting language
    (Jython) to build intelligent test agents, an extensible library of
    protocol handlers (HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, XML-RPC, SMTP, POP3, IMAP), a new
    agent wizard featuring an Agent Recorder to write scripts for you, a
    library of fully-functional sample test agents, and shell scripts to
    run test agents from the command line and from unit test utilities. 

The MusicKit and SndKit 5.4.3 

    The MusicKit is an object-oriented software system for building music,
    sound, signal processing, and MIDI applications. The distribution is a
    comprehensive package that includes on-line documentation, programming
    examples, utilities, applications and sample score documents. 

Thump 2003-08-17-01 

    Thump (The Unix MP3 Player) is a flexible and modular set of MP3
    playing daemons written in Python. The daemons communicate with each
    other and the rest of the world via XML, and playlist management is
    handled by a combination of standard file manipulation utilities (such
    as find) and regular expressions. 

tnftp 20030825 

    tnftp (formerly known as lukemftp) is a port of the NetBSD FTP client
    to other systems. It offers many enhancements over the traditional BSD
    FTP client, including command-line editing, command-line fetches of FTP
    and HTTP URLs (including via proxies), command-line uploads of FTP
    URLs, context-sensitive word completion, dynamic progress bar, IPv6
    support, modification time preservation, paging of local and remote
    files, passive mode support (with fallback to active mode), SOCKS
    support, TIS FWTK gate-ftp server support, and transfer rate
    throttling. tnftp is the default FTP client found in FreeBSD, MacOS X,
    NetBSD, and SuSE Linux. 

Transit Executive 0.1 

    Transit Executive is a real-time strategy simulation game in which you
    build transit systems, make profits, and attempt to take over your

tvlisting 2.0.15 (Stable)

    tvlisting is a Perl script that retrieves and displays the TV listing
    from the Internet. It currently uses tvguide.com as the source of the
    listings. This script can output the listing as text, HTML, LaTeX, and
    Xawtv. It can also be used as a CGI script with HTML output. 

Ultimate Boot CD 1.4 

    Ultimate Boot CD allows users to run floppy-based diagnostic tools from
    CDROM drives. 

VPNmonitor 0.11 

    VPNmonitor is a Java application for observing network traffic. Its
    purpose is to stress the deficiency in wireless secure connections.
    Messages sent between computer nodes are graphically represented. VPN
    connections (PPTP and IPSec) and SSL connections (HTTPS) are shown in
    different colors, and messages that are not of the above types are
    dumped onto the screen. Connection statistics are collected during the
    monitor session. 

wtf 0.0.4 

    wtf is a replacement for the NetBSD command of the same name. It looks
    up a specified term in a number of databases and returns a definition
    to the user. In addition to the acronym database searched by the
    original wtf command, this version also searches a database of filename
    suffixes. It is written in C and uses an index file (similar to
    fortunes) and a binary search that should make it faster then the

xFloWS 0.3 

    xFloWS aims to provide a graphical toolkit in Java that enables users
    to create complex workflows by combining existing resources such as Web
    Services, Java classes, and more using an intuitive drag and drop
    interface, coupled with a graphical modelling system. You choose the
    entities that the new business requires for implementation, use the
    graphical interface to build connections between resources and model
    the flow to reflect the business functionality, and generate the code
    necessary for the business deployment. 

Yerase TNEF Stream Reader 2.0 

    ytnef is a program to decode TNEF streams (winmail.dat). Unlike other
    similar programs, it can also decode meeting requests and create VCal
    entries for easy import. It can also create vCard entries from contact
    cards and vTodo entries from task entries. It also has a Perl script
    that can be used in procmail recipes to automatically reformat incoming
    mail appropriately. 

ZPyIrc 0.1.2 

    ZPyIrc is a Web-based IRC client for Zope that allows you to set a
    client for as many clients you want on your Zope server. It's fully
    configurable and leave you the possibility to decide how many
    connetions you'll leave open, the default server, default port, default
    nickname, etc. It also offers you the ability to set up some bots. It
    is based on the pyirc Python module. 

Slash on Mac OS X

    This is how I installed Slash on Mac OS X Server 10.2.6 on August 8,
    2003. YMMV. This is not intended to be a tutorial, it is a log of what
    I did for my system. You may wish to use a release version of perl, to
    include different Apache modules, to compile with DSO, etc. Whatever.
    If someone wants to take some or all of this information and include it
    in a more comprehensive guide, be my guest. 

How to Force Previewing?

    An anonymous user writes: "I'd like to see an option added to enable a
    user to force themselves to preview a post before they actually post
    the comment. At the moment, a user is required to preview a story
    submission before they post it, but there is no way for this
    requirement to be there for standard posts. I often find myself hitting
    'submit' when I wish I'd previewed first. I know that a 'force post
    preview' option could be added to the options section and implemented
    in SLASH *very* easily, which would simply remove the 'Submit' button
    from the initial post screen... so could someone do it? I'd do it
    myself if I was able to update the CVS source :-)" This is a one-liner
    change... details follow... 

YogaCircle.net (New Yoga Slash Site)

    Well this should be a first. A Yoga base Slash site. Check it out, if
    you have any questions or comments let me know. Thanks for the code. 


    Yet another Slash site, Computer Science Daily News. Aims to be a
    resource for Computer Science professionals, researchers, students and
    instructors. Hopefully this fills a niche, computer science
    developments seem to be very decentralized, and hard to find. Slash
    seems to be working out nicely, though I'm still learning the ropes...

Slash on server running Livejournal?

    Maybe this is the wrong venue to ask in, and I'm sorry if it is, but
    this question has been nagging me for about the past week or so. I have
    a personal server running Slackware 8 with a custom-compiled Apache
    1.3.27 (with the appropriate mod_perl) and MySQL 4.0.13. This server is
    currently running the LiveJournal server code and works quite well at
    this. I'm interested in attempting to set up slash for personal use
    (the Livejournal code is running for personal use as well), and herein
    lies the question. Can slash be run on the same server in another
    VirtualHost without having a separate apache installation/process and
    doing some fancy trick with mod_rewrite? Or am I asking too much? I
    will be happy to provide any further info anyone needs through e-mail
    (the e-mail link above is NOT spam-armored at all). 

QubitNews is finally launched!

     QubitNews: News and Inforation from the Quantum Community. This is
    conceived as a meeting-point for the community working in the fast
    developing field of Quantum Information and Computation. This is an
    open and free project devoted to the exchange of information in this
    field.: news, stories, announcements, comments of scientific work,
    debates, polls, forums, etc... Many aspects of your work that cannot
    appear in scientific journals may find a place here. The main feature
    of QubitNews is that it is dynamical: you are wellcome to participate
    and modify the look and feel of this site. You may become an anonymous
    user, site user or an Author. Visit the homepage and consult the
    documents About, FAQ, How-To and GettingStarted. It may be useful,
    helpful and a lot of fun. 

Tuxedo.org Now running Slashcode

    Tuxedo.org is now running Slashcode. I should have done this a couple
    of years ago... Most recent story is Linus Torvalds Comments on SCO
    Lawsuit and Linux. Hope you all enjoy the new site! --Chuck Peters 

Best hosting service for Slash?

    I'm going to be doing some "big things" with Slashcode but am
    interested in going through someone to set up Slashcode and the server,
    so that I can just right in and start building the site. What are the
    best hosting services out there? Will they set up Slash for me? What
    kinds of experiences have people had? 

Dissociated Press goes Slash

    After a bit of poking and prodding, I've converted Dissociated Press to
    Slashcode (2.2.6). Works great! 

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish!

    All things come to an end and its been a wonderful ride. Today is my
    last day at OSDN and this will be the last thing I will be posting on
    Slashcode. It has been fun working on Slash for the last few years and
    I have enjoyed working with the Slash community (tf32, ACS, vladinator,
    ericdano, and many more that I am forgetting). On Monday I start work
    for MySQL so I will be a bit busy for a while but I expect you will
    still see Slash stuff coming from me in the future. I will continue to
    be in #slash for a while, and you can still always reach me via email.
    The best of luck with you and your sites, it has been great! 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $63.97 

128MB USB Flash Drive (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $29.99 

256MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $49.65 

256MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $74.99 

256MB Memory Stick Pro Media (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $90.18 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

South Beach Diet by Arthur S. Agatston (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $13.99 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.38 

Getting Hooked on Phonics by Gateway Educational Products, Ltd., Staff (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $100.00 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $15.99 

Essential 55 by Ron Clark (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $10.99 

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