O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    September 22, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Gadgets: Sidewinder Cell Phone Charger

Gadgets: Computer Microscope

Interests: Soothing Green Light

Interests: News w/ Nerd Slant

Interests: Mainline Geek Culture

Interests: Volatile Hyperlinkage

Electronics: Nikon Coolpix SQ

Computing: 2-Port Integrated KVM Switch

Gadgets: X-Linx 2-Way Personal Communicator

Computing: Logitech Internet Chat Headset

Cube Goodies: Hot/Cold Mini Fridge

PC Mods: Velcro Wire Ties

Electronics: Mustek DV-3000 Multi-Function Digital Camera

Books: BOFH 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever

Electronics: 2.4Ghz Cordless Headset Phone

Electronics: iRock! Bling CD/MP3 Player

Gadgets: Mobile Power Inverter

Gadgets: Presentation Remote

Gadgets: Watch with Built-in Grounding Strap

Interests: Megatokyo Lanyard

Istrice 1.3 Released

    Istrice is a distributed compilation environment for Unix systems
    (tested on Linux and Solaris) , it allow a parallel and remote
    compilation of c/c++ projects of any size (compatible with configure
    script generated with autoconf). This version fix same bug and a new
    distribuited algorithm is added. You can download the new release here:

JPTC 0.2.2 released

    JPTC is a graphical tool for testing the performance of java-classes.
    JPTC is written using java and java-swing. The new release fixes some
    smaller bugs and adds new behaviour to the existing package, please
    look to the release letter and visit http://www.jptc.org. You can
    download the latest release here:

EsiObjects V4.1.1 Released

    V4.1.1 of EsiObjects has been released. This is the latest development
    environment. It contains too many new features to list. Please refer to
    the V4_1 New Features.txt file for a complete list. EsiObjects - An
    Object Oriented Programming Language and Development Evironment -
    Extending ANSI MUMPS. This version of EsiObjects has been under
    development for some time and is currently running in a production
    environment. The documentation has not been completely updated in this
    release. The Language Reference Guide is complete and submitted. The
    other guides are not complete but will be submitted soon. 

PCGen 5.3.9 is available

    PCGen is a Java-based RPG character generator and maintenance program
    that works on all platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc). All
    datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users, and are available
    through the pcgendm project. An XML conversion is underway. Mac OS X
    users - if you quit PCGen using close or quit, your preferences will
    not be saved. The preference files are only saved if you use the
    File->Exit menu item to exit PCGen. This is a java issue (our thanks to
    Conor for finding the reason for this long-standing issue!) The pdf
    library that we use to generate the way cool pdf character sheets
    changed in version 5.3.3. If you've updated beyond version 5.3.3 and
    want to use the pdf character sheets and you haven't downloaded the new
    pdf library yet, it can be found at:
    http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/pcgen/pdf_new.zip?download unzip the
    above library into your pcgen's lib folder. Data for the core 3.5e
    books is being actively developed on our yahoo site. It should soon be
    ready for inclusion in a beta release. After that release we will move
    PCGen to be based upon java 1.4, which means that releases after that
    will require users to download java 1.4. We've been encouraging users
    to install java 1.4 since it runs faster than java 1.3. Those on Mac OS
    9, Mac OS X (10 - 10.1) will need to upgrade to Mac OS X (10.2 or
    higher) in order for their machine to handle java 1.4. For users who
    have trouble getting the 3 zip files to unzip properly, we have some
    OS-specific installs that should help minimize the chance of install
    related errors. Links to these installs can be found at:
    These are the same PCGen everyone else uses, just packaged with
    installers which target Windows and Mac OS X users specifically.
    Typically there is a lag between when the official release is done and
    when these special installers are ready. We always recommend that users
    install new versions of PCGen in a 'new' directory. Below is a list of
    everything that has been addressed in this release. If you reported one
    of these, please verify that it is was addressed properly. PCGen is
    available at http://pcgen.sourceforge.net , and the main discussion
    group is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen . If you wish to
    discuss making your own custom lst files for use with PCGen, the data
    monkeys have made their home at
    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgenlistfilehelp and they pride
    themselves in being able to field all questions about the data - from
    very basic to very advanced. All three zips are required to run PCGen:
    pcgen539_part1of3.zip, pcgen539_part2of3.zip and pcgen539_part3of3.zip.
    Bugs 808310 Copy in Lst Editor not working 807478 HP window pops more
    times than it should 801481 Can't create custom potions/items 802004
    CMP:SUBCLASSLEVEL and SPELL don't work together properly 802758 SPELL
    getting evaluated regardless of level 800830 HPs changing for another
    character 792369 Martial Weapon Proficiency appearing twice after
    reload 800756 Specialist Wizards have no Class Skills Features 782638
    803527 Improve Add All on equipment tab PCGenDM: Bugs 805384 Green
    Steel Monk AC and movement not stacking with Monk 805381 Cleric and
    Paladin not qualifying for Extra Turning 798167 Military / Riding
    Saddles Weight Incorrect 804165 Duplicate entry in phb.pcc file
    PCGenDM: Tag Additions 711063 Boots of Str/Spring: Speed not right
    PCGenDM: Tag Modification Request 711565 BONUS:MOVE replaced with
    BONUS:MOVEADD The PCGen Development Team 

New eGroupWare module available

    "JiNN is a multi-site, multi-database, multi-user/-group, database
    driven Content Management System written in and for the eGroupWare
    Framework. JiNN makes it possible to have a lot of site-databases
    moderated by a lot of people all in one system. Access Rights are
    assigned at table-level and every site can have one or more
    site-administrators. JiNN is a very useful tool for webdevelopers who
    need to setup a CMS for their frontend website product. Developers able
    to setup a nice idiot-proof interface for a complex database design
    within minutes. Even complex field relations are a peace of cake. JiNN
    support field-plugins for table fields. This way HTML-form-fields can
    be specially formatted or the inserted data can be filtered, validated
    or processed before its stored in the database. Some plugins are: Image
    Upload and Resize plugin, Attachment Upload plugin, WYSIWYG-plugin,
    date-plugin, boolian yes/no plugin, selectbox plugin, etc ... Currently
    it's only tested with MySQL but because it uses the phpGW-API database
    calls it may work with PostgreSQL from out of the box" JINN is
    currently available in CVS and will be included in the next full

Analysis Of Symantec's Stance On Censorship

    robochan writes "[0]According to this report in the Sydney Morning
    Herald, Chief Operating Officer of Symantec, John Schwarz, was quoted
    as 'calling for laws to make it a criminal offense to share information
    and tools online which could be used by malicious hackers and virus
    writers.' [1]This article takes a look at the negative affects and also
    a couple of recent examples of "censorship legislation" backed by the
    COO of Symantec, and what little effect it has had on criminals, while
    having a substantial affect on responsible citizens." 
    0. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/12/1063268553158.html
    1. http://www.nuclearelephant.com/papers/symantec.html

Protests, Politics And Parties In MMORPGs

    [0]The Importance of writes "[0]LawMeme's James Grimmelmann has written
    an [1]interesting piece on protests, politics and parties in MMORPGs.
    In particular, he talks about the '[2]tax revolt' in [3]Second Life." 
    0. http://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/
    1. http://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1222
    2. http://secondlife.com/notes/2003_08_11_archive.php#20030812
    3. http://secondlife.com/

Torvalds And Cox Write EU Parliament On Patents

    [0]replicant_deckard writes "Linus Torvalds and Alan Cox have sent
    [1]an open letter to the members of the European Parliament. They ask
    for strict limitations to software patents, argue for open standards
    and ask the members of the parliament to follow [2]FFII's voting
    recommendations. Vote on the controversial software patents directive
    will be on Wednesday and it is expected to be a very close one. Well,
    do you believe these guys have any impact in Brussels?" 
    0. http://www.effi.org/
    1. http://www.effi.org/patentit/patents_torvalds_cox.txt
    2. http://www.ffii.org/

Microsoft Offers A DRM Patch

    Transcendent writes "[0]Microsoft Windows Update is offering a
    [1]download for their 1.0 version of the 'Microsoft Windows Rights
    Management client,' if you care to download it. Seems that you need
    Win98 SE and up (or at least that's the minimum 'supported'). Details
    are [2]here. Although it's not required or a 'critical' update, this
    just paves the road for all of Microsoft's software to require DRM
    technology on your computer. Quote from the details page: 'Installing
    this client allows RM-aware applications to work with Windows Rights
    Management Services (RMS) to provide licenses for publishing and
    consuming RM-protected information.' This, dubbed 'Activation', entails
    that 'your computer will be automatically connected via the Internet
    ... in order to create and save on your computer a system component
    that is associated with your hardware.' Hmmm... me no like ..." 
    0. http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/

Where Is Spam When You Want It?

    Sean writes "In a complete twist to what everybody else is trying to do
    these days, I need to attract spam to an e-mail address for a research
    survey I am conducting. I have submitted a few articles to a handful of
    Usenet groups, and I have signed up to some general mailing lists but
    so far I have nothing to show for it. How come by personal account gets
    100+ spam each day yet when I try to find it I get nothing? Where
    should I post my address so that it attracts spam?" 

Total Information Awareness, For One

    Jason writes "This guy has created his own TIA program for his
    electronic transactions around DC. He writes, 'Conceptually, I decided
    to create a personal TIA program to track my own electronic
    movements... and to document [0]every single electronically-recorded
    transaction I've made.' A small vignette into what could be done with
    your electronic droppings." 
    0. http://vilimpoc.org/research/datavis-tia/

Replica Flyer Foiled By Weather

    An anonymous reader submits: "A replica of the Wright Brothers' 1903
    flyer [0]failed to fly yesterday afternoon at a demonstration in
    Chicago. Organizers blamed the measly 5 MPH winds. Kitty Hawk had 25
    MPH back on December 17, 1903. IIRC, isn't Chicago the 'Windy City?'"
    Here's an earlier story about the various groups [1]attempting to
    re-enact the Wright brothers' pioneer flight. 
    0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40516-2003Sep20.html
    1. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/02/18/060257&tid=126

Personal File Server For The Masses

    [0]prostoalex writes "California-based [1]Inspiri is coming to the
    market with Mirra - [2]a personal file-server with simple backup
    solutiion, remote access as well as file-sharing capabilities. The $399
    device comes with 120 GB hard drive, front-mounted USB ports and
    Ethernet interface. There are some pictures of Mirra on the
    [3]corporate Web site. The founder of Inspiri, Tim Bucher, according to
    the corporate documents, had an interesting career, having worked at
    both Apple and Microsoft, while the VP of Engineering in this company
    used to work as acting CEO of Apple's Newton business group." 
    0. http://www.itfacts.biz
    1. http://www.mirra.com/corp3/product/index.html
    2. http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,112505,00.asp
    3. http://www.ispiri.com/corp3/about/press.html

Galileo, Consumed by Jupiter

    Conceived in 1977, launched in 1989, the spacecraft [0]Galileo ends its
    34th orbit exactly one hour from now, hitting the atmosphere at 48
    kilometers a second. In its [1]long history, it taught us much, despite
    the failure of its main antenna that left only its tiny backup to send
    data, but its enduring legacy will always be the discovery that
    Europa's icy crust hides a planetary saltwater ocean. That ocean's
    potential for alien life is why the craft will self-vaporize: to avoid
    possible terrestrial contamination. The JPL's [2]webcast starts roughly
    now, and should last about two hours (light delay). Don't miss the
    [3]view from the prow and [4]impact animations. If you're into these
    spacecraft and the people who build them, read [5]Journey Beyond
    Selene. And while we grieve for Galileo today, remember, orbital
    insertion for [6]Cassini-Huygens is only 283 days away! 
    0. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/
    1. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solarsystem/galileo_end.html
    2. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/webcast/galileo/
    3. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/countdown/image2.html
    4. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/countdown/impact.html
    5. http://isbn.nu/0684847655/
    6. http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/

Now We Have the Internet, But Why Do We Need It?

    [0]ReLik writes "[1]BBC News is [2]reporting on a survey carried out on
    the statistics of internet users in the UK, 'While the battle for
    digital access is being won, we now face a struggle to convince
    everyone the net is worth using' said Professor Richard Rose, of the
    [3]Oxford Internet Institute. It begs the question why goverments
    around the world are encouraging everyone to use the internet, but is
    there really enough of a reason for everybody to need to? Is the
    internet suitable for everybody? Will it ever be?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/
    2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3121950.stm
    3. http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/

AbiWord 2.0.0 

    AbiWord is a cross-platform Open Source word processor. The goal is to
    make AbiWord full-featured, and remain lean. 

AnimalTracker 0.67 

    AnimalTracker can be used to track the position of animals and their
    behavior in the context of an observation. Users can draw a map of the
    area and position the animals on it. The application can then calculate
    the distance between the animals and the distribution of them on the
    map across a specified time period. All data can be exported as tables
    to be used in spreadsheet applications or statistics programs. 

BASH Debugger 0.42 

    BASH Debugger provides a patched BASH that enables better debugging
    support as well as improved error reporting. It also contains the most
    comprehensive source code debugger for BASH that has been written. It
    can be used as a springboard for other experimental features (such as a
    timestamped history file), since development is maintained openly and
    developers are encouraged to participate. 

Blassic 0.7.2 

    Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter. The line numbers are mandatory,
    and it has PEEK & POKE. The main goal is to execute programs
    written in old interpreters, but it can be used as a scripting

CGI-Shell 0.21 (Development)

    CGI-Shell provides a shell using CGI, so everyone who has a CGI
    directory on a Web server can also have a shell on it. It's comparable
    to telnet or SSH. 

College Radio Database 0.9.1 

    The College Radio Database is Web-based software for radio stations. It
    allows you to track large collections of CDs by unique ID, assign
    status, do basic searches, and more. It also tracks airplay, allowing
    easy entry of spins from the CD database, as well as entry of
    DJ-supplied music. Top XX overall/by genre charts can be generated
    between 2 dates, and you can check up on DJ attendance, number of spins
    versus station spins, and more. It also includes the ability to
    maintain DJ schedules in table form for multiple semesters. This
    software has been in use at WMBC Radio and evolving since the year

CRM114 Discriminator 2003-09-20-Beta 

    CRM114 is a Controllable Regex Mutilator and Smart Filter, designed for
    easy creation of filters for things like incoming email redirection,
    spam filtering, system logs, or monitoring processes. Filtering rules
    can be either hard-coded (such as regexes), soft-coded (calculated at
    runtime or read from an external file or process), or learned
    dynamically by phrase matching (by SBPH hashing). This makes it
    possible to create very accurate filters with very little actual work.
    Accuracies over 99.9% are achievable. 

Dnsmasq 1.16 

    Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder designed to
    provide DNS (domain name) services to a small network where using BIND
    would be overkill. It can have its upstream DNS servers automatically
    configured by PPP or DHCP, and it can serve the names of local machines
    which are not in the global DNS. It can integrate with the ISC DHCP
    daemon to serve the names of local machines which are configured using
    DHCP. Dnsmasq is ideal for networks behind NAT routers and connected
    via modem, ISDN, ADSL, or cable-modem connections. 

eMoviX 0.8.0 

    eMoviX is a micro (7MB) Linux distro meant to be embedded in a CD
    together with all video/audio files you want. A CD burned with eMoviX
    will be able to boot and play automagically all of its files with
    MPlayer. Supported formats are AVI (in particular DivX & XviD
    formats), MPEG, QuickTime, WMV, ASF, MP3, Ogg, and in general
    everything supported by MPlayer. 

Eternal Lands 0.8.3 Alpha 

    Eternal Lands is a multiplatform (Windows/Linux) 3D isometric MMORPG.
    It requires a hardware-accelerated video card that supports at least
    OpenGL 1.2. 

FetchmailMon 0.3 

    FetchmailMon is a set of tools that allows the user to monitor
    fetchmail processes. 

FIFOs 0.0.1 

    FIFOs is a program that can be inserted into a pipe and, when given the
    total size of a stream, will buffer the input the proper amount for the
    measured Input Rate and Output Rate. 

Firebird Relational Database 1.5 RC6 (Development)

    Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-92 features
    that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. It offers
    excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support
    for stored procedures and triggers. 

freecolor 0.7.1 

    freecolor adds color and bargraphs to the "free" command. 

gbsplay 0.0.2 

    gbsplay emulates the sound hardware of the Nintendo Gameboy. It is able
    to play the sounds from a Gameboy module dump (.GBS format version 1
    and 2) over /dev/dsp. Also included is an XMMS input plugin and a tool
    to display information about a .GBS file. 

GKrellM Dell Plugin 2.5 

    i8krellm is a GKrellM plugin to control the fans on Dell
    Inspiron/Latitude notebook computers. It requires the Linux kernel
    module and i8kutils package found at http://www.debian.org/~dz/i8k/. It
    displays the current CPU temperature, mode indicator, and two animated
    fans. Temperature triggers can be set to cycle the fans off, low, or
    high speed. 

GKrellm SNMP Monitor 0.21 

    GKrellm SNMP Monitor is a plugin for GKrellM that lets you easily
    monitor SNMP vars. Some examples are server load via UCD-SNMP daemon or
    ambient temperature via router environment MIB. 

Glacier GTK 2.4 

    Glacier GTK is a calm, simple greyscale theme inspired by Mac OS X. 

gmorgan 0.17 

    gmorgan is a fully programmable General MIDI rhythm station. It
    features chord recognition for playing in real-time. 

Group-Office 1.9 

    Group-Office is Web-based office suite written in PHP that is
    extensible with modules. It features user management (optionally
    synchronized with system and Samba), module management, an email
    client, a file manager, a scheduler, project management, and Web site

Hamilcar 0.0.3 

    Hamilcar is an XML application server inspired by Apache Cocoon for
    Objective Caml, using the Yaxi library. It is designed around the
    concept of a pipeline that is traversed during the processing of a
    request with control structures embedded in XML tags directing the
    process according to various criteria. 

hk_classes 0.6.1-test3 

    hk_classes is a set of C++ libraries for rapid development of database
    applications with all features a modern database application should
    have, like forms and reports. hk_classes is database and GUI
    independent. It also includes command line tools to use hk_classes in

HTML Contain 1.0 

    HTMLContain is a script that converts an HTML page to standard Python
    dictionaries and lists. Tags are broken up in order and in depth. This
    makes them easy to get, manipulate, and rebuild into HTML again. All
    tag keys are lower cased and extra spaces are removed. In addition, you
    can convert any Web page to a contained state, and revert it back to
    HTML that is identical to its original state. 

Ked Password Manager 0.2.5 

    Ked Password Manager helps to manage large amounts of passwords and
    related information, and simplifies the tasks of searching and entering
    password data. It is written as an extensible framework, which allows
    you to plug in custom password database backends and custom user
    interface frontends. 

knoda 0.6.1-test3 

    knoda is a database frontend for KDE based on the hk_classes library. 

KTagebuch 0.72 

    KTagebuch is a diary program for KDE 3. It has word processor-like
    functions and has a plugin to save the mood for every entry. 

LaTeX Service 0.1 

    LaTeX Service returns a LaTeX rendering of selected text as a TIFF

libopennet 0.8.2 

    Libopennet allows developers to open_net() files or URLs alike, and get
    a file descriptor back that they can use to read data from. It supports
    HTTP (read-only) and FTP (read or write). It also comes with read_net()
    to do a forceful read(), and lseek_net() for calling lseek on the

libwebserver 0.5.2 

    libwebserver is a library for adding Web-based remote interfaces to
    your programs. It is independent of other Web servers, easy to use, and
    supports HTTPS with OpenSSL. 

Linux on the Linksys wrt54g 0.2 

    wrt54g-linux is a mini-distribution for the Linksys wrt54g 802.11b/g
    access point and router. It includes basic tools such as sh, syslog,
    telnetd, httpd (with cgi-bin support), vi, snort, mount, insmod, rmmod,
    top, grep, find, nfs modules, etc. The installation script runs in
    about 20 seconds and installs strictly to the RAM disk. If you mess
    anything up, simply reset the box. After installing the distribution
    you'll be able to telnet in, add Web pages, change iptable rules,
    change routing, configure snort, etc. 

Maildirtree 0.2 

    Maildirtree is a small program which is able to take flat hierarchies
    of Courier-IMAP format Maildir directories and print them out in format
    similar to tree(1). It also scans for unread messages and counts the
    total messages for each valid folder, and has partial support for
    recursing into an actual directory hierarchy of Maildirs. 

MemAid 0.4.0 

    Memaid is a software designed to predict optimal time of repetitions
    (computes best possible intervals between reviews, using an Artificial
    Neural Network). It may be used in learning anything. It makes your
    learning process much more effective: less time wasted, more things you

MIB Smithy 2.3.3 

    MIB Smithy is an application for SNMP developers, MIB designers, and
    Internet-draft authors. It provides a GUI-based environment for
    designing, editing, and compiling MIB modules according to the SMIv1
    and SMIv2 standards. It accelerates the development process by
    providing an easy-to-use GUI environment for designing, editing, and
    compiling SNMP MIB specifications without the syntax and formatting
    concerns of designing MIBs by hand. It includes a number of built-in
    basic SNMP management tools, XML support, and (with MIB Smithy
    Professional) support for custom compiler output formats. 

MIB Smithy SDK 2.3.3 

    MIB Smithy SDK is a dynamic extension to Tcl/Tk (8.1+) that allows
    development of custom scripts for controlling SNMP agents, manipulating
    SMI definitions, doing conversions, and more. It is based on the core
    of Muonics' MIB Smithy, and the SDK supports SMIv1 and SMIv2, as well
    as SNMPv1/v2c/v3 with HMAC-SHA-96 and HMAC-MD5-96 authentication and
    CBC-DES privacy. It also provides complete read-write access to all
    elements of SMI/MIB Module definitions, unlike similar extensions that
    provide only read access to a limited subset. The SDK allows multiple
    discrete SMI databases and SNMP sessions, and provides all of the
    built-in validation and error recovery capabilites of the full product,
    without the visual MIB development environment. 

mnoGoSearch-php 3.2.2 (Stable)

    mnoGoSearch-php is a PHP frontend for the mnoGoSearch free Web search
    engine (formerly known as UdmSearch). It supports most of all original
    search.cgi features including cache mode, phrase search, weight
    factors, spell daemon, and others. 

multitail 2.9.3 

    multitail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail
    program. The difference is that it creates multiple windows on your
    console (with ncurses). It can also use colors while displaying the
    logfiles, for faster recognition of which lines are important and which
    are not. It supports regular expressions. It has interactive menus for
    editing given regular expressions and deleting and adding windows. One
    can also have windows with the output of shell scripts and other

Mysql - Exim - Qpopper interface 1.1 

    This project is an Exim, Qpopper, and MySQL mail system administration

Mysql Data Manager 1.72 

    Mysql Data Manager is a Web-based MySQL client that provides local and
    remote database access. It allows direct data access and management via
    an easy and intuitive interface. Mysql Data Manager is a
    platform-independent CGI script. 

Odot 0.5 

    Odot is a task list manager that organizes your tasks hierarchically
    and emphasizes ones which are due. 

p0f 2.0.2-rc1 (Development)

    p0f is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting and masquerade detection
    utility, to be used for evidence or information gathering on servers,
    firewalls, IDSes, and honeypots, for pen-testing, or just for the fun
    of it. It is a complete rewrite of p0f version 1 that used to be
    maintained by William Stearns. 

Pauker 1.3.2 

    Pauker is a generic flashcard program written in Java. It uses a
    combination of ultra-shortterm, shortterm, and longterm memory. You can
    use it to learn all the things you never want to forget, like
    vocabulary, capitals, important dates, etc. 

Perl Archive Toolkit 0.75 

    PAR is a cross-platform packaging and deployment tool, dubbed as a
    cross between Java's JAR and Perl2EXE/PerlApp. It can turn your Perl
    programs into ready-to-run executables, build and use PAR files into
    @INC to avoid version conflicts, turn CPAN module distributions into
    PAR distributions, or install/uninstall/sign/verify PAR distributions. 

PHP Layers Menu 3.1.0 (Development)

    PHP Layers Menu is a hierarchical dynamic menu system to rapidly choose
    among items on a Web page. It achieves a compact view and a reasonably
    small file size for pages with a very large number of entries. Its
    behavior is analogous to the GNOME, KDE, and MS Windows main menus. It
    also provides JavaScript-based Tree Menus whose look and behavior is
    analogous to the most commonly used file managers and to the Mozilla
    bookmarks management tool. Menus are dynamically generated using data
    retrieved from files, strings, and databases. It supports Mozilla,
    Netscape 4, 6, and 7, Konqueror, Opera 5, 6, and 7, and Internet
    Explorer 4, 5, 5.5, and 6. It also provides accessibility solutions for
    browsers that don't support JavaScript. 

pkdump 2.0 

    pkdump detects TCP and UDP port scans and connection attempt from
    foreign hosts over the Internet. 

PMK 0.6.4 (Snapshot)

    PMK aims to be an alternative to GNU autoconf configure scripts. It
    attempts to avoid the use of scripts in packages that can hide trojans,
    to minimize the number of dependencies, and to be easy to use for users
    and developers. 

Qazoo 0.2 

    Qazoo is a Yahoo! instant messenger client for Qtopia/ Sharp Zaurus. 

QCad 2.0.0 

    QCad is a powerful but easy to use 2D CAD program for Linux, Windows,
    and Mac OS X. It uses DXF as its standard file format. While other CAD
    packages are often rather complicated to use, QCad tries to stay
    comfortable, and even an absolute beginner can create professional
    drawings with a minimum of effort. 

QuickSwitch 1.05 

    QuickSwitch lets you switch network profiles on the fly (IP address,
    DNS, routes, NFS shares, etc.). There is a command-line configuration
    mode by which you can change your entire network setting in one line
    (including DNS and routing table). It is highly configurable, supports
    DHCP/BOOTP/NIS/NFS/etc., and also includes a curses-based GUI which you
    can use as a profile selector on startup. 

RapidTeX 0.2.0 

    RapidTeX is a LaTeX preprocessor that allows users to write more
    intuitive source files more easily. Short forms are available for a lot
    of common TeX commands. The source files are more like a plain text
    file and are therefore faster to make and easier to read. The Latin
    subset of Unicode is supported. It also comes with a RapidTeX to HTML
    converter called RapidHTML. 

rawdog 1.3 

    rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur. It uses Mark
    Pilgrim's feed parser. It runs from cron, collects articles from a
    number of feeds, and generates a static HTML page listing the newest
    articles in date order. It supports per-feed customizable update times,
    and uses ETags, Last-Modified, and gzip compression to minimize network
    bandwidth usage. 

Shishi 0.0.7 

    Shishi is a (still incomplete) implementation of Kerberos 5, which can
    be used to authenticate users in distributed systems. It contains a
    library that can be used by application developers, and a command line
    utility for users. Shishi supports Kerberos authenticated telnet
    client/server, IMAP client/server (via GSSAPI), SSH client/server (via
    GSSAPI), rsh/rlogin client, and a PAM module for host security. 

Skipjack Payment 1.0 

    Skipjack Payment is a class to facilitate online transaction through
    the Skipjack Payment Gateway. You can also fetch information about the
    transaction status. 

StarOffice 7 

    StarOffice is an integrated Microsoft Office-compatible suite of
    productivity applications. It provides Web-enabled word processing,
    spreadsheet, presentation graphics, email, news, charting, and graphics

Tutka 0.10.3 

    Tutka is a tracker style MIDI sequencer for Linux (and other systems;
    only Linux is supported at this time though). It is similar to programs
    like SoundTracker, ProTracker and FastTracker except that it does not
    support samples and is meant for MIDI use only. 

wput 0.3.4 

    wput is the opposite of wget, capable of uploading files to FTP servers
    with an easy to use command line interface similar to wget's (old) one. 

yawk 1.2.1 

    yawk is a wiki clone written in gawk. It supports the usual text
    styles, lists, and tables. Additional and optional features are
    formatting with stylesheet classes, file uploads, and a framed user
    interface mode. It works on plain text files and does not require a

Yaxi 0.3.3 

    yaxi is a library for OCaml XML data manipulation. It provides
    implementations of XML 1.0, XPath, and XSLT with a functional taste. 

How to Allow Longer Subjects?

    An anonymous reader asks: "By default there is a limit on how long a
    poster's subject can be. Is there a way to get beyond this limitation,
    so that the subject lines for comments and stories can be longer?"
    Sure, it's easy... this is a good introduction to using MySQL to
    customize Slash. 

Slash on Mac OS X

    This is how I installed Slash on Mac OS X Server 10.2.6 on August 8,
    2003. YMMV. This is not intended to be a tutorial, it is a log of what
    I did for my system. You may wish to use a release version of perl, to
    include different Apache modules, to compile with DSO, etc. Whatever.
    If someone wants to take some or all of this information and include it
    in a more comprehensive guide, be my guest. 

How to Force Previewing?

    An anonymous user writes: "I'd like to see an option added to enable a
    user to force themselves to preview a post before they actually post
    the comment. At the moment, a user is required to preview a story
    submission before they post it, but there is no way for this
    requirement to be there for standard posts. I often find myself hitting
    'submit' when I wish I'd previewed first. I know that a 'force post
    preview' option could be added to the options section and implemented
    in SLASH *very* easily, which would simply remove the 'Submit' button
    from the initial post screen... so could someone do it? I'd do it
    myself if I was able to update the CVS source :-)" This is a one-liner
    change... details follow... 

YogaCircle.net (New Yoga Slash Site)

    Well this should be a first. A Yoga base Slash site. Check it out, if
    you have any questions or comments let me know. Thanks for the code. 


    Yet another Slash site, Computer Science Daily News. Aims to be a
    resource for Computer Science professionals, researchers, students and
    instructors. Hopefully this fills a niche, computer science
    developments seem to be very decentralized, and hard to find. Slash
    seems to be working out nicely, though I'm still learning the ropes...

Slash on server running Livejournal?

    Maybe this is the wrong venue to ask in, and I'm sorry if it is, but
    this question has been nagging me for about the past week or so. I have
    a personal server running Slackware 8 with a custom-compiled Apache
    1.3.27 (with the appropriate mod_perl) and MySQL 4.0.13. This server is
    currently running the LiveJournal server code and works quite well at
    this. I'm interested in attempting to set up slash for personal use
    (the Livejournal code is running for personal use as well), and herein
    lies the question. Can slash be run on the same server in another
    VirtualHost without having a separate apache installation/process and
    doing some fancy trick with mod_rewrite? Or am I asking too much? I
    will be happy to provide any further info anyone needs through e-mail
    (the e-mail link above is NOT spam-armored at all). 

QubitNews is finally launched!

     QubitNews: News and Inforation from the Quantum Community. This is
    conceived as a meeting-point for the community working in the fast
    developing field of Quantum Information and Computation. This is an
    open and free project devoted to the exchange of information in this
    field.: news, stories, announcements, comments of scientific work,
    debates, polls, forums, etc... Many aspects of your work that cannot
    appear in scientific journals may find a place here. The main feature
    of QubitNews is that it is dynamical: you are wellcome to participate
    and modify the look and feel of this site. You may become an anonymous
    user, site user or an Author. Visit the homepage and consult the
    documents About, FAQ, How-To and GettingStarted. It may be useful,
    helpful and a lot of fun. 

Tuxedo.org Now running Slashcode

    Tuxedo.org is now running Slashcode. I should have done this a couple
    of years ago... Most recent story is Linus Torvalds Comments on SCO
    Lawsuit and Linux. Hope you all enjoy the new site! --Chuck Peters 

Best hosting service for Slash?

    I'm going to be doing some "big things" with Slashcode but am
    interested in going through someone to set up Slashcode and the server,
    so that I can just right in and start building the site. What are the
    best hosting services out there? Will they set up Slash for me? What
    kinds of experiences have people had? 

Dissociated Press goes Slash

    After a bit of poking and prodding, I've converted Dissociated Press to
    Slashcode (2.2.6). Works great! 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $60.97 

256MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $74.99 

512MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $147.64 

256MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $45.42 

512MB PC2700 DDR DIMM (Kingston)

    Lowest Price: $80.00 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

South Beach Diet by Arthur S. Agatston (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.19 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.38 

Google Hacks by Tara Calishain (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $13.99 

Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $11.99 

Getting Hooked on Phonics by Gateway Educational Products, Ltd., Staff (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $50.00 

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