I just set up otrs with postgresql, and it seems to be working fine, however, whenever 
I submit a page I get an error 
page, and then I refresh it appears to have worked. any clues as to why this has 
It claims that the database otrs doesn't exist. but it obviously does, becuase it's 
been using it

the apache error log shows:
null: DBI->connect(database=otrs;host=localhost;) failed: Unknown database 'otrs' at 
/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/DB.pm line 77
ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.6.1 OS: linux Time: Mon Mar 24 10:03:06 2003

  Message: Unknown database 'otrs'

  Traceback (16323):
    Module: Kernel::System::DB::new Line: 55
    Module: Apache::ROOTstarwolf_2ebiz::otrs::index_2epl::handler Line: 69
    Module: (eval) Line: 143
    Module: Apache::Registry::handler Line: 143

any help would be most appreciated
Frank Barton
Starwolf.biz Systems Administrator
www.starwolf.biz/~pauling (My Key is linked there.)

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