I've been playing with getting the system to work around the ticket last updated time (change_time) instead of Age.
Basically because it makes sense for our purposes to do so.
I've searched this list a lot in the past week or so and I've seen people with much the same question, but without any real answers. I'm attaching (and I hope it comes through) a text file with the location and changes needed in the various files to center the system around the last updated time.
I've broken it down piecemeal, so you can use what you like.
Changes include:

Printing Last Update Time On The Agent Ticket Queue View
Sort Agent Ticket Queue View By Last Updated Time
Updating Last Updated Time When A Note Is Added To A Ticket
Updating Last Updated Time When A Phone Reply Is Added To A Ticket
Display Accounted Time Units On Customer Screen
Printing Last Update Time On The Customer Ticket Zoom
Printing Last Update Time On The Customer Screen
Show Latest Update (regardless of who its by) on Agent Ticket Queue View

I really like this system and this list has been a great source of information for me, so I hope this will help someone!

Isaac Dawson

::Printing Last Update Time On The Agent Ticket Queue View::

Look for:
 $Env{"Box0"}$Text{"Age"}: $Data{"Age"}$Env{"Box1"}

Change to:
 $Env{"Box0"}$Text{"LastUpdated"}: $Data{"LastUpdated"}$Env{"Box1"}

Look for:
          <td class="mainkey">$Text{"Created"}:</td>
          <td class="mainvalue"> $TimeLong{"$Data{"AgeCreated"}"}</td>

Change to:
          <td class="mainkey">$Text{"Age"}:</td>
          <td class="mainvalue">&nbsp;$Data{"Age"} </td>
          <td class="mainkey">$Text{"Created"}:</td>
          <td class="mainvalue"> $TimeLong{"$Data{"AgeCreated"}"}</td>


Look for:
    <td align="right" width="30%" class="mainhead">
      $Env{"Box0"}$Text{"Age"}: $Data{"Age"}$Env{"Box1"}

Change to:
    <td align="right" width="30%" class="mainhead">

Look for:
    <td align="right" width="30%" class="menu">
      <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td class="mainkey">$Text{"Created"}:</td>
          <td class="mainvalue"> $TimeLong{"$Data{"Created"}"}</td>

Change to:
    <td align="right" width="30%" class="menu">
      <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td class="mainkey">$Text{"Age"}:</td>
          <td class="mainvalue">&nbsp;$Data{"Age"} </td>
          <td class="mainkey">$Text{"Created"}:</td>
          <td class="mainvalue"> $TimeLong{"$Data{"Created"}"}</td>


Look for:
        . ' st.escalation_solution_time, st.escalation_time '

Change to:
        . ' st.escalation_solution_time, st.escalation_time, st.change_time '

Look for:
        $Data{SLAID}               = $Row[75];
        $Ticket{SLAID}             = $Row[75];

Change to:
        $Data{SLAID}               = $Row[75];
        $Ticket{SLAID}             = $Row[75];
        $Data{LastUpdated}           = $Row[79];
        $Ticket{LastUpdated}         = $Data{LastUpdated};
        $Data{AgeCreated}            = 
$Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime2TimeStamp( SystemTime => $Row[8] );
        $Ticket{AgeCreated}          = $Data{AgeCreated};


Look for:
        $Ticket{TicketFreeTime6}        = defined( $Row[53] ) ? $Row[53] : '';

Change to:
        $Ticket{TicketFreeTime6}        = defined( $Row[53] ) ? $Row[53] : '';
        $Ticket{LastUpdated}            = $Row[54];
        $Ticket{AgeCreated}             = 
$Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime2TimeStamp( SystemTime => $Row[7] );

::Sort Agent Ticket Queue View By Last Updated Time::

Look for:
        TicketFreeText16       => 'st.freetext16'

Change to:
        TicketFreeText16       => 'st.freetext16',
        LastUpdated            => 'st.change_time'


Look for:
            <Option SelectedID="Age">
                <Item Key="Age">Age</Item>

Change to:
            <Option SelectedID="Age">
                <Item Key="Age">Age</Item>
                <Item Key="LastUpdated">LastUpdated</Item>

Then select the LastUpdated option in the web interface.
Its under Admin->SysConfig->Ticket->Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewQueue->

::Updating Last Updated Time When A Note Is Added To A Ticket::

Look for:
    # redirect to last screen overview on closed tickets
    if ( $StateData{TypeName} =~ /^close/i ) {
        return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Redirect( OP => 
$Self->{LastScreenOverview} );

Change to:
    # redirect to last screen overview on closed tickets
    if ( $StateData{TypeName} =~ /^close/i ) {
        return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Redirect( OP => 
$Self->{LastScreenOverview} );

        UserID   => $Self->{UserID},
        TicketID => $Self->{TicketID},


Look for:
=item TicketAclActionData()

return the current ACL action data hash after TicketAcl()

    my %AclAction = $TicketObject->TicketAclActionData();


sub TicketAclActionData {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( $Self->{TicketAclActionData} ) {
        return %{ $Self->{TicketAclActionData} };
    else {
        return %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TicketACL::Default::Action') };

Change to:
=item TicketAclActionData()

return the current ACL action data hash after TicketAcl()

    my %AclAction = $TicketObject->TicketAclActionData();


sub TicketAclActionData {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( $Self->{TicketAclActionData} ) {
        return %{ $Self->{TicketAclActionData} };
    else {
        return %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TicketACL::Default::Action') };

=item TicketUpdateTimeSet()

set ticket update time

        Year     => 2003,
        Month    => 08,
        Day      => 14,
        Hour     => 22,
        Minute   => 05,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,

or use a time stamp

        String   => '2003-08-14 22:05:00',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,


sub TicketUpdateTimeSet {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Time;

    # check needed stuff
    if ( !$Param{String} ) {
        for (qw(Year Month Day Hour Minute TicketID UserID)) {
            if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
                $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need 
$_!" );

    # get system time from string/params
    if ( $Param{String} ) {
        $Time = $Self->{TimeObject}->TimeStamp2SystemTime( String => 
$Param{String}, );
        ( $Param{Sec}, $Param{Minute}, $Param{Hour}, $Param{Day}, 
$Param{Month}, $Param{Year} )
            = $Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime2Date( SystemTime => $Time, );
    else {
        $Time = $Self->{TimeObject}->TimeStamp2SystemTime(
            String => "$Param{Year}-$Param{Month}-$Param{Day} 

    # return if no convert is possible
    if ( !$Time ) {

    # db update
    return if !$Self->{DBObject}->Do(
        SQL => 'UPDATE ticket SET '
            . ' change_time = current_timestamp, change_by = ? WHERE id = ?',
        Bind => [ \$Param{UserID}, \$Param{TicketID} ],

    # clear ticket cache
    delete $Self->{ 'Cache::GetTicket' . $Param{TicketID} };

    # ticket event
        Event    => 'TicketUpdateTimeUpdate',
        UserID   => $Param{UserID},
        TicketID => $Param{TicketID},
    return 1;

Look for:
=item TicketEventHandlerPost()

call ticket event post handler, returns true if it's executed successfully

        TicketID => 123,
        Event    => 'TicketStateUpdate',
        UserID   => 123,

events available:

TicketCreate, TicketDelete, TicketTitleUpdate, TicketUnlockTimeoutUpdate,
TicketQueueUpdate, TicketTypeUpdate, TicketServiceUpdate,
TicketSLAUpdate, TicketCustomerUpdate, TicketFreeTextUpdate, 
TicketPendingTimeUpdate, TicketLockUpdate, TicketStateUpdate, TicketOwnerUpdate,
TicketResponsibleUpdate, TicketPriorityUpdate, HistoryAdd, HistoryDelete,
TicketAccountTime, TicketMerge, ArticleCreate, ArticleFreeTextUpdate,
ArticleUpdate, ArticleSend, ArticleBounce, ArticleAgentNotification,
ArticleCustomerNotification, ArticleAutoResponse, ArticleFlagSet, 

Change to:
=item TicketEventHandlerPost()

call ticket event post handler, returns true if it's executed successfully

        TicketID => 123,
        Event    => 'TicketStateUpdate',
        UserID   => 123,

events available:

TicketCreate, TicketDelete, TicketTitleUpdate, TicketUnlockTimeoutUpdate,
TicketQueueUpdate, TicketTypeUpdate, TicketServiceUpdate,
TicketSLAUpdate, TicketCustomerUpdate, TicketFreeTextUpdate, 
TicketPendingTimeUpdate, TicketLockUpdate, TicketStateUpdate, TicketOwnerUpdate,
TicketResponsibleUpdate, TicketPriorityUpdate, HistoryAdd, HistoryDelete,
TicketAccountTime, TicketMerge, ArticleCreate, ArticleFreeTextUpdate,
ArticleUpdate, ArticleSend, ArticleBounce, ArticleAgentNotification,
ArticleCustomerNotification, ArticleAutoResponse, ArticleFlagSet, 
ArticleFlagDelete, TicketUpdateTimeUpdate;

Look for:
        elsif ( $Param{Event} eq 'ArticleAutoResponse' ) {
            $Param{Event} = 'SendAutoResponse';
        else {
            return 1;

Change to:
        elsif ( $Param{Event} eq 'ArticleAutoResponse' ) {
            $Param{Event} = 'SendAutoResponse';
        elsif ( $Param{Event} eq 'TicketUpdateTimeUpdate' ) {
            $Param{Event} = 'TicketUpdateTimeSet';
        else {
            return 1;

::Updating Last Updated Time When A Phone Reply Is Added To A Ticket::

Look for:
        # should i set an unlock? yes if the ticket is closed

Change to:
        # set last updated time
            UserID   => $Self->{UserID},
            TicketID => $Self->{TicketID},

        # should i set an unlock? yes if the ticket is closed

::Display Accounted Time Units On Customer Screen::

Look for:
    # condense down the subject

Change to:
    my $WorkTime = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketAccountedTimeGet(TicketID => 

    # condense down the subject

Look for:
    # add block
        Name => 'Record',
        Data => {
            Subject => $Subject,

Change to:
    # add block
        Name => 'Record',
        Data => {
            Subject => $Subject,
            WorkTime => $WorkTime,


Look for:
          <th width="10%">$Text{"Owner"}<br/>
 onmouseover="window.status='$JSText{"sort upward"}'; return true;" 
onmouseout="window.status='';"><img border="0" src="$Env{"Images"}up-small.png" 
alt="$Text{"up"}"></a> /
 onmouseover="window.status='$JSText{"sort downward"}'; return true;" 
onmouseout="window.status='';"><img border="0" 
src="$Env{"Images"}down-small.png" alt="$Text{"down"}"></a>

Change to:
          <th width="5%">$Text{"Owner"}<br/>
 onmouseover="window.status='$JSText{"sort upward"}'; return true;" 
onmouseout="window.status='';"><img border="0" src="$Env{"Images"}up-small.png" 
alt="$Text{"up"}"></a> /
 onmouseover="window.status='$JSText{"sort downward"}'; return true;" 
onmouseout="window.status='';"><img border="0" 
src="$Env{"Images"}down-small.png" alt="$Text{"down"}"></a>
          <th width="5%">$Text{"Time"}</th>

Look for:
          <td class="$Env{"Color"}"><div 

Change to:
          <td class="$Env{"Color"}"><div 
          <td class="$Env{"Color"}">$QData{"WorkTime"}</td>

::Printing Last Update Time On The Customer Ticket Zoom::

Look for:
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <td width="50%" class="mainhead">
      $Env{"Box0"}$Text{"Zoom"} $Config{"Ticket::Hook"}: 
    <td align="right" width="50%" class="mainhead">
      $Env{"Box0"}$Text{"Age"}: $Data{"Age"}$Env{"Box1"}
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <td width="70%" class="menu">
onmouseover="window.status='$JSText{"Print Ticket"}'; return true;" 
onmouseout="window.status='';" target="_blank">$Text{"Print"}</a>
    <td align="right" width="30%" class="menu">
      <b>$Text{"Created"}:</b> $TimeLong{"$Data{"Created"}"}

Change to:
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <td width="50%" class="mainhead">
      $Env{"Box0"}$Text{"Zoom"} $Config{"Ticket::Hook"}: 
    <td align="right" width="50%" class="mainhead">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <td width="60%" class="menu">
onmouseover="window.status='$JSText{"Print Ticket"}'; return true;" 
onmouseout="window.status='';" target="_blank">$Text{"Print"}</a>
    <td align="right" width="40%" class="menu">
      <b>$Text{"Age"}:</b> $Data{"Age"} <b>$Text{"Created"}:</b> 

::Printing Last Update Time On The Customer Screen::

Look for:
          <th width="20%">$Text{"Age"}<br/>

Change to:
          <th width="20%">$Text{"Updated"}<br/>

Look for:
          <td class="$Env{"Color"}">$QData{"Age","20"}</td>

Change to:
          <td class="$Env{"Color"}">$TimeLong{"$QData{"LastUpdated","20"}"}</td>

::Show Latest Update (regardless of who its by) on Agent Ticket Queue View::

Look for:
    # check if latest article is sent to customer
    elsif (
        $Param{SenderType} eq 'agent'
        && $Param{ArticleType} =~ /email-ext|phone|fax|sms|note-ext/

Change to:
    # check if latest article is sent to customer
    elsif (
        $Param{SenderType} eq 'agent'
#        && $Param{ArticleType} =~ /email-ext|phone|fax|sms|note-ext/

#NOTE: I don't remember why this needed to be removed, but it works this way

Look for:
    # return ArticleID
    return $ArticleID;

# just for internal use

Change to:
        SQL => 'UPDATE ticket SET change_time = current_timestamp WHERE id = ?',
        Bind => [ \$Param{TicketID} ],

    # return ArticleID
    return $ArticleID;

# just for internal use

Look for:
    # if we got no internal article, return the latest one
    return $Self->ArticleGet( ArticleID => $Index[-1] );

Change to:
    # if we got no internal article, return the latest one
    return $Self->ArticleGet( ArticleID => $Index[-1] );

=item ArticleLastArticle()

get last customer article

    my %Article = $TicketObject->ArticleLastArticle(
        TicketID => 123,


sub ArticleLastArticle {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    if ( !$Param{TicketID} ) {
        $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need 
TicketID!" );

    # get article index
    my @Index = $Self->ArticleIndex( TicketID => $Param{TicketID} );

    # get article data
    return $Self->ArticleGet( ArticleID => $Index[-1] ) if @Index;

    @Index = $Self->ArticleIndex( TicketID => $Param{TicketID} );

    if ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => "No article found for TicketID $Param{TicketID}!",

    # return latest non internal article
    return $Self->ArticleGet( ArticleID => $Index[-1] );


Look for:
    # get last article
    my %Article = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleLastCustomerArticle( TicketID 
=> $TicketID );

Change to:
    # get last article
    my %Article = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleLastArticle( TicketID => 
$TicketID );

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