The current test-conntrack benchmark command runs with multiple threads
against a single conntrack zone. We now add a new benchmark-zones
command that allows us to check the performance between multiple zones.

We in there test the following scenarios for one zone while other zones
also contain entries:
1. Flushing a single full zone
2. Flushing a single empty zone
3. Commiting new conntrack entries against a single zone
4. Running conntrack_execute without commit against the entries of a
   single zone

Signed-off-by: Felix Huettner <>
v1->v2: fix formatting

 tests/test-conntrack.c | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/test-conntrack.c b/tests/test-conntrack.c
index 292b6c048..dc8d6cff9 100644
--- a/tests/test-conntrack.c
+++ b/tests/test-conntrack.c
@@ -25,36 +25,48 @@
 #include "ovstest.h"
 #include "pcap-file.h"
 #include "timeval.h"
+#include "stopwatch.h"
+#define STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_COMMIT "ct-execute-commit"
+#define STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_NO_COMMIT "ct-execute-no-commit"
+#define STOPWATCH_FLUSH_FULL_ZONE "full-zone"
+#define STOPWATCH_FLUSH_EMPTY_ZONE "empty-zone"
 static const char payload[] = "50540000000a50540000000908004500001c0000000000"
+static struct dp_packet *
+build_packet(uint16_t udp_src, uint16_t udp_dst, ovs_be16 *dl_type)
+    struct udp_header *udp;
+    struct flow flow;
+    struct dp_packet *pkt = dp_packet_new(sizeof payload / 2);
+    dp_packet_put_hex(pkt, payload, NULL);
+    flow_extract(pkt, &flow);
+    udp = dp_packet_l4(pkt);
+    udp->udp_src = htons(udp_src);
+    udp->udp_dst = htons(udp_dst);
+    *dl_type = flow.dl_type;
+    return pkt;
 static struct dp_packet_batch *
 prepare_packets(size_t n, bool change, unsigned tid, ovs_be16 *dl_type)
     struct dp_packet_batch *pkt_batch = xzalloc(sizeof *pkt_batch);
-    struct flow flow;
     size_t i;
     ovs_assert(n <= ARRAY_SIZE(pkt_batch->packets));
     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        struct udp_header *udp;
-        struct dp_packet *pkt = dp_packet_new(sizeof payload/2);
-        dp_packet_put_hex(pkt, payload, NULL);
-        flow_extract(pkt, &flow);
-        udp = dp_packet_l4(pkt);
-        udp->udp_src = htons(ntohs(udp->udp_src) + tid);
-        if (change) {
-            udp->udp_dst = htons(ntohs(udp->udp_dst) + i);
-        }
+        uint16_t udp_dst = change ? 2+1 : 2;
+        struct dp_packet *pkt = build_packet(1 + tid, udp_dst, dl_type);
         dp_packet_batch_add(pkt_batch, pkt);
-        *dl_type = flow.dl_type;
     return pkt_batch;
@@ -153,6 +165,140 @@ test_benchmark(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx)
+static void
+test_benchmark_zones(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx)
+    unsigned long n_conns, n_zones, iterations;
+    long long start;
+    unsigned i, j;
+    ovs_be16 dl_type;
+    long long now = time_msec();
+    fatal_signal_init();
+    /* Parse arguments */
+    n_conns = strtoul(ctx->argv[1], NULL, 0);
+    if (n_conns == 0 || n_conns >= UINT32_MAX) {
+        ovs_fatal(0, "n_conns must be between 1 and 2^32");
+    }
+    n_zones = strtoul(ctx->argv[2], NULL, 0);
+    if (n_zones == 0 || n_zones >= UINT16_MAX) {
+        ovs_fatal(0, "n_zones must be between 1 and 2^16");
+    }
+    iterations = strtoul(ctx->argv[3], NULL, 0);
+    if (iterations == 0) {
+        ovs_fatal(0, "iterations must be greater than 0");
+    }
+    ct = conntrack_init();
+    /* Create initial connection entries */
+    start = time_msec();
+    struct dp_packet_batch **pkt_batch = xzalloc(n_conns * sizeof *pkt_batch);
+    for (i = 0; i < n_conns; i++) {
+        pkt_batch[i] = xzalloc(sizeof(struct dp_packet_batch));
+        dp_packet_batch_init(pkt_batch[i]);
+        uint16_t udp_src = (i & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
+        if (udp_src == 0) {
+            udp_src = UINT16_MAX;
+        }
+        uint16_t udp_dst = i & 0xFFFF;
+        if (udp_dst == 0) {
+            udp_dst = UINT16_MAX;
+        }
+        struct dp_packet *pkt = build_packet(udp_src, udp_dst, &dl_type);
+        dp_packet_batch_add(pkt_batch[i], pkt);
+    }
+    printf("initial packet generation time: %lld ms\n", time_msec() - start);
+    /* Put initial entries to each zone */
+    start = time_msec();
+    for (i = 0; i < n_zones; i++) {
+        for (j = 0; j < n_conns; j++) {
+            conntrack_execute(ct, pkt_batch[j], dl_type, false, true, i,
+                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, now, 0);
+            pkt_metadata_init_conn(&pkt_batch[j]->packets[0]->md);
+        }
+    }
+    printf("initial insert time: %lld ms\n", time_msec() - start);
+    /* Actually run the tests */
+    stopwatch_create(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_COMMIT, SW_US);
+    stopwatch_create(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_NO_COMMIT, SW_US);
+    stopwatch_create(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_FULL_ZONE, SW_US);
+    stopwatch_create(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_EMPTY_ZONE, SW_US);
+    start = time_msec();
+    for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
+        /* Testing flushing a full zone */
+        stopwatch_start(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_FULL_ZONE, time_usec());
+        uint16_t zone = 1;
+        conntrack_flush(ct, &zone);
+        stopwatch_stop(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_FULL_ZONE, time_usec());
+        /* Now fill the zone again */
+        stopwatch_start(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_COMMIT, time_usec());
+        for (j = 0; j < n_conns; j++) {
+            conntrack_execute(ct, pkt_batch[j], dl_type, false, true, zone,
+                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, now, 0);
+            pkt_metadata_init_conn(&pkt_batch[j]->packets[0]->md);
+        }
+        stopwatch_stop(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_COMMIT, time_usec());
+        /* Running conntrack_execute on the now existing connections  */
+        stopwatch_start(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_NO_COMMIT, time_usec());
+        for (j = 0; j < n_conns; j++) {
+            conntrack_execute(ct, pkt_batch[j], dl_type, false, false, zone,
+                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, now, 0);
+            pkt_metadata_init_conn(&pkt_batch[j]->packets[0]->md);
+        }
+        stopwatch_stop(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_NO_COMMIT, time_usec());
+        /* Testing flushing an empty zone */
+        stopwatch_start(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_EMPTY_ZONE, time_usec());
+        zone = UINT16_MAX;
+        conntrack_flush(ct, &zone);
+        stopwatch_stop(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_EMPTY_ZONE, time_usec());
+    }
+    printf("flush run time: %lld ms\n", time_msec() - start);
+    stopwatch_sync();
+    struct stopwatch_stats stats_ct_execute_commit = { .unit = SW_US };
+    stopwatch_get_stats(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_COMMIT, &stats_ct_execute_commit);
+    struct stopwatch_stats stats_ct_execute_nocommit = { .unit = SW_US };
+    stopwatch_get_stats(STOPWATCH_CT_EXECUTE_NO_COMMIT,
+            &stats_ct_execute_nocommit);
+    struct stopwatch_stats stats_flush_full = { .unit = SW_US };
+    stopwatch_get_stats(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_FULL_ZONE, &stats_flush_full);
+    struct stopwatch_stats stats_flush_empty = { .unit = SW_US };
+    stopwatch_get_stats(STOPWATCH_FLUSH_EMPTY_ZONE, &stats_flush_empty);
+    printf("results:\n");
+    printf("         | ct execute (commit) | ct execute (no commit) |"
+            " flush full zone | flush empty zone |\n");
+    printf("+--------+---------------------+------------------------+"
+            "-----------------+------------------+\n");
+    printf("| Min    | %16llu us | %19llu us | %12llu us | %13llu us |\n",
+            stats_ct_execute_commit.min, stats_ct_execute_nocommit.min,
+            stats_flush_full.min, stats_flush_empty.min);
+    printf("| Max    | %16llu us | %19llu us | %12llu us | %13llu us |\n",
+            stats_ct_execute_commit.max, stats_ct_execute_nocommit.max,
+            stats_flush_full.max, stats_flush_empty.max);
+    printf("| 95%%ile | %16.2f us | %19.2f us | %12.2f us | %13.2f us |\n",
+            stats_ct_execute_commit.pctl_95, stats_ct_execute_nocommit.pctl_95,
+            stats_flush_full.pctl_95, stats_flush_empty.pctl_95);
+    printf("| Avg    | %16.2f us | %19.2f us | %12.2f us | %13.2f us |\n",
+            stats_ct_execute_commit.ewma_1, stats_ct_execute_nocommit.ewma_1,
+            stats_flush_full.ewma_1, stats_flush_empty.ewma_1);
+    conntrack_destroy(ct);
+    for (i = 0; i < n_conns; i++) {
+        dp_packet_delete_batch(pkt_batch[i], true);
+        free(pkt_batch[i]);
+    }
+    free(pkt_batch);
 static void
 pcap_batch_execute_conntrack(struct conntrack *ct_,
                              struct dp_packet_batch *pkt_batch)
@@ -264,6 +410,11 @@ static const struct ovs_cmdl_command commands[] = {
      * 'batch_size' (1 by default) per call, with the commit flag set.
      * Prints the ct_state of each packet. */
     {"pcap", "file [batch_size]", 1, 2, test_pcap, OVS_RO},
+    /* Creates 'n_conns' connections in 'n_zones' zones each.
+     * Afterwards triggers flush requests repeadeatly for the last filled zone
+     * and an empty zone. */
+    {"benchmark-zones", "n_conns n_zones iterations", 3, 3,
+        test_benchmark_zones, OVS_RO},
     {NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, OVS_RO},

base-commit: 16b7475414fa1eaf0ab1d723fdb6978060511c44

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