> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ricardo Marques
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 8:29 AM
> For example, the user would go to the menu and press "Send 
> File", after which a form would appear asking which file the 
> user would like to send and allowing to indicate it. How can 
> I do that? That is, how do i know where a file is stored 
> within the OS, how do I find it and select it to send, and 
> how do I save a received file in a location chosen by the user

This is a very common functionality and as such, there are helper APIs
that will save you a lot of time, Ricardo.  You can get a list of all
files on the device with SysCreateDataBaseList().  For example:

MemHandle haItems      = NULL;  // Handle to array of SysDBListItemType
UInt16    wNumDBsFound = 0;     // # of SysDBListItemType items in

SysCreateDataBaseList( sysFileTApplication, 0, &wNumDBsFound, &haItems,
true );

Once haItems is generated, you can load up a list control with the
strings inside the SysDBListItemType.name member (see
http://tinyurl.com/jws9 for info on generating a list's contents during

SysDBListItemType* paItems = NULL;
if ( haItems )
   SysDBListItemType* paItems = (SysDBListItemType*) MemHandleLock(
haItems );

if ( paItems )
   for ( UInt16 i = 0; i < wNumDBsFound; i++ )
      AddStringToMyList( paItems[i].name ); // Analogous to
                                            // in the List recipe URL

MemHandleFree( haItems ); haItems = NULL;

Once a user has selected one of the items from the listbox to beam, you
want to lock down haItems again, advance to the index corresponding to
the user's selection, extract its name, creator ID, and dbID, and then
use the Exchange Manager to send the file.  BE SURE to MemHandleFree(
haItems ) at some point after you no longer need it, or else you will
leak the memory allocated to store the array.

See http://tinyurl.com/jwrd for sample code of how to send a database
using the Exchange Manager.  The only thing I would add to this recipe
is to use one of the prefixes defined in http://tinyurl.com/jwr7 so that
your user is prompted whether they'd like to send (Bluetooth) or beam
(IR) or SMS the file, depending on the capabilities of the device on
which your app would be run.

See the bottom of http://tinyurl.com/jwrw for a sample WriteProc() that
should work for your ExgDBWrite() call.  

I hope this gets you going.  Be patient with the Exchange Manager, it
can be fickle, but once you've beamed a file through thin air, you
realize it was worth it.  At least, I did.

-Jeff Ishaq

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