On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 09:51:28 -0700, Dave Carrigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 12:26:13PM -0400, bullshark wrote:
>> >static char* gPlateString =
>> >"PL3/16x\0PL1/4x\0PL5/16x\0PL3/8x\0PL1/2x\0PL5/8x\0";
>> The above doesn't work. The compiler knows that dquote strings end with \0
>> so there is nothing in the .o image after PL3/16x. 
>What are you talking about? That's simply not true for any C compiler
>I've ever seen.

You're absolutely right (I just checked), thanks for correcting that.
It's one of those "I been programming too long" memories...
<somewhere, someplace, I have a compiler that failed to include
dquoted text following an embedded '\0', but it ain't this one>

It's still a cumbersome thing, hard to read, and fraught with peril. 
What happens if the following character is numeric, instead of a 'P'?

...it's probably that kind of 'gotcha' that forever purged
my consciousness of that type of expression (c:


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