Krzysztof Kowalczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Performance is relative to the speed of you computer. PODS is build on
> Java/Eclipse which is fairly slow even on good systems.
> Things should be faster if you drop to command line and build from
> there vs. building from PODS. This is the fastest you can go. On the
> other hand, if you don't know to do it, don't even ask - there's quite
> a lot to learn, including how to write your own makefiles.

Hi, I'm currently in the progress of connecting these two worlds, PODS
customizations and command line building. It is part of including PalmOS into
wxWidgets supported platforms and consist in building of PODS compatible
makefile with I'm building it clearly for the purpose of
wxWidgets but bakefiles are usable outside wxWidgets too. Now, I wonder, is
there an interest among PalmOS developers for having such command line
utility? I mean, I'm not experienced PalmOS developer so I cannot rate current
quality of available tools. I would appreciate short overview of existing
solutions. Thanks in advance!

ABX, wxWidgets dev

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