This is the extract from Joshua David Stone's Book - The Complete
Ascension Manual

Accelerating Your Path and Building Your Light Quotient

Ascension Technique Number One

For my own knowledge as well as for the writing of this book, I have
investigated my personal path of ascension and I have attempted to
learn everything I could about the process and mechanics of ascension.
One of the interesting things I have come across in my exploration on
the inner plane is the existence of ascension seats or ascension
chambers. There are many of them. I will share with you five that I
have found to be the most powerful and effective. They are actual
seats or tables or columns that you sit or stand on or lie down in.
The Masters, through some kind of higher technology, pulse Light
through the mechanism to raise your vibration. There is one on
Commander Ashtar's starship. There is one in Serapis Bey's Ascension
Retreat in Luxor. THere is one in Telos, the underground city beneath
Mt. Shasta. There is one in the Great Pyramid of Giza, in the king's
chamber. My personal favorite is the one actually in Mt. Shasta which
is an ascension chamber inside a gigantic pyramid.

Ask in meditation or at night while you sleep to be taken to these
ascension seats. You can switch around if you like and find your
favorite. It is one of the best ways I have found to build the Light
quotient and raise your vibration. You can feel the Light and energy
being very gently pulsed into your body as you sit in meditation. I
would also recommend calling upon Archangel Metatron for help in
building your Light quotient. He is the Creator of all outer Light in
the universe and seems to have special ability in this area.

Ascension Technique Number Two
Call to the Mahatma to integrate all three hundred fifty-two levels of
the Mahatma into your being during every meditation. Also ask to
recieve the Light information of all three hundred fifty-two levels of
the Mahatma. It will come through in what would look like Light
information packets, if you looked at it clairvoyantly. Ask to recieve
the Light information packets from the fifth, sixth and seventh
dimensions of reality. This is actual spiritual information that will
be programmed into your computer banks and that you will eventually
use in your future mission. It also helps to build your Light
quotient. You can also request to be a cosmic walk-in for the Mahatma
on Earth. In doing this you are requesting to be subtly overshadowed
by the Mahatma to help heal the separation among your personality,
monad and soul, and also between you and the presence of God.

Terms explanation:

The Mahatma, or Avatar of Synthesis, is the cosmic being who has been
made available to Earth since the Harmonic Convergence in August of
1987. He is the connecting link between us, as incarnated
personalities, and the Godhead Himself or Source of all creation. Just
as the soul is the intermediary between the incarnated personality and
the monad, the Mahatma is the intermediary between incarnated
personalities and the Godhead.

Vywamus has said that there are, in actuality, three hundred fifty-two
initiations (levels) from Earth to Godhead. The Mahatma is the cosmic
being that embodies all these levels for us. The Mahatma (which means
the Father or Great Soul) also embodies the energy of Melchior (the
Galatic Logos) and Adonai (Vywamus' teacher and the heart focus of the
universe). It is obvious that this is an awesome being who is really a
group consciousness.

Walk-ins are soul extension, or personalities, who take over the body
of an adult human being who has chosen to leave his or her physical
body. Djwhal Khul said this is an occurrence that has not been very
common in the history of this planet. However, it has been occurring
much more frequently recently because of the amazing shift this planet
is going through as it moves into the new age. Djwhal said that there
are as many as one million walk-ins on the planet at this time. The
soul-extension, or personality, who is walking out of the body usually
has no conscious awareness of the procedure. It is usually the soul
who has made the decision, although in some rare instances the
personality has requested it.

Ascension Technique Number Three

Call forth many times throughout your day for an axiatonal alignment
and a spiritual integration and alignment. This will properly align
your personal self with the cosmic energies.

"The following extracted from "Beyond Ascension" by Joshua David
Stone, page 34 "Another Golden Key to Building Your Light Quotient",
para 2.

...The one danger here is that it is possible to do too much and this
is where the issue of staying in the Tao, or maintaining balance, is
important. If you ever start overheating or running a fever where too
much heat is coming out of your body, then take a vacation
immeditately. It is okay to want to accelerate your program, but only
to a point. Ask that the whole process be monitored carefully by your

Ascension Technique Number Four

Call forth to your monad and to the Masters for the construction of
your personal merkabah, if you don't have one already. Ask in
meditation that your merkabah be spun to raise your vibrations to the
fifth-dimensional, Ascended Master frequency. Use your merkabah any
time you want to do soul traveling in meditation or at night while you
sleep. The spinning of the merkabah is part of the process of learning
to dematerialize and rematerialize.

Ascension Technique Number Five

When meditating from now on, make a request for your eleven other soul
extensions to join your in your ascension work. Don't order them, but
rather give them an invitation to attend and ask your monad and maybe
Vyawmus for help in gathering them.

In later meditations you may also want to invite all one hundred
forty-four of your soul extensions. By doing this, you are doing your
ascension work for twelve of you instead of just one of you. Remember,
it is your whole soul group that is actually ascending through just
one soul extension. I cannot recommend this ascension technique highly

Ascension Technique Number Six

Call to Isis, Osiris, Serapis Bey and Thoth for the Ark of the
Covenant to be used in the acceleration of your path of ascension
during your meditations. The Ark of Covenant was used by the great
Ptahs and Egyptian masters of the past in their initiations and
ascension work. You will experience a marked increase in the power of
your meditations upon calling for it.

Ascension Technique Number Seven

Call forth, under the guidance of your monad, the anchoring and
activation of your twenty-two chakras. Your chakras will actually
descend into the body like bodies of Light. They will remain in your
four-body system for a period of time and then leave. The consistent
invocation of your higher chakras to descend will, over time, build up
your spiritual battery. It will increase the wattage of the spiritual
lightbulb that you are. It is essential that you do this under the
supervision of your monad, so as not to burn out your body. This is
not something that should be done all at once but slowly and
gradually, to prepare your nervous system. Ask your soul and monad to
supervise this process and you have nothing to worry about. Put it on
an audio tape that you record yourself. Over time you will integrate
the first sixteen chakras. Then you can begin calling forth the
fifth-dimensional chakras sixteen through twenty-two.

Ascension Technique Number Eight

If you are ever feeling any discomfort in meditation, always
immediately call in the MAP (Medical Assistance Program) healing team.
This is a group of ascended beings made up of Pan, the overlighting
deva of healing, the Great White Brotherhood Medical Unit and your
soul and monad. Just call them in by name. They are especially trained
to help with any medical or energetic blockages. I personally call on
them in every meditation to help keep my physical body balanced while
I'm meditating. 

Ascension Technique Number Nine

In every meditation, call forth the descending and anchoring of your
monad, your Mayavarupa body, your golden solar angelic body, your
solar body of Light, God and the Mahatma. These are all higher aspects
of yourself (your multidimensional identity) which will merge with
your four-body system and build your Light quotient, raising your
overall vibration.

Ascension Technique Number Ten

In every meditaiton ask for the building of the twelve strands of DNA
in your etheric physical body. Contrary to what most people understand
about this, the twelve strands of DNA are built into the etheric body
and do not really manifest into the physical until after ascension.
Keep requesting this and over time this work will be completed. It is
part of the work of preparing your ascended body.

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