Natalie Happenhofer wrote:
I have problems configuring the output of my filter, the filter is a subclass of vtkDataSetToStructuredGrid and setting the output looks as following:

//setting the new point data
vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> new_scalars = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();

double inPtr[numOfTuples + 1]; //pointer for casting the values actually to double, so I can perform arithmetic operations with them
 float outPtr[numOfTuples + 1];
//calculating ..

new_scalars -> SetArray(outPtr,numOfTuples,1);

You are passing a stack based array here, when your function returns inPtr and outPtr no longer are valid. If you are going to use SetArray you'll have to malloc or new the memory you need.

output -> SetDimensions(dims);
    output -> SetPoints(pts); //Now the points are set
    output -> GetPointData() -> SetScalars(new_scalars);
    output -> Squeeze();

dims are the dimensions of the input, which is a RectilinearGrid or a StructuredGrid, new_scalars is a vtkFloatArray. I believe that the "output->GetPointData() ->SetScalars(new_scalars)"-line is causing the problem, because I get the following error messages:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
at C:/ParaviewSource/ParaView3/VTK/Filtering/vtkFieldData.cxx:577
size +=this->Data[i]->GetActualMemorySize();

Backtracing, functions in vtkPVDataInformation and vtkSelfConnections are called, so I guess, this does not actually happen in my source code but in the rendering pipeline. As I did not change anything in the rendering pipeline, there must be an allocation or a call in my code with incorrect arguments, but I do not really know where to look for the error.
Does anyone have an idea?


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