I am a bit confused by your question.  Are you saying the first example works 
and the second does not?  I am also confused by what you are trying to set up.  
Are you trying to run the server on one of your machines and the client on the 
other, or are you trying to run a parallel server using both machines?

In the second example, it looks like your OpenMPI install is messed up.  In the 
4th line (1st error), it complains about not finding orted, which is a daemon 
that the OpenMPI version of mpirun uses to launch processes.  It does not look 
like pvserver is being run at all.

I cannot claim to have a lot of experience in setting up MPI installs, 
especially ones on heterogeneous nodes like you are setting up.  My advice 
would be to first make sure that you can launch a job "locally" on each 
machine, then try to launch a job only one the opposite computer (i.e. launch 
only on the 32 bit machine from the 64 bit machine and vice versa), and then 
finally launch a single job on both.


On 11/6/08 1:32 AM, "yewyong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

i managed to compile the paraview 3.4.0 in both a 64bit dual core machine and a 
32bit quad core machine.
having trouble starting the pvserver when linking 2 machines. Below are the 
konsole lines..

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installer/ParaView-3.4.0_build/bin> 
../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/bin/mpirun -hostfile 
../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/etc/frodo -np 2 ./pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering
Listen on port: 11111
Waiting for client...
^Cmpirun: killing job...

mpirun noticed that job rank 0 with PID 27000 on node 
<>  exited on signal 15 (Terminated).
1 additional process aborted (not shown)

everything looks good when there is no linking of 2 machines. (this is the 
64bit dual core machine)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installer/ParaView-3.4.0_build/bin> 
../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/bin/mpirun -hostfile 
../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/etc/frodo_quadcore -np 6 ./pvserver 
bash: orted: command not found
[frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file 
base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 275
[frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file pls_rsh_module.c at line 
[frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file errmgr_hnp.c at line 90
[frodo:27009] ERROR: A daemon on node <>  
failed to start as expected.
[frodo:27009] ERROR: There may be more information available from
[frodo:27009] ERROR: the remote shell (see above).
[frodo:27009] ERROR: The daemon exited unexpectedly with status 127.
[frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file 
base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 188
[frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file pls_rsh_module.c at line 
mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons for this job. Returned value 
Timeout instead of ORTE_SUCCESS.

i can't start the pvserver when involving 2 machines. <>  = 64bit dual core <>  = 32bit quad core

Anyone faced this before?
Thanks in advance for helping.


   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      fax:   (505) 845-0833

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