
I want to write a Reader for Paraview (I guess a plugin is better than
hacking into the Paraview source).

As I have to base on an vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm I cloned the
as it was the shortest (Only change of name, no functionality yet).
I follwed the Plugin-HowTO and with the help of the XML files
in the examples section and was able to compile a plugin. The
extension I use is .h5
(but we do not want to use the HDF5 reader but our own stuff).
SYSTEM_HDF5 is disabled.

When I load the Plugin no .h5 extension appears in the file open dialog.

I have several (starters) questions:

* Shall the extension appear there?
* I use OpenSuse 11.0 64bit with QT 4.4 - Paraview compiles nice after
  the WARNING() in the cmake file.
  - Can this be the reason for the problem?
  - What actually is the QT 4.4 issue? It compiles ...
* When I load a plugin again, is it reloaded?
* Is vtkGAMBITReader a good start? I found no appropriate extension in
file open.

I just started with the mailing list and did not find something
appropriate yet.

Thanks a lot,


P.S.: I have no experience with ParaView yet (we have first to read
our data :))
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