
Did you mistype the first mpirun command?  Running pvclient in mpirun has never 
worked in any ParaView version.

With ParaView 3.4, the following similar launch command should work (assuming 
that your version of mpirun supports the ":" argument):

 mpirun -np 1 ./pvserver -display :0.0 : -np 1 ./pvserver -display :0.1 : -np 1 
./pvserver -display :0.2

If this doesn't work, can you be more specific about what happens?  Do you get 
X host errors?  Do all the windows show up on display :0.0?


On 12/3/08 7:10 AM, "Christian Wohlschlager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Hello !

I was using 2.6 paraview so i tought ist time to change ---> but
displaying rending on another screen does no mor work (or work different)
I used to mpirun -np 1 ./pvclient -display :0.0 : -np 1 .pvclient -display :0.1 
: -np 1 ./pvclient -diplay :0.2


mpirun -np 3 ./pvserver config.pvx

in the config.pvx i gave the configuration of the screens

but neither of this options open a window on the dired screens.

Anyone who does that with 3.x version

thank you


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