
For two truly separate parts, create two separate *.vtu files. Each of the files should have a unique name (not really necessary for PV). PV is happy to read and display multiple datum sets -- even the same datum set twice. If you plan later to have many parts (for example, 100 parts), the collection can be aggregated with via a single *.pvd file (a meta-file or "mother-file"). Having PV read the single *.pvd file will load all of the *.vtu files referenced within the *.pvd file.

A good rule to follow is to have each part as a "standalone" displayable graphical object.

Later on when you want to process large sets of data, EnSight-formatted binary files incorporate a "part" concept. Also, the EnSight-formatted data set has constructs for parallel file sets, and multiple files for individual data streams to get around file size limitations.


Sreejith Kuttanikkad wrote:
Dear all,

I have tried to write an ascii vtu file with two pieces as shown below. However when I opened it using paraview, i can only see one data set. Could you please tell me the format of vtu files with two pieces. How can i get both data sets into paraview.?

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<VTKFile byte_order="LittleEndian" type="UnstructuredGrid" version="0.1">
<Piece NumberOfCells="4" NumberOfPoints="4">
<DataArray NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii" type="Float32">
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0  1 1 0
<DataArray Name="connectivity" format="ascii" type="Int32">
0 1 0 2 2 3 1 3
<DataArray Name="offsets" format="ascii" type="Int32">
2 4 6 8
<DataArray Name="types" format="ascii" type="UInt8">
3 3 3 3
<DataArray Name="scalar1" format="ascii" type="Float32">
0.836841 0.828652 0.777264 0.669688
<DataArray Name="status1" format="ascii" type="Float32">
0 0 0 0
<Piece NumberOfCells="4" NumberOfPoints="4">
<DataArray NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii" type="Float32">
0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0
<DataArray Name="connectivity" format="ascii" type="Int32">
0 1 0 2 1 3 2 3
<DataArray Name="offsets" format="ascii" type="Int32">
2 4 6 8
<DataArray Name="types" format="ascii" type="UInt8">
3 3 3 3
<DataArray Name="scalar2" format="ascii" type="Float32">
0.768523 0.627182 0.846613 0.66475
<DataArray Name="status2" format="ascii" type="Float32">
1 1 1 1



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