On 03/08/2011 05:08 AM, Brad King wrote:
I think the only way that can happen now is if you actually pass a ".so"
file to target_link_libraries (assuming LINK_SEARCH_START_STATIC is on)
that is in /usr/lib or another system directory.  Check your CMakeCache
for such entries.

I do have LINK_SEARCH_START_STATIC TRUE. I do see a ton of .so all are related to x11, but I have VTK_USE_X=OFF. No libm.so in the Cache though. I guess this might be some unexpected interaction between PV's cmake scripts and cmake's linking logic. It only happens when python support is enabled. I'm using PV 3.8.1. Dave DeMarle said he didn't have this problem with a "recent" version of PV, and also that he's working on officially supporting static link with python for release 3.10.1.

The Cray's do support dynamic linking , although it looks like there is a performance penalty at least during startup, I'm going to take that route since it works, and won't be too long until static linking + python is officially supported.

Thanks for the help

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