
For those of you who haven't follow the topic in the
paraview-developers mailing list here is a quick summary on what's
going on in the coming weeks.
We've been working for a while now on restructuring the Server Manager
of ParaView to make it more efficient as well as allowing it to
support collaborative workflows.
The API has undergone major changes and may cause some minor rewrite
of your own code. Before we merge these changes to master, please try
out the Collaboration branch with your code and let us know if you
experience any issue.
Please see below for the details on how to checkout the Collaboration branch.

Thanks for your support,


============= From the ParaView-developer list ===============

Following up the mail from Utkarsh on the changes to ParaView Server Manager :

We finally push our branch to the stage. That branch will only be
merged to master in the coming month.
But if you have developed a plugin or any code based on ParaView and
you want to test it against
that major update, please follow the coming instructions and don't
hesitate to send us your feed back.

In order to fetch our ParaView branch from stage, you will need to
execute the following command line:

$ git clone --recursive git:// -b Collaboration

Then, as any regular ParaView source directory, you should be able to
configure and build it.
As some directory and kit renaming occurred, you may need to update
the name of the ParaView library that you are linking against. Now the
ParaViewCore package which used to be called "Servers" contains the
following kits:
vtkPVCommon, vtkPVClientServerCore, vtkPVServerImplementation,
vtkPVServerManager, vtkPVVTKExtensions.

Please remember, these do not affect 3.10 or even 3.10.1. These will
make into the
official ParaView 4.0 release, nothing sooner.


PS: Additional informations on those changes are available here
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