Hi Kevin!

Got the message. In fact, the culprit is not paraview but how MESA is built and 
how OSMESA links against the OpenGL libs (either from the system or the MESA 
lib itself). I think I should be able to fix the issue by building correctly 
the MESA libs for my purpose then.

Thanks a lot for the effort.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin H. Hobbs [mailto:hob...@ohio.edu]
Sent: Mittwoch, 20. April 2011 16:44
To: Albina, Frank
Cc: David Partyka; paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Paraview v3.10.1/0 segmentation fault with MPI and MESA 
support on.

On 04/20/2011 05:22 AM, Albina, Frank wrote:
> Hi Kevin!
> Thank you very much for the support so far.
> What I am trying to achieve is to have: a) the whole paraview suite,
> i.e. paraview, pvbatch, pvserver built from scratch. b) with X,
> independently of offscreen or onscreen rendering c) with Mesa using
> xlib drivers: ./configure
> --prefix=/code/CFD/develop/opt/share/Mesa-7.9.2 --with-x
> --enable-gl-osmesa --build=x86_64-suse-linux --with-driver=xlib
> --enable-glu --enable-glw --enable-pic --enable-opengl

If you are going to use X with all of ParaView then you will need to link 
against libGL.so from mesa-7.9.2 which conflicts with libOSMesa.so from 
mesa-7.9.2 so there is no point in adding the --enable-gl-osmesa flag.

> What I'd like to achieve is a stand-alone paraview version with X
> support, from which one can start pvserver for performing offscreen
> rendering via MESA. If one does not start the pvserver remotely, one
> should still be able to use paraview with onscreen rendering, still
> using MESA as the rendering engine (i.e. without system OpenGL
> support, in other words without GPU rendering). Please let me know if
> this is still unclear.

You can have this but it's more complicated : even though your pvserver will 
use offscreen rendering it will still open a window, you will need an X server 
running on each of the compute nodes, you will have to have the display 
variable set to point to the X server on each compute node, and each pvserver 
process will have to have permissions to use the server on its node. The the 
windows that each pvserver process renders into will not be visible on monitors 
( if there are any ) connected to the compute nodes. They will not be covered 
or cover any other window so you won't get random bits of other programs 
showing up in the final output. But they will exist.

> Following the steps on the paraview WIKI does not seem to work, unless
> I am mistaken, which I guess I am at the time being.

The steps on the wiki are a bit of a mix of what you can do with old and new 
versions of Mesa.

 Again, I
> had had no issues building and running paraview v3.8.1, whereas
> paraview v3.10.x is giving me a segmentation fault at screen start.

I can not comment on what might have changed.

> Thank you very much for the script anyway. I sure will make good use
> of it.
> Cheers,
> Frank.

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