Hi David,

I think that the issue is that the polygon you constructed is not convex. Figure 19-20 in VTK users guide is misleading because the example of VTK_POLYGON shows a non-convex polygon which as you found out doesn't work.


On 07/13/2011 01:40 PM, David Doria wrote:
I have created a polygon with many vertices using vtkPolygon, then put it in a vtkPolyData, and then saved it as a vtp file (attached). When I open it in Paraview, it looks very "broken" (seems like backfaces are showing, things are overlapping that shouldn't be, etc). If I run the TriangleFilter on it, it looks fine. Is there something wrong with how I created the data? Or is Paraview just not able to handle displaying something like this?



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