Hi Kate,

It shouldn't be too hard for you to expose the vtkImageGaussianSmooth in PV. I have one caveat for you re: using vtkImageGaussianSmooth in parallel: when it runs it will trigger a complete re-execution of your entire pipeline including the reader.This happens because vtkImageGaussianSmooth increases the update extents which, unless something has changed in the recent version of PV, would be satisfied by the reader re-executing. this could cause you some performance related issues especially for large data where I/O becomes a significant bottleneck. On the other hand, this re-execution would happen only when running in parallel and if you have small data it might not be too bad.

I encountered this issue a while back. with our data size the additional I/O was unacceptable. i wrote a parallel ghost cell generator for image data to prevent the pipeline re-execution for operations like kernel convolution that require ghost cells. The plugin includes a kernel convolution filter as well. To use it you'd have to build and load our plugin and add the "image ghosts" filter right before the "kernel convolution" filter. Our kernel convolution filter also has a CUDA implementation that's about 20x faster than the cpu version (note: CUDA stuff is still being developed, still some issue when update extent is too large to fit on the gpu). I'm attaching a link to the latest release of the plugin in case you could use it. It requires a parallel build of PV. http://www.hpcvis.com/SciVisToolKit/SciVisToolKit-12.02.tar.gz


On 03/14/2012 10:16 AM, fiss...@pitt.edu wrote:

I didn't see a paraview plugin for the  vtkImageGaussianSmooth.cxx filter
in the paraview Filters menus or the filters.xml file.
Is there some equivalent ?

If not:  am I right that I will need to write a little paraview plugin
wrapper in
order to be able to use vtkImageGaussianSmooth in a pvpython script ?
Any reason other than somewhat ugly parameter specification or lack
of interest/time that there isn't a plugin ?


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