
If you were using EnSight Gold formatted binary results output, you could use the EnSight "Part" construct to output (both in the same results file-set) the 2D-Wall elements and the 3D-Cell elements as separate displayable graphic objects (plus their point & cell data).

Then, in PV, use the "Extract Block" filter to select which "Parts" you want to display followed by any other filters you like.


On 7/2/2012 8:39 AM, Magician wrote:
Hi all,

I'm now trying to visualize CFD simulation data.
There are 3D-Cell and 2D-Wall elements
and each elements have cell-centered vector or scalar data.
Wall and Cell elements are read as a single Unstructured
Multiblock source.
Wall elements are exactly overlapping with cell surfaces.

I often use "Cell Data to Point Data" filter.
When I apply this filter for my Multiblock data,
point values of 3D-Cells and 2D-Walls are treated separately.
If possible, I want to replace point values of 3D-Cell surfaces'
with 2D-Walls'.

Does anyone have a good idea to do it?

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