assuming that you've already examined all the output, and there's no other info, you could do a couple of things: put some print statements in your python script to see how far it makes it. Also you could use MPT specific environment variables that tell mpt to print a stack trace, see man mpi. A debug build may be helpful for this.

before all this debugging effort you may want try a very simple script to gain confidence that things are indeed working correctly with your build. I'll send a simple test script that might be of use for that.

On 08/08/2012 02:07 PM, Ganesh Vijayakumar wrote:

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Burlen Loring < <>> wrote:

    Hi Ganesh,

    Sig 9 usually means your job was killed by the system. Is it
    possible that you have exhausted the available ram or hit some
    artificial limit that is imposed by your batch system?

I can't think of any right away. The fact that pvpython was able to run the same script should mean that there's enough RAM to go around. In any case I'm using this machine

And 128 GB of RAM is more than enough for my 400,000 cell problem. Is there anyway I can get more information?


from paraview.simple import *

s = Sphere()
s.ThetaResolution = 128
s.PhiResolution = 128

p = ProcessIdScalars()

rep = Show(p)

lr = p.PointData.GetArray("ProcessId").GetRange()
lut = GetLookupTableForArray("ProcessId",
               RGBPoints=[lr[0], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, lr[1], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],

rep.ColorArrayName = 'ProcessId'
rep.LookupTable = lut


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