
Thanks for the expanded explanation and the figures. Now I understand your request. Var1(t)-vs-var2(t) x,y-plots is something in which I am also frequently interested in viewing.

Given that PV using the Plot-Selection-Over-Time filter, can already make var-vs-time x,y-plots with a moving "green" vertical fiducial line when animated, and that the Plot-Selection-Over-Time filter can also make var1(t)-vs-var2(t) x,y-plots, it appears to me that it should be a very easy step to add a moving "green" fiducial dot to a var1(t)-vs-var2(t) x,y-plot when animated.

Maybe an even simpler job would be to add a moving "green" fiducial cross-hair to a var1(t)-vs-var2(t) x,y-plot when animated.

Your feature request has my vote. If there is only a single choice possible, I would prefer a "green" fiducial dot. The complete option would be [dot | cross-hair | dot & cross-hair].

FMA Development, LLC

On 11/6/2012 8:51 AM, Fred Nugen wrote:
Recasting my question: How do I display the current time in a
parametric plot where time is not the x-axis?

Long version:

Samuel, thanks for the reply, but your solution is not the one I am
looking for.  Your plot uses time as the x-axis, and velocity as the
y-axis.  You are plotting
  y(x) = velocity .

Your plot shows the current time by a vertical green line at time t=x.
(See attached image XY-plot-with-time-as-X.png.)

I would like to plot

  y(t) = stress
  x(t) = strain

and show the current time by a dot at (x(t),y(t)). (See attached image

I suppose my dot should be green because it's the equivalent of the
vertical green line that Paraview automatically displays on plots with
timestep as the x-axis.

Does that make sense?

Steps to recreate my image:

- Load a mesh with at least two variables for each node.
- Select one or more nodes.
- Click PlotSelectionOverTime
- Select the new plot and filter.
+ Note that the current time is marked by a vertical green line.
- Under the Display tab, under "X Axis Data",
- click "Use Data Array".
- in the dropdown to the right, select your second variable.
+ Note that the current time is not marked.

- Fred

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