
I have attached a file named 'fmavto.pvd' that is an ASCII-text file. It is a meta-file that references a series of XML-formatted *.vtu files.

ParaView reads the *.pvd file and then knows how to "assemble" the files referenced within the *.pvd file. The important key-words in the *.pvd files are 'timestep=...' and 'file=...' Note that the individual *.vtu files contain the data needed for a displayable graphics object.

The key-word 'name=...' is gratuitous user-information. The key-word 'name=...' for a couple of ParaView versions around 2007 would pass this user-information to the Extract Block filter; currently (PV version 4.0.1) the ASCII-text strings are no longer passed to the Extract Block filter.

However, the Extract Block filter does reflect the structure implied by the *.pvd file; the filter simply uses the ubiquitous and not-very-helpful C-language off-set addresses of 0,1,2,3,... for the block names.

Because of the large number of ASCII-text files that can be generated in a transient dynamic simulation with multiple material domains using the vtk-formats, sometime back I switched to the EnSight binary-formatted output. In this format it is possible to provide names that will appear in the Extract Block filter.

Hope this helps,


Sam Key

On 10/7/2013 8:35 PM, Jimmy Chen wrote:

Thank you very much for the quick reply.  I tried your EnSight example
and could select different polygons by using "Extract Blocks" filter.
VTK's example EnSight datasets also allows doing so.

Besides, *.vtp or *.pvtp files are not working for me.   What content
should be put into vtp files to enable Paraview "Extract Blocks"?  If
you also have a working vtp example that will be very helpful.

Thanks and best regards,

Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 09:03:40 -0600
From: Samuel Key <samuel...@bresnan.net>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Which polygon file reader in Paraview has
         interface to show/hide separate segments?
To: paraview@paraview.org
Message-ID: <5252cd4c.7090...@bresnan.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"


I have had success with two different ParaView readers doing what you
have described.

It is material domains that I want to examine as distinct. However,
ParaView does not care if it is a serially-generated set of material
domain, a set of processor domain results, or any criterion you want to
use. Each domain needs to be a "displayable graphics object."

Case(1) *.vtp XML format

Case(2) EnSight Gold format using that format's Part-construct.

In either case, ParaView's Extract Group filter allows one to select any
combination of domains to display. Multiple extracted sub-domains can
appear together in one window and/or in separate windows.

A small file that will let you explore this capability is attached.

Samuel W Key
FMA Development, LLC
1005 39th Ave NE
Great Falls, Montana 59404

On 10/6/2013 9:14 PM, Jimmy Chen wrote:

We generate several segments of polygonal meshes and our client wants
to store them into a single file and to view on Paraview.  Since the
data contains several pre-segmented mesh pieces, they want to view
each piece separately in Paraview. Is there a file format supporting
composite datasets and has a Paraview interface to show some of them?

We have looked into .vtp and .pvtp formats.
For .vtp XML format, although we can store different segment in
different <piece> tags, Paraview seem to regard them as one piece of
For .pvtp format, each component is stored into a different file,
which is not what our client want.

Although we can always create our reader plugin for Paraview, I am
wondering whether there already exists this kind of file format saving
segments in one file, with a segment-selectable Paraview interface.

Thanks and have a nice day.
Jimmy Chen
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<?xml version="1.0"?>

 Program:  FMA-3D 
 Version:  V29.06 
    Date: 03-MAY-2007 
    Time: 09:02:20

 Last Problem Time:   2.0000687E-02
 Last Cycle Number:     3551

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