
Given that you have 20+/- datum sets (and one geometry?), you might be able to construct a pseudo time sequence by labeling the files:

myjob001.vtu, myjob002.vtu, myjob003.vtu, ...

(Note. The file-ending "*.vtu" refers to an XML-formatted datum set)

ParaView will assume they are a time-sequence and you can use the animation to perform the identical display processing on each image, When you are satisfied with the results, save the animation as *.pgn images; you will get one frame in each datum set.

If you already have a naming convention for the *.vtu files that you want to keep, then you can use a *.pvd meta-file to specify the pseudo-time sequence, see the attached *.pvd file as an example. (The part-tag allows sub-datum-sets; in my case there are different materials. The name-tag is currently a do-nothing; it is not required.)


On 11/18/2013 9:22 AM, Martina Schäfer wrote:
Hi Sam,

I wasn't aware of the "Group Dataset" Filter, you are right in the case of Cliping or Sliceing it's doing sort of the job (eventhough I haven't managed to get the translation right), but already for the Isolines or PlotOnIntersectionCurve it gets difficult. (And I have actually not only one datafile, but around 20 which I would like to produce the same figures from and grouping them all together gets a mess!) Similar to your idea I tried it now with AppendAttributes, that still leaves the work of copy-ing by hand (at least I do not know how to do that otherwise) the variables them I'm interested from each dataset to another name, i.e. velocity -> velocity-dataset1, velocity -> velocity-dataset2 and so on beforehand, but then I can use Clips or Slices in one figure for each of the datasets. But since I then have different variable names, it does again not work for the Isocontours... PlotOnIntersectionCurves however seems to be doing ok. It also would mean to apply AppendAttributes to around 20files, I'm not quite sure if that's a good way to go.

I'd be happy about any other ideas! What is the "copy" function supposed to do anyhow? After all this menu-item exists when I do right-mouse-click on a filter?


Martina, Regarding your question, I do
not do this routinely, but it looks to me that if you hold down the
Ctrl-key and select two datum two sets and then apply the Group Datasets
filter you get a single combined datum stream to which can apply the
same filter to both using a single common parameter specification. In a
single view, this may require a coordinate translation of one datum set
with respect to the other in order that they are not overlaid (use the
Transform filter on one of the datum sets before grouping). In addition,
it is likely that the point and cell variable sets for both objects need
to be the same (except for the values). Likely some care will be needed
for the Slice and Clip filters because you will only have a "single"
object after grouping. Hope this helps. Sam On 11/18/2013 1:39 AM,

>Hi all,
>I'd like to copy-paste (or clone/dublicate) a filter in paraview, i.e.
>applying exactly the same filter on two different sources without
>having to redefine the filter. For the moment I'm doing that via
>save-state/load-state and adjusting each time the input file (or via
>"change input" to a filter), but it would be more convenient to be
>able to have the results of the filter applied to the different
>sources at the same time to compare them side by side.
>That concerns for example the "clip" or "slice" filter where it would
>be really handy not having to copy by hand the definition of the plane
>used; or when doing a plot with isolines I'd like to have the same
>line "elevations" and drawing options for various input datasets.
>According to the various websites and also messages in this mailing
>list, "copy" and "paste" from the menu "edit" or with the
>mouse-left-click should work. However, when I do "paste" nothing happens.
>Has anybody experience with that? Is there any other way to do it? Or
>is there any "trick" how to do use the "paste function?
>Thanks a lot!
>Martina Sch?fer

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