To add to that question:

is the PISTON / Dax support in Paraview already a stable alternative to
avoid X11 at all?


On 07.07.2014 16:36, Felipe Bordeu wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a computer (node in a cluster) with 2 Nvidia K20x GPUs (plus a
> chipset for low-end visu). Is It possible to use these GPUs to
> accelerate ParaView visualization even if theses cards don't have a
> video output??? I know how to use the pvserver/paraview. But my problem
> is about the X11 configuration.
> If I put a  'Section "Screen"' for these cards in the xorg.conf, nvidia
> complains that these cards don't have outputs. and if I eliminate the
> 'Screen' section, the card are not available. (tried display :0, 0:0 1:0...)
> Any Ideas??
> Thanks
> Felipe

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