On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 09:18:52 -0400, Bill Greene wrote:
> I'm trying to plot Cell labels in Paraview 4.1.0
> by defining a string array of cell data. However,
> I get an error in Find Data dialog when I try to select
> the cells. This very simple vtu file demonstrates the
> problem.
> Interestingly, when I attach a string array as point data
> in essentially the same way as I add the cell data, I don't
> have any problems plotting Point labels.
> If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would
> be most appreciative.

When selecting which labels to use, there's a "gear" icon towards the
right of the dialog for settings. In there, it has entries for the
format string to use for the labels. Currently, the default is:


which isn't that useful for string or integer arrays. Instead, if you


it appears to work here. What we should do is change the default format
string based on the array being used rather than just assuming
everything is floating point data. I'll file a bug for it.

It also appears that using an improper format string is an easy way to
make ParaView crash; I'll track that down now.

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