On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 12:52:30 -0500, John Moore wrote:
> H5JMP_BUF is not found in CMakeCache.txt, but H5_HAVE_SETJMP_H is, as shown
> below:

Ah, I see that H5JMP_BUF is defined at the top of the file, not by CMake
and is controlled by H5_HAVE_SIGSETJMP (empty on my Fedora install) or
H5_HAVE_SIGLONGJMP ('1' here) from the CMake cache file.

> //Have function setjmp
> //Have include
> sys/resource.h;sys/time.h;unistd.h;sys/ioctl.h;sys/stat.h;sys/socket.h;sys/types.h;stddef.h;setjmp.h
> I've tried to compile both with and without having HDF5 installed on my
> system, and both methods fail. I haven't tried -DVTK_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5=ON yet
> because I would like to be able to use the H5 included with VTK, if
> possible.

It is odd that it finds the header, but then (seems) to not include it.
Could you insert an #error or something in H5private.h in the same block
as #include <setjmp.h> to see if it is actually included?

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