On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 02:55:09 +0000, Scott, W Alan wrote:
> Is it possible to build ParaView with the superbuild, but change a few
> lines of code?  I want to comment out a few warnings.  These lines of
> source code keep getting written over.

You could apply a "patch"[1] (using an ExternalData step of which at
least Projects/apple/qt.cmake should have an example or two) or point
the superbuild to a different git repo with the patches applied. Without
looking, I can't remember the exact names of the cache variables, but
they're something like "paraview_GIT_URL" and "paraview_GIT_HASH". Both
should be advanced variables on the master branch.


[1]Due to the lack of a patch command on Windows, "patch" in superbuilds
usually means "copy a file wholesale as a replacement".
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