On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 00:55:42 +0000, Anthony Crognale wrote:
> /usr/bin/paraview is not in this list, nor the other binaries that I
> would expect when it is built.

Usually means Qt wasn't enabled.

> I've attached my CMakeCache.txt to this email as it would be rather
> large to paste.
> Any thoughts?


> //Request to build project qt
> //No help, variable specified on the command line.

It looks like you're not enabling Qt. I think qt was renamed to qt4
after 4.3.1 was released (when we tried using qt5, but we will have to
wait until at least 5.5.1 for some bugs). I'll check tomorrow when we
did the rename, but setting ENABLE_qt should work (check the list of
enabled projects during configure).

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