Hey everyone,

     I'm trying to run Paraview using the vrpn plugin so that I can show
off Paraview on a distributed multi-tiled display, and I'm stuck on getting
it set up. The head machine is named stallion and there are 20 different
nodes that control 4 different screens horizontally that make up a 16x5
display. I'm trying to get Paraview to run on just one server machine as a
test and have been following the documentation on Immersiver Paraview found
at http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Immersive_ParaView. I've set up my pvx file
to be like so:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

  <Process Type="client">
    <!-- Stallion Head Node -->
    <Machine Name="stallion"
             ShowBorders="1" />

  <Process Type="server">
    <!-- Stallion distributed multi-tiled display -->
    <Machine Name="s01"
             ShowBorders="0" />


where s01 is one of the machines I'm using to show off with FullScreen
declared so Paraview is shown on all four screens the server controls
horizontally. What I'm confused about now is probably stupid, but now that
I have my pvx set up I want to test and see if I can get it to show on my
display, but I'm not sure how. I'm also relatively new to using vrpn so I
didn't know if I needed to set up anything with that as well beyond
installing the vrpn plugin. Please feel free to let me know if I explained
something wrong or if I need to answer any other questions, and any help
will be greatly appreciated.

Andrew Solis
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