Hi Armin,

Thanks for pointing me to the relevant VTK Wiki page!

The information there cleared up my questions about how to incorporate an arbitrary n-vertex polyhedral finite element into the VTK XML-structured results file for ParaView.

My delayed reply can be attributed to the maelstrom of counters I had to introduce into my existing VTK XML Writer. It took a lot of time to get everything right. (Luckily, my software has an EnSight Writer that handles polyhedral finite elements and I was able to get ParaView to convert the 7-cell test mesh into a muti-block *.vtm collection for comparison.)


Samuel Key
FMA Development, LLC
1005 39th Ave NE
Great Falls, Montana 59404

On 2/17/2016 2:48 PM, Armin Wehrfritz wrote:
On this wiki page you find information on how polyhedrons are stored in unstructured XML files (search the page for vtkXMLUnstructuredGrid):

Hope it helps.


On 02/17/2016 09:59 PM, Samuel Key wrote:
My simulation software has a functioning VTK XML-formatted, "ascii"
output routine. To facilitate datum set transfers, I want to add
arbitrary, m-vertex polyhedral finite elements to the simulation
software's existing Writer (VTK_POLYHEDRON = 42).

Originally, I used the VTK File Formats Version 4.2 to construct the
program's Writer. It is not clear to me what the XML structures should
contain with respect to the polyhedral finite elements.

Three files are attached: (1) *.inp is an input snippet for a polyhedral
finite element used by the simulation software, (2) *.png is a ParaView
screenshot display for this polyhedron read in from an EnSight-formatted
file, and (3) *.vtu is a ParaView 'Save Data' output file for this
polyhedral finite element.

Referring to the *.vtu file, I am having difficulty relating the
simulation software's and  EnSight's corresponding input description to
the ParaView output description, particularly, "connectivity" and "faces."

Do you have any advice on how I should proceed?

Note: The simulation software does not require the polygon faces to be
planar, nor the polyhedron volume to be convex. The simulation software
computes proper mean quadrature gradient/divergence operators for
non-planar facets and a restricted form of polyhedral star-convexity.

Thanks in advance for the indicating how I should continue,

Samuel Key
FMA Development, LLC
1005 39th Ave NE
Great Falls, Montana 59404

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