
Here is an example of an XML-formatted *.pvd file that references three other XML-formatted files. One important point is that each of the three listed *.vtu files is a 'displayable' (that is, complete) graphics object, and can be read by PV independently.

The point of the *.pvd is to be able to have one file that lets PV see and access all of the files making up the file-set.

Hope this helps,

Sam Key

On 5/10/2016 4:11 AM, Marwen Gammar wrote:
Hello Miss, Mister,

I have some troubleregarding my paraview file: i must create an paraview type xml programm which calls other xml files each of them specialized in different datas (geometry, topology, et c...)
What type of strucuture should i use for that?
Thank you very much for your help.

Here is an exemple of what i did (it didn't work):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="PUnstructuredGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="BigEndian" compressor="vtkZLibDataCompressor">
  <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel="0">
     <PPointData Scalars="my_scalars">
       <PDataArray type="Float32" Name="my_scalars"/>
    <Piece Source="polyEx0.vtp"/>
<PCellData Scalars="cell_scalars" Normals="cell_normals">
       <PDataArray type="Int32" Name="cell_scalars"/>
       <PDataArray type="Float32" Name="cell_normals" NumberOfComponents="3"/>
       <PDataArray type="Float32" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii"/>
    <Piece Source="polyEx1.vtp"/>

this is supposed to take some pieces of information from my 2 other programs (polyex0 et polyex1) which are cubes, so in final i should have a cube with some properties of each of the 2 cubes.

Thank you very much for your help,
Have a good week!

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

   Title: Iron's Patch Test IPT3 (2 HXEL + 5 PHEL) Severe CC
 Program:  FMA-3D 
 Version:  V31.16 
    Date: 05-MAR-2016 
    Time: 18:03:17

   Problem Time:   1.0000000E-06
   Cycle Number:        1

<VTKFile type="Collection" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64">
    <DataSet timestep="0000" part="0000" file="fmafxc.msh.0000.vtu" name="The Mesh"/>
    <DataSet timestep="0000" part="0001" file="fmafxc.mns.0001.vtu" name="NSet:11 Label:INTERIOR_NODES"/>
    <DataSet timestep="0000" part="0002" file="fmafxc.mns.0002.vtu" name="NSet:22 Label:EXTERIOR_NODES"/>
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