On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Ramiro James Rebolledo Cormack <
ramre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I compile paraview in my laptop (ubuntu 16.04) and my desktop (ubuntu
> 14.04) with exactly the same options in ccmake, in particular: OpenGL.
> In my laptop 'Export to pdf' works perfect.
> Is this related this the nvidia driver? In my desktop I have installed
> nvidia driver, but in my destop I have not installed nvidia driver.

Hmm, the opengl driver shouldn't matter on the OpenGL1 backend, unless
there was a bug in their feedback rendering mode. Are you trying to export
the same scene on both systems?

> + When you compiled 5.0.1 from source, I suspect you are getting the
>> old rendering backend too (unless you changed the CMake variable
>> VTK_RENDERING_BACKEND to OpenGL2). Not entirely sure why export would
>> fail in that case. There isn't any special flag to enable PDF export.
> Now, in my desktop I'm trying compiling with OpenGL2 option (the option
> doesn't comes hiting the enter button, instead of my laptop, but I chosed
> writting it), and crossing my fingers.
> I appreciate any ideas or suggestions (I don't have more), to find a way
> for fix this 'little' problem: to have the export to pdf option.

I'd suggest just playing with the export options and see if there's a
solution there. If you keep having trouble, send me a small state file that
reproduces the issue and I'll take a look. There are certain cases where
the gl2ps exporter will fail to capture all of the details in a scene,
though it should produce more than an empty white image.

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