
This is funny, because I just spent 6 days laboriously eliminating all the 
common nodes on 4 different models.  I don't think I have any bad meshes left.  
And if I did I would not be able to share them with the list.  

Really, I just need an example of how to access side sets (block(4) of Exodus 
Reader) in a Programmable Filter
As in output=self.GetOutput()    SideSets=output.GetBlock(4)

After that I'm lost as to how to identify SSet by ID (name?) and how to access 
the actual values in the SSet.  Comparing them to find common nodes would be 
fairly easy if I just understood how to get to the SSets.

Say I have SSet "1201" and SSet "1202" and I want to compare them to see if 
they have any common nodes - the hard part is finding the right SSets and 
getting the nodes in them.

I remember going through this a while back when needing to access Block Names 
and never would have figured it out on my own.


-----Original Message-----
From: Utkarsh Ayachit [mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 8:48 AM
To: Dennis Conklin <dennis_conk...@goodyear.com>
Cc: Paraview (paraview@paraview.org) <paraview@paraview.org>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [Paraview] EXODUS: How to find nodes that are common to more 
than 1 sideset

Do you have a dataset that demonstrates this? It may be easier to figure out 
what could work with a sample dataset at hand.


On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Dennis Conklin <dennis_conk...@goodyear.com> 
> All,
> I want to search or query for nodes that are in more than 1 sideset, 
> as common nodes drive Multi-Point Constraints crazy.  I don’t have any great
> ideas.   Do any of you?
> Thanks for any hints you may have.
> Dennis
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