On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 15:13:51 +0300, Gena Bug via ParaView wrote:
> Now, with RC2, fontconfig warns me about blank section:
> Fontconfig warning: line 160: blank doesn't take any effect anymore. 
> please remove it from your fonts.conf

We're now using a newer fontconfig, so the fontconfig may be newer than
your system, so this is just fontconfig being more pedantic than your
distro. Looking at fontconfig, there's no environment variable to
suppress these warnings.

> However, that all -- no more new folder "fontconfig" in the running 
> directory. Thank you, that was really annoying!
> Also, lib-dynload is still missing in the lib/python2.7

Ah, the superbuild didn't get bumped for that fix yet. I'll do that

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