
we have a legacy implementation of a PV reader plugin which is patched into the 
PV code.

I want to refactor this approach to an external plugin.

In https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview-superbuild it says:
External plugins
The superbuild supports building more plugins into ParaView using the 
paraviewexternalplugins project. As an example, to build two external plugins a 
and b, the following settings should be used:
• enable_paraviewexternalplugins:BOOL=ON: Enables building using external 
• paraview_PLUGINS_EXTERNAL:STRING=a;b: The list of plugins to build.
• paraview_PLUGIN_a_PATH:PATH=/path/to/plugin/a: The path to plugin a's source 
directory. It must contain a plugins.cmake to be picked up by ParaView.
Sounds good, I assumed I have to add this via -D to the superbuild cmake, 
however it tells me
CMake Warning:
  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:

And indeed I could not find anything about this, not in the code and not with 

what do I miss? I there somewhere an example or documentation? Is this 
something new with 5.2?

Thanks for any help,


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