On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 13:17:37 +0000, Michel Rasquin wrote:
> Has anybody already tested successfully PVSB 5.2 from the install
> directory without loosing plugins and other module down the road?

Oh, running from the install directory? That's not really fully
supported. The reason is that we have 3 places ParaView ends up during
the superbuild:

  - the build tree
  - the install tree
  - the package

Getting it to work in all three on all platforms is not really feasible,
so we prioritize them as:

  - the package (because this has to work)
  - the build tree (so that tests can be run)
  - the install tree

It is best to make the package (ctest -R cpack-paraview-TGZ) and then
either run from _CPack_Packages/... or extract the generated tarball
somewhere else and run that. There is also `make install`, which should
also work just fine (it basically just does the packaging step to a
given directory and then doesn't actually make the package).

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