On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 09:37:47 +0100, Nabil Ghodbane wrote:
> - I am requesting USE_SYSTEM_hdf5 = OFF
> but looking as you suggested in superbuild/paraview/build/CMakeCache.txt, I
> Shouldn't this be FALSE ?

>From ParaView's point of view, it is using a "system" HDF5, but it is
being provided by the superbuild itself. It looks like it is finding the
superbuild's HDF5, so something else is going wrong here :( .

> Find attached, the CMakeCache.txt, How can I workaround this issue?

It will need investigation. I'll try and get to it this week.

> Find below some additional informations:
> -  it works on Ubuntu (I tried my own Python), but I need to stick to an
> older glibc :(
> - on a Debian node, it fails if I use my local Python installation, while
> trying to compile numpy: "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/sysconfig.py"

More information is needed to help with this.

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