On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 13:03:12 +0000, Amine Aboufirass wrote:
> It appears that the module is defined but it has trouble with some of
> the VTK submodules. I tried to import VTK on its own but since the
> modules inside make use of the old print statement (no parentheses)
> there is not a way to do this free from error. How do I get this stuff
> to import properly?

The ParaView binaries only support Python2. If you want Python3 support,
you'll need to compile ParaView yourself (unfortunately, the superbuild
is not set up to do this yet, so anything in there you need will need to
be managed manually). We do test ParaView with Python3 though, so it
should work once you have a Python3-compatible build.

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