Hi everyone,

I have posted this question some days ago but could not get any answer. Now
I am trying to explain it more.

I am using open source software LIGGGHTS, which uses DEM (discrete element
method), My simulation contains a cylinder and 4 bladed impeller which
rotates inside the cylinder. I have inserted 3 types of particles in the
cylinder and rotate the impeller which causes mixing of particles that
process is done using LIGGGHTS software.

Now for post processing, i am using ParaView. In Paraview, I can see the
particles mixed each other. but I want to find out the mixing status for
that purpose I want to use Subdomain based mixing index (SMI).

For SMI calculation, it requires dividing the domain into subdomains like
3D mesh and to find the total number of particles and number of particles
of each type in each cell of mesh/subdomain.

Please let me know how can I create these subdomains in ParaView?
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