Hello all,

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the Generate Ids filter in Paraview is
acting in an unexpected manner (currently using Paraview 5.4.0 installed
from Windows binaries).  For some reason, it generates point IDs higher
than the number of points on the surface.  The surface was extracted from a
larger surface using the threshold filter.  So the pipeline is:

   - Original Surface (19315 points) => Threshold Filter => Thresholded
   Surface (13383 points)
   - Thresholded Surface => Generate Ids Filter => Ids array has max Id of

I also tested this in the Programmable Filter using vtkIdFilter.  This gave
me a different result, the one I expected, where the max Id is 13382.
Since the underlying VTK class to Generate Ids seems to be vtkIdFilter,
this seems really strange.

Should this be the case and if yes, why?  Is there a way to force Generate
Ids to act like vtkIdFilter?

Thanks for your time,
Evan Kao
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