
Again, thanks again for the comment and sorry for missing the email. I am
checking my filter rules as this didn't get through to my inbox.

Your insight was quite right: it's all down to drivers. I've been working on
PV with EGL since then and I can get it all work under Ubuntu POWER8 NVIDIA
driver but not under RHEL. There seems to be a packaging problem in RHEL where
presumably an older or flawed version of EGL is shipped. I've been promised a
fix soon so I am waiting for this.

I've got access to two clusters with K80s and P100s and my intention is to run
EGL enabled PV on both of them. X-less config is ideal as I could make any node
act as a PV server. I'll keep you posted.

P-hacking again...
Sorry, but I think p-values are important.
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