Dear all, 

A while ago, I've initiated an internal project to export results from
my Finite Element solver (mechanical and thermal FEA's) and to visualize
it into Paraview
but I was quite overloaded and this topic has been postponed. 

Currently the format of my the solver is not a part of the list
and I'm thinking about the strategy to get the results, to perform
additional calculations, and finally to post-process it  into Paraview. 

_Nota_: I'm using 2D and 3D meshes, structures and unstructured ones,
with different element orders, and different type of results (nodal
values and/or cell ones). 

Some of the following questions have probably ever been asked, but: 

        * What is the best format to create a result file readable by
Paraview, especially for huge file? after some readings, VTK XML format
seems to be the most interesting (parallelization capabilities) compared
to the legacy VTK one, am I right or do ou have any other suggestion?
        * I'm still trying to figure out if xdmf and/or hdf5 format are
relevant, and if they are relevant for my application: any feedback on

The workflow I'm imaginating sounds like: 

            Intermediate calculations 



Raw data (ascii file) from my solver --> intermediate file in xdmf or
hdf5 format --> Paraview input file (depending on the reader) 

Any feedback, advice and suggestion will be highly appreciated 

(I'm quite new with Paraview) 


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