Hi, I'm trying to find a way to get the average value around a point in a mesh that I know to be noisy due to its coarseness. Currently, I am unable to understand determine the exact nature of the radius and number of point parameters from the documentation ( https://www.paraview.org/ParaView/Doc/Nightly/www/py-doc/paraview.simple.ProbeLocation.html ), but I am guessing from some third party posts that the radius enables one to find a point nearby to a desired point in a given region, and the number of points expands the amount captured. The problem I have past that, if those are correct understandings, is what to do with the probe once I have it. Looking at the resulting spreadsheet from using the probe location with a given radius and number of points each labelled from 0 to 99, for example, it seems that I may have to use another loop, after I introduce and use the probe, with code like


for y in range(0, 99):
my_running_total += mycalcprobepoint.GetPointData(y).GetArray('Result').GetValue(0)

my_running_total /= 100

that will take that batch of points collected by the probe and average all the values I want. Is this the correct interpretation, and a valid way to carry out this objective?
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