----- Original Message -----
From: "Wickline,        Bob (N-STERLING COMPUTERS CORPORATION)" 
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 6:17 pm
Subject: Re: [pca] EXTERNAL:  wesunsolve.net closed
To: "PCA (Patch Check Advanced) Discussion" <pca@lists.univie.ac.at>

> I submitted a SlashDot article about it but it didn't get promoted:
> http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&id=37475101

Yet another reason why I dropped oracle everywhere I could, and that means 
inside customer sites also. I really don't think the morons inside oracle have 
a clue at the size of the losses they inspire. I say "inspire" because you can 
only hate that company. Every hardware contract that was in place at two of the 
big three auto manufactuers has been killed. Every damn one. I know as a fact 
as I worked on the migration away from Solaris and Sparc over to SUSE Linux on 
one of those big auto's and the last stage is this year, killing off Oracle 
database, oracle weblogic, oracle webserver ( websphere ) and the products just 
keep going away. 

Seriously, Solaris is dead. 


ps: I should go kill blastwave .. it serves no purpose anymore anyways.  yeah 
.. done 

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